After 65 lb weight loss.. NOW being called fat?



  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    option 1: next time ask them "How do you do it? not get distracted by the sound of emptiness in your head?"

    option 2: kick them in the *kitten* and tell them to **** off for being stupid.
  • Rosplosion
    Rosplosion Posts: 739 Member
    The universe is testing your resolve. You know you want it. And you know it's the truth, you are big. I know I'm big too. It still hurts to be told so.

    When I get comments like that it want to go hide and cry too. But instead I try to use that as angry workout fuel. I hope you can move past these insensitive people, and realize there are usually very few people who are really worth caring about in this world. Hopefully some of those people are your family and are close to you.
  • misalillstead
    misalillstead Posts: 407 Member
    You look AMAZING... Don't stop! I can only echo everyone else... but you've come so far already, don't let negativity win!
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    Unfortunately we have to share this world with sh*tty people too.

    If people like those girls want to continue to be so miserable with themselves that they have to pick on others to feel powerful, then so be it. Pretty sad really.

    This is where you can learn to grow stronger and more confident in yourself. It does sting to hear things like that for sure! But keep taking care of you, and soon enough you'll realize how much more fantastic you really are.
    You're making amazing progress, keep it up!!!

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  • ice1200s
    ice1200s Posts: 237 Member
    You have come to far to let idiots like that derail you. You're a perfect example of hard work, determination, commitment and the results thereof. You've proved you can do it. Remember, this is for you, not a bunch of stupid people that are seeing results and either are now embarrassed or feel guilty. I can't wait to see more pictures of your progress. Can we count on that?
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    I would take the 'how do you do it' on running as a compliment. I know it doesn't feel that way, but you are awesome running like that!
    I NEVER got anything said about my weight when I was 330+ lbs, now that I'm 275 I'm hearing it all the time.
    As for this, I think people just consider over a certain weight kind of a lost cause, but you're getting smaller now and people feel free to be rude because you are not a lost cause maybe? IDK, I know that sucks, but just don't let someone else derail your hard work!!!

    Good luck and it's awesome that you've lost what you have.
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    You're doing this for you, not them!!!! You will feel better if you stop feeling sorry for yourself!!!! Don't let them beat you! Don't beat yourself...we've all made a million excuses to get us where we are, don't let stupid people be your excuse.

    Pretty sure those girls will fail in life if they continue to act that way, you will succeed in life due to your determination and strength to get through times like these.

    PS I think you look AMAZING! Congrats!:flowerforyou:
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    First thing first, you look GREAT! Secondly, f**k them all. Sorry, not helpful but this made me angry and I can't think of anything mature to say.

    The girls in the gym, just being *****y, some girls are like that. They can see that you're working hard and they try to shoot you down probably to make them feel better about their own insecurities. As for the kids, they are children and sometimes they say things without realising that it's mean, hopefully their parents will have had words with them about it. And your best friend probably has insecurities too, she probably wasn't trying to be mean (I read it like she was joking). Keep your head up and carry on, you have done fantastically well and the difference is dramatic!

    I couldn't have said it any better. Keep pushing girl and you are doing awesome!
  • steadk
    steadk Posts: 334 Member
    You look amazing!! and congrats for doing it in such a short time!!! It may just be how you're carrying your weight now versus before, but please stick with it! It's your body and your decision to be a HEALTHY person. We're here to support you!
  • Suzyqall72
    Suzyqall72 Posts: 105
    You look great! You've done a great job. I have been overweight my whole life, and I have been called fatty, pig, porky, etc. at some point or another. When you get older, people generally leave you alone, but I've heard it all. Those girls must have been really insecure to say those things to you. Next time just tell them your story. You've lost 65 pounds and have been exercising a while, and that's why you're so good at it. Or just ignore them and go about your business. Don't let it get you down. You have a whole world out there ahead of you, and it's your turn to live it. I hope you just put your head down and keep on going. You are an inspiration to the rest of us.
  • kewpiecyster
    kewpiecyster Posts: 154 Member
    I am so sad for you. Get back to the gym - you can do it! Don't let them change who you are and where you are headed. Your transformation so far is outstanding!

    I know how you feel. I have lost 78 pounds now - 75 before I joined MFP. I just finally hit under 300 pounds. I get it. People did not even notice I was losing weight until I lost the first 40 pounds (except hubby). I think this is because people just didn't notice me, period.

    They would look the other way - probably out of fear I would feel like they were staring. I trained myself to avert my eyes while walking down the street. This is something I am working hard at correcting...I have a hard time looking strangers in the eye.

