

  • I am in! I have hit a plateau but, I would love to go down about 4 lbs by July 4th! I am 5'11 3/4" and 151 lbs. For the first time in my life, I am a size 4! Before I had my two babies, I was a size 14, but they have been my inspiration to be fit and healthy. I would love if anyone friended me. I would love some amazon…
  • I ate some delicious juicy steak today... and then a delicious bowl of cereal.... then another delicious bowl of cereal... :(
  • Bump sounds amazingly delicious!
  • there is a popeyes and a burgerking right outside of my gym... I can't tell you how badly I have wanted a spicy fired chicken binge right after my workout. but, I'd rather eat something that fuels my body, and fills me up. I do see ladies leave my zumba class and walk straight over to burger king, though. I have lost 15…
  • congrats on getting started and having a considerate hubby! I hope that it is everything you need it to be! I love zumba, it burns calories so fast and is so fun!
  • I agree with Pseudocyber about the making a large investment in something down the road that you want to be in shape for. I recently had pics taken (tasteful....) for my husband's and my anniversary. I paid upfront back in Feb. I worked my butt off to get in shape for those pictures! I lost 14 lbs and looked pretty good,…
  • 5'11" and I love how everyone is putting their shoe size as well! :) I could have been a pro at bare foot water skiing at age 5! I finally grew comfortable with my size in my early twenties and instead of slouching, I now wear 4-5 inch heels as often as possible! I am Amazon! My husband is 6'2", so that helps. I remember…
  • thought that I posted last week... sorry! here is my weightloss so far. I am on a roll, and I am going to try to keep it up! SW 156 5/2 154.6 5/9 156.6 (damn you! vacation!!) 5/16 151.8 CW 149.6 GW 135
  • talk to your doctor. It could be your body's way of reacting to the Birthcontrol, or it could be more.... so, talk to your dr. I have been having issues like this for a few months now, and my doc and I still haven't figured out what exactly is going on... There are alot of parts of your body that can effect your period,…
  • keep watching what you eat and amp up the cardio to burn that beely fat. It is always the last to go! Zumba 3 times a week is what works for melting off that fat for me. 700-1000 calories in 1 hr can't be beat!!
  • I said no to eating the kid's snacks that happened to be in my purse while I was out. Instead, I worked out, and just waited until dinner... Those saved calories earned me a low cal dessert. :) yummy!
  • new workout clothes, or a new outfits if I go down a size. New shoes are fun too! :)
  • That was very helpful, thank you. and thank you all for the help about the flavors and tastes. I have a buddy that is letting me try a 2 packets of each, so that I can try out a few recipes. starting tomorrow..... duh duh DUHHHHHH! :)
  • I don't really care about the actual flavor part.... I am sure that I have had worse in just a protein shake..... I was wondering how everyone is liking how it makes your body feel, and any effects that you might have noticed..... I am mostly interested in taking it as a supplement, I don't really need to take it as a…
  • I didn't weigh in last week because I was on Vacation. My Weigh in for May 2 was 164.6 and weigh in for today is 156.6...... something about being on vacation and staying in a hotel that was walking distance from Little Italy.... I will be back on track now that I am home
  • Can I join in on this fun? CW 156 GW 146 already finished my 30 min and half of my daily water!
  • Sounds good! I think it will help me to stay motivated! CW- 156 GW- 135
  • Having fruit constantly available to snack on helps me with my sweet tooth.Or greek yogurt with fresh fruit. Also, I have recently discovered Extra Dessert Delights... It comes in flavors like Strawberry shortcake, keylime pie, and mint chocolate chip. At five calories per slice, it is a good way to get a little sweet…