

  • Hi, First of all congratulations on your success! I know how much commitment it takes to get there, I've lived it myself. To have done it in 14 months is impressive too I must say! Everybody must say it to you everyday how gorgeous you look now! It's a life changing experience which is totally worth it. By the way, we are…
  • I lost a deer who drank the gallon of milk and his head got caught in a car tire.... ;)
  • Well coffee makes you urinate more liquid than you take... and it's full of toxins. It takes 7 to 8 glasses of water to eliminate them... Just to mention, I don't have anything against coffee, I don't drink any myself, I just don't like it's taste! ;)
  • Hi, What I heard about coffee and tea, is that they shouldn't be counted in your daily water consommation, especially coffee, because it's dehydrating... Personnally, I drink 4 x 500 mL per day at least...and more when it's hot or I workout. I use my Nalgene 1L bottle everyday, it's more ecofriendly!
  • Hi there fellow canadians, Seems that I'll have to contribute to bring up the number of people from the beautiful province of Quebec!! I'm from the greater Montreal area and have been on MFP for 5 months now... but I started to melt my pounds 14 months ago. I still have about 40 pounds to lose, so I'll surely be sticking…
  • What I'm having these days is 1/2 cup of low fat cottage cheese mixed with fresh fruit such as blackberries, grapes, strawberries... it's great and fills you until the next meal! Sometimes, I go for an apple or an asian pear with a piece of low fat cheese. My recommendation is to always have a source of protein in your…
  • I love it too!!! It's been a real revelation to me... and now I've been doing it twice a week for 6 months! It helped improve my cardio, my muscles are getting more toned every session and I'm sweating incredibly!!! Feels good everytime even if it hurts! Keep it up!
  • Hi, I've been doing spinning in a gym for the last 6 months and the bikes we use are made by that same company. We are using the pro version, but I can't tell what's different from the one shown on the website. Personally, I like spinning very much, it's been a revelation to me! Makes a great complete workout and it helps…
  • Hi everyone, From what I've learned, I believe that your calories are also based on your metabolism, which is the energy your body needs per day to get running. That amount is at least 1200 calories, so that's why we shouldn't eat less than that amount. If you eat under 1200 calories, you'll go into starvation mode and…
  • I believe too that it depends for every person, because our body reacts differently. For me, I noticed it first on my butt, but mostly everyone noticed my face (which I wasn't seeing personally) that was getting thinner. Now I'm getting comments almost every day and it's a great motivation to keep on going! Just keep up…
  • Hi, Personnally, I felt it right away that I was losing weight because I wasn't doing any water retention and I was already a bit active. But it took a while before I noticed real changes changes on my body, like my clothes were getting loose. That mark was I would say at about 20 pounds. For my family and friends, they…
  • Hi everyone! I'm on the same quest... I've already lost 93 pounds in 10 months and I'm looking to lose 55 more. I can tell you that it is possible to lose weight, you just have to keep your motivation and determination and, most important, smiling!