Chrissynee Member


  • I say good for you .I never bothered to pay attention to the ads but as I opened your message there it was right next to it, an add for the Milky way. LOL.
  • I myself use the ellipitical machine . Usually only about 20 minutes a day. I have heard from a doctor that it is better on the knees, legs and back then a treadmill or bicycle. With using this and watching what I eat i went down 20 pounds in 35 days. Hope all goes well for you. Good luck
  • I mostly have problems with the cravings not actually being hungry.I am also heavy and I have 1390 cal a day ,I find that I don't eat most of my calories and have never gotten into my workout Calories. I only do about 20 mintues a day 7 days a week on my eliptical and I eat about 1000-1200 of my calories a day. I usually…