

  • I TOTALLY feel you on this one, I had been plateaued after losing the first 4 pounds with 12 left to go and it was driving me crazy...Then I got the stomach flu and lost a couple pounds but I'm sure that it will come right back when I can eat normally again...Maybe the person who said you need a shock to your system is…
  • I'm not but my Grandmother and my little brother live there!
  • I'm doing the 30 day shred but I am not doing it every day, I do three days on then some other kind of cardio because my joints hurt and I feel like I'd be risking injury doing it every day...I completed day 10 today, but I actually started 2 weeks ago.
  • I have five kids 9 and under and fall into the same pattern! I end up eating late at night when everyone is asleep because of it...So I'm trying to have a little something at least every 3 hours now to see if that helps, like a Balance Bar, a banana with peanut butter...
  • I read that we aren't supposed to stay under our goal, that we're supposed to try to meet it? Eating back the calories that we burn and all that? I don't have tips because I just came off of a weekend of emotional gorging myself, but I'm going to do my best to keep tracking, either way, hoping that the friends I make on…
  • Are you afraid of success? I don't even know what that really means, but I hear it all the time as a reason why people "fail"... Although I don't think you're failing, because you're still working on it and that's what matters! I know that for me, my motivation ebbs and flows and my goal is to just keep stretching out the…
  • Maybe you should add back in the calories and make sure you're getting enough fat/protein with each snack or meal? I know I am much more satisfied when I am eating that way...
  • I'm on day 10 of the shred (I've taken 3 rest days since I started, plus two days where I did just cardio instead) and when I'm done I plan to keep doing it, but I want to add more minutes to my workouts as well...So I'll probably do it every other day (3 days a week) and then do 3 days of longer cardio workouts on my days…
  • that's a good idea!
  • Thanks everyone, it's good to know I'm not alone...I mean, I KNOW it's a common thing, but I'd never heard it put so bluntly... I guess awareness is the first step though.
  • Hi, I'm 31 as well and I have 5 kids. I've never been able to watch what I eat before, but this website has really helped me, even though it's only been a week, it's longer than I've stuck with it before!
  • I'm a size 2 some places, 4 others, and I'm only 5 ft tall...I buy my jeans from Old, they have a LOT of petite clothes online, I just try on styles in store then order the petite version of it online. I also have a few pairs from Walmart, they have some of their jeans in "short" and I buy those, if I can find…
  • haha, I remember when I was changing in a changing room and my daughter was about that age at the time, she poked me in the bum and said "Mommy, you are getting FAT", at that time I was losing the weight from my second, but STILL.
  • Thanks everyone, I think I just need to go grocery shopping because nothing seems good to me anymore. I went to taco bell and at most of a grilled chicken taco and half of a cheese quesadilla, it was really yummy and still only like 400 calories.
  • If I were you I would keep with MFP and watching what you eat 90% of weight loss is diet anyway, and maybe do some upper body stuff just so you are still devoting time to your physical well being each day, and if that's not comfortable either, maybe still set aside the time and imagine that you are working out. I know that…
  • thanks! I was thinking before midnight to the night before and after to breakfast, just so I have a "rule" to stay consistent because it can't matter THAT much I don't think.
  • Keeping a cooler or going to the grocery store and picking up easy fresh things like yogurt, fruits, premade salads...OR, you could just pick something and modify it at a traditional fast food place. I LOVE big macs and McChicken nuggets *blush* so I sometimes go there and get a big mac, take off the second meat patty and…
  • Of course! Now, I don't think I'd endorse an ALL ice cream diet, but I bet you'd even lose weight if that was all you ate as long as you didn't eat too much of it...I believe that moderation is key!
  • I was having the same problem until just recently. My twins are still nursing (they are 22 months old) and they wake up to nurse at 6 so I've just been telling myself "You're already up, just go do it" because I know it will be WAY easier to get it done while everyone is asleep. I have to get up to take the older kids to…
  • I've been doing this too, but I like to have my "formal workout" out of the way just in case!
  • I'm doing the 30 day shred, because I just cant spare more than 20 minutes a day consistently. I do it right when I wake up, I wonder if something like that would work for you, just do it first thing, even if it's not "the am"?
  • when I ate something from a place that isn't in the database, I just entered it as a similar place...I ate at a local fast food place yesterday, had a third of a quarter pound bacon cheeseburger with "special sauce"...So I just pretended it was from A&W because theirs has similar stuff on it I guess.
  • It wouldn't let me choose two because 1200 is as low as it goes and for my weight/height I can only lose .9 pounds a week at that amount of calories so I just chose one.
  • good for you :) I know that I just started 6 days ago but I've never stuck to a "diet" for 6 days in my life so it must be helping me!
  • I totally believe this! I am breastfeeding twins and I know that I used to burn a ton of calories doing it, but since September I gained 10 pounds! I think my body just adapted to it, the same way my husband can gain weight even though he spends 14 hours a day working and he works really hard, running, lifting packages,…
  • I'm also not quite 5 ft tall and I just started 5 days ago! Welcome!
  • I think you have to just take it one day at a time and remember that you have a little one who needs you to be healthy, and set a good example. I know what you mean about the scale, I've never had a full on eating disorder but I've definitely had some disordered eating and a scale obsession. I'm limiting myself to weighing…
  • great job! I don't have a lot to lose and it really seems like it's tough because I burn so many fewer calories compared to people with more to lose...I'm also doing the 30DS, although I was just on day 7 today. I haven't really seen any results yet but I'm going to keep at it!
  • It could be, but when that happens to me it's low blood sugar.
  • I just completed day six (with one rest day and one day where I did other stuff instead) and today I felt like "wow this is easier now"...But the first day I thought I would die, the second day I was sore, and the third day I couldn't straighten out my arms and took that rest day! Just keep at it and it WILL get easier!