

  • THanks. I have resent my net calories at 1500, which seems crazy for a male who is 6'2 and weighs 250, but I'll try it. I think from my own n=1 experiment here that 'calories in, calories out' is hooey, and this probably has something to do with macros.
  • I generally eat back about 1/3 or 1/2 of exercise calories. I track exercise calories with a HRM.
  • *bump*
  • It's helpful if you read the posts first. I am using a food scale.
  • I measure the things that need to be measured (liguids, etc), and weigh the things that need to be weighed (chicken, etc). The only things I don't track are things like coffee/tea and lettuce. I drink a ton of water. I don't take measurements, but my pants are much tighter.
  • I can't give you advice, but I can tell you I am in the same boat. I am 6'2, 244. I have been following MFP's guidelines for over a month. The first week, I lost three pounds, and since then, nothing. I go round and round with the same two pounds, I measure and weigh everything, and I workout six days a week. I used a HRM…
    in Stalemate Comment by darbbb January 2014
  • Thanks. My wife is a personal trainer at the gym I attend. As for getting on the scale once a week....I think it would be MORE discouraging to wait a week, get on the scale, and see no movement. But that's just me. BB
  • Yes, I am weighing and measuring every single bite or swallow I put into my mouth. BB