If you had/have a 100lbs to lose, when did people noticed?



  • It took me 15 pounds for people to notice
  • I get that same thing when someone said "your clothes are hanging off you." So I bought some new stuff and got many comments . Just to cheep and i know Im not at my goal so want to save my shopping for then. But just keep going you will get there.
  • DavidHusky
    DavidHusky Posts: 112 Member
    It took me buying new clothes that actually fit for people to notice.

    Same here.
  • HappyMeLovely
    HappyMeLovely Posts: 134 Member
    Last summer I started at 270 and lost 30 pounds before people started commenting (I gained most of it back), only the people close to me and 1 classmate really noticed but they knew that I was trying to lose. I chalk it up to people not being as observant and concerned with others as we may think. If only I had realized that in my early twenties at 165 pounds, I was soooo self conscious and thought that people were secretly being critical of me. The most important thing is that you take pictures and measurements of yourself so that you can see the change from the outside!
  • graceire
    graceire Posts: 323 Member
    I've wondered if its that people haven't noticed, or just haven't wanted to say anything yet. They might be wondering to themselves either "hmm, I wonder if so-and-so has lost weight...?" or "should I say anything, some people are a little sensitive and I don't know if so-and-so is one of those people..."?

    No one at work really said anything to me until about 40 lbs down. Of course, that's also when I finally bought some new clothes that actually fit me. But a few people said that they'd noticed, but didn't say anything at the time because they weren't sure about it (for one of the two reasons above).

    Also, people are notoriously unobservant in my experience and barely aware of the world around them...
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I was 85 lbs overweight and I started getting comments about my weight loss after I had lost 40 lbs. I took progress pics so I could see the difference. :smile:
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    I don't remember how much I'd lost when people started commenting. What I remember is that it took a lot longer than I thought it should.

    As nice as it is to receive complements, what is very exciting to me is that I have lost enough that I can see lots of changes when I look in the mirror.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I carry it pretty evenly and also when I was heavier I dressed in baggier things. It took about 25lbs for people to notice and I'm 5'6'
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    no one has said anything to me yet, and my clothes are getting really loose. In the past when I've lost it seems like 30-35 lbs is the point that I can fit into a size smaller, so that is usually when it is noticed.
  • crystalbishop5059
    crystalbishop5059 Posts: 19 Member
    My daughter noticed at 15 pounds and complained that her 'Mom pillow' was getting smaller. My co-worker said something today at 20 lbs, but he knows I'm working hard at losing.

    I'm thinking the 30-40 lb range is when people will really start noticing.

    I'm 5'10, SW 300. GW 185 (but 165 would be ok too, lol)

    Friend me if you like - I'm in this for the long haul!
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    At around 35 lbs.
  • helenbourgeois
    helenbourgeois Posts: 4 Member
    I have just hit the 30 pound mark and for the first time 2 people commented on my weight loss. You are almost there!
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    I've lost over 150lb and the first 35-50lb before people REALLY noticed any changes. Part of it also had to do with the fact that I still wore the same clothes for a while. It took quiet some time before I started dropping clothes sizes and even longer before I would go out and buy new clothes. Then once 100 pounds came off, and I started dressing differently peoples started acting like the weight loss happened overnight. As of late, although I have maintained the same weight for the last 3 months, I have bought new clothes people are still commenting at how much "I'm losing" even though I havent lost anything.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    I started out around 300 pounds or a little over last September, & I think a lot of people (mostly co-workers & customers) noticed when I got to around 250-260. The funny thing is family members barely said anything even though I had lost fifty to sixty pounds at the time. I had only one mention my weight loss at Christmas. I'm now 189 & usually have comments everyday.
  • becktacular90
    becktacular90 Posts: 55 Member
    I've lost more than that now and people haven't noticed yet... I think it's because I was so big when I started :( Fingers crossed it happens soon!
  • azuly24
    azuly24 Posts: 5 Member
    I am 5 2" so I am pretty short. I've lost a little more than 30lbs and when I first lost 15lbs - 20lbs people at work noticed. My second chin was gone and i did look better overall. However my husband started to tell me he noticed when I've lost 30lbs. I am just a few pounds away at being at my healthy weight. Some people will notice, some wont, but you will know, so keep doing it!.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    not one person accept my husband has noticed! I don't look pregnant any longer and nobody in my family has said one word. My family is full ofj jealous *itches
  • tootchute
    tootchute Posts: 392 Member
    This is a good Question I'm 5'3 and was 355, lost 52 but on but my husband and close family noticed. Is there anyone who can tell me if they will notice before I hit 250. I can tell but not by appearance just the scale and clothes.

    We went to a family reunion and everyone complemented my husband on losing weight and looking good, and my brother was a big guy almost 400 and is 328 now and they noticed but no one has said anything about me.
  • dale38fan
    dale38fan Posts: 16 Member
    I was at about 40 pounds before it really hit and people and they started talking. I still have quite a bit to go but I'm getting there. Keep up the fight, it will pay off.
  • tavenne323
    tavenne323 Posts: 332 Member
    Each time I attempt to lose weight, people start to notice at the 20 pound mark (I'm 5'10" and my heaviest was 260, recent lightest 214, current 224, goal 170). But I also wear more fitted clothes (always have, yoga pants, etc since I work with high school athletes). I lose a lot of "weight" in my face first...so I think that makes a big difference. People look at your face and that's what has always changed the fastest for me.