
I am struggling with really tight hip flexors, and hamstrings. I have researched the heck outta stretches, and I can do a lot of them, but I don't feel I am making the progress that I should. I am terrified of injury, so I do try to warm up/cool down/ stretch when appropriate. Just short of going to p.t. , anyone have suggestions? Thanks is advance!.


  • cmcorn26
    cmcorn26 Posts: 253 Member
    Have you tried yoga? I had good results with stretching when I did it.
  • AverageAngel
    AverageAngel Posts: 123 Member
    I do enjoy yoga! The Kate Potter series: Namaste is my favorite! What is your favorite?
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    For stretching I follow the P90x X-stretch dvd. It feels good :)
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member


    You can prop your foot against a wall if you don't have a bench.
  • AmyBoogie
    AmyBoogie Posts: 91 Member
    Yoga fixed me. But it wasn't the classes itself. I like the classes and I got hooked on Ashtanga but I was going to a regular class for a while (not Ashtanga) just for the stretching benefit and had some rough issues with my hip flexor popped up. I asked my yoga teacher for help and holy cow did it ever. I can't even describe the stretch she showed me and I haven't seen it online but it worked.

    I hope you find relief. I know how tough it is. Mine was almost debilitating.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    same issue here. that stretch that hendrix posted is good. as is this one


    the pigeon position in yoga is good too. also keep in mind that sitting a lot at desks can make the problem worse. if you work at a desk then definitely make sure to get up and walk around once an hour or see if your job can install one of the sand up work stations that you can use every now and then
  • emilymoxey
    have you ever tried using a foam roller? I swear by it both before and after a work-out and do more foam rolling if I'm especially sore. You can use it for hip flexers too.
  • AverageAngel
    AverageAngel Posts: 123 Member
    Oh ! I am in love with my foam roller!! lol.. I love the extended leg pigeon pose. In the kneeling position I have some patella pain. I will have to yoga classes. There is only one offered in my small town, it is pretty early in the a.m. <-- read that I am a night owl. When I am thinking about enlisting my husband's help by having him apply pressure when I am in a stretch. I remember my gymnastics instructor pushing on us to deepen the stretch.... too dangerous?
  • jparker0803
    jparker0803 Posts: 3 Member


    You can prop your foot against a wall if you don't have a bench.

    Will this help with stretching Shins too??