

  • Incredible - I have PCOS too- so this was truly inspiring - thanks.
  • I think stress definitely can impact weight loss ... however you did not mention what exactly you are eating. If you are having a lot of sugar (even in breads etc.) it can totally mess with your body's ability to lose weight. SLeep is the same way (e.g., if you're stressed and not sleeping properly) .. it's crazy how much…
  • have you ever tried using a foam roller? I swear by it both before and after a work-out and do more foam rolling if I'm especially sore. You can use it for hip flexers too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cEaTbwrY5A
  • I find adding frozen fruit and making it more of a smoothie really helps with the chalky factor. I ever throw in some baby spinach in there for greens and you don't taste the bitterness because of the sweet fruit. My top choice is Isoflex vanilla. yum!
  • I tried cheaper alternative versions (without a chest strap) and found they were completely inaccurate and would constantly stop working during a work out .. and I tried many. The reality is the best way to determine your heart rate is by having the direct contact with your heart - it just gives you a much more accurate…