azuly24 Member


  • Stephanie, dont stop, keep going dont let mean comments from people that have no idea what you are going through get the best of you. People are always mean, and are looking for a weakness in you to feel superior over you, if it wasn't your weight it would be something else, so dont take it personal, its them who are wrong…
  • Most doctors will not ask you to loose weight, if you are too overweight they ask you not to gain weight during the pregnancy (which I find it hard to do). With my pregnancy I was already about 30lbs overweight. There came a time I think about the 3rd trimester when they asked me not to gain more than a pound a week. I…
  • I am 5 2" so I am pretty short. I've lost a little more than 30lbs and when I first lost 15lbs - 20lbs people at work noticed. My second chin was gone and i did look better overall. However my husband started to tell me he noticed when I've lost 30lbs. I am just a few pounds away at being at my healthy weight. Some people…
  • Order salads with cheese, salad dressing and croutons on the side. That way you can control the amount of calorie dense ingredients the salad has. By it self the lettuce barely has any calories and the chicken fills you up so its worth it.
  • I am 30 going on 22. I just started on this site 3 weeks and lost 7lbs so far, I am amazed! Any one add me so we can support each other. Saludos!