

  • Oh, I am sorry for your loss. That is cruel, to die so young. I hope you have lots of happy memories of your friend that will help sustain you and motivate you. :flowerforyou:
  • Hello! My goal is to lose a stone before the summer. Not so I can look good in beachwear, but so I can get back into loads of clothes hanging in the wardrobe that are too tight at the moment. I also want to get my cycling confidence back after a fall in 2011. Yep, I'm a wimp, but it has taken me 15 months to even be able…
  • Good to see people being positive. My weight seems to have stabilised but I am eating well and have lots more energy. I am walking a lot more too. I'm waiting for a new dance class to begin in a couple of weeks and hope that an hour of dancing the Charleston will have some effect on my shape! It will be fun whatever the…
  • Thank you, erikacole. My boys have a real stubborn streak through them; wonder where they get that from, ha ha ha. They may be pains at times but I wouldn't swap them for the world. Big son is a real inspiration, he just cycled 400 miles to Paris for charity.
  • I ate too much chocolate and deserts last week and my weight increased as a result. I was really disappointed, but this week I am back on track with no choc or cake and trying to fit some extra exercise in each day. I had a bike accident on Christmas Day 2011, hurt my arm quite badly and was too scared to ride again. Last…
  • A BMI of 20 is a healthy weight. Why do you want to lose more? If you mostly eat a healthy diet and do plenty of exercise when you can, why stress out? Just my view. Obviously I do not know what height or shape you are, but I would be happy to have lost the weight and reached a healthy BMI. :smile:
  • That must have been an emotional meet for you both! I went for what I thought was going to be a short stroll with hubby yesterday afternoon, turned into a 50 minute march, including a quick sprint across a level crossing before the gates shut for a train to come through. Hubby is also trying to eat better and exercise more…
  • Hope you feel much better soon! I find that if I up my liquid intake, more water and more herbal tea, that makes me feel better when I feel a bug coming on. Being dehydrated can go along with cold symptoms and will make you feel more hungry, but you are actually thirsty. Not feeling right can make being active a real drag,…
  • I am staying within my calorie limit, doing lots of walking and drinking lots of water. Haven't had any chocolate or sweets since 19th Feb (except on Friday night, one small bar each week) and I really feel the difference. I can now get into a skirt and trousers I haven't worn for about a year! BTW how many on this forum…
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