    Now that I am under 300 pounds, I have been MOOed at, for ****s sake! I had a man screaming at me in the drive-through of Mcdonald's that I better leave some food for him. People are cruel.

    I have done all of my weight-loss here at home. I cannot imagine putting myself out there at a gym - so I commend you for doing this. You are inspiring me to get out there and push myself harder.

    Kill them with kindness. I liked the previous comment about answering them honestly - I also like the thought about those girls putting on a weighted vest and competing with you. That is a mental image I think I will hold onto - when others laugh about my efforts...I will imagine them trying to do it with 100 pounds strapped to them.

    Chin up - I think you look amazing!
  • CaeliGirl11
    CaeliGirl11 Posts: 108 Member
    You look absolutely AMAZING!!! So what were those girls doing anyway while you were kicking butt running?!? If all they were doing was standing there watching you run just to laugh at you, personally, I would have come back with a "No, I feel great, I just ran X # of miles, how bout you?" and walked my butt right past them with my head held high.
    I just can't stand people who think they're better than me just because they're smaller than me. I know people who would pass out from running in 2 seconds who are skinny as a rail. But me? I'm still at least 70lbs overweight and I can make it 4miles before I need a breather.
    Keep at it girl!! YOU GOT THIS!!! You posted this today and look how many people are behind you!!!
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,851 Member

    I'm the same, I never really noticed any comments when I was 303lbs+ but a few weeks ago I got a "there she blows" comment when I was walking past a group of lads in a club. In all honesty it made me laugh! I was like "i've lost 40lbs and you're making whale comments NOW?!"

    This is something our parents tell us, "people who feel the need to comment on others are trying to cover up their own insecurities". it's hard, but brush it off and use them positively. Like those girls in the gym, use it as motivation to run further and faster so you can be like 'yeah, i'm big but i'm still doing this!'

    I also think it helps to have a realistic (but not negative) body image. At 275 yeah, you're overweight... AND?! Acknowledge it and embrace it and then go do something about it.

    ^^^ Exactly this!!!!
    You are doing something about your situation, dont let those negative insecure women take that from you. Now you have put on 10lbs after all that hard work you put in because THEY are mad??? Clearly they dont have the will power, but you do. Get back at it, take care of you. Giving up isnt going to make the situation any better, its only going to make you more unhealthy. You're doing great, MFP is here to help. YOu may be 275 today but you can be 265 next month, and with continued dedication be 175 before you know it. YOU have goals, so no one else should matter.
  • speedgoose
    speedgoose Posts: 295
    Wow, this breaks my heart.

    Some things that I've learned in my short 25 years of life:

    1) People enjoy hurting each other - whether it's their own insecurity or just instinctual malice, people are very, very quick to trample on other people.

    2) It's ok to be down - for a little bit. Obviously, the things that they've said are going to upset you, they'd upset anyone! Be sad/mad for an hour or two when things, then forget it.

    3) You have to be doing this for YOU. Really work on that one, because once you have the mindset of losing weight for YOU, the perspective of other people won't matter. In fact, it will be laughable.

    I hope this helps, and I hope those girls get fat. =)
  • lesteidel
    lesteidel Posts: 229 Member
    My usual response is "and aren't you ashamed a fat girl is in better shape than you? What does that say about you?"

    It happens, people can be cruel. Don't let it bother you. The cruel people are usually taking their own insecurities out on you. Very few women are completely comfortable in their own skin, and unfortunately, some tend to make themselves feel better by being cruel. My usual response is to say something equally mean. (It's not nice, but it's become a running joke at my gym that the "fat girl" can outrun most of the "fit people" ) Own it, and go on with your day and know you did a proper workout while they were too busy judging. Which one is more healthy at the end of the day?
  • azuly24
    azuly24 Posts: 5 Member
    Stephanie, dont stop, keep going dont let mean comments from people that have no idea what you are going through get the best of you. People are always mean, and are looking for a weakness in you to feel superior over you, if it wasn't your weight it would be something else, so dont take it personal, its them who are wrong not you. People bully other people because they themselves are insecure and unfortunately being overweight is something that they can see right away. Yes I've been called pregnant before by people who mean no harm but offend of course, but you just keep going.
    GURLEY_GIRL3 Posts: 347 Member
    you shouldve said.."Cause Im a bad b@tch!! thats how I do it!"
  • LoveMyLife_NYC
    LoveMyLife_NYC Posts: 230 Member
    Look at the huge smile on your face in the second picture. Why would you let a couple of airheads ruin your progress? You have to live with yourself - do what makes you happy!
  • :noway:

    I can't believe anyone would say that to anyone!!! Seriously, how rude!

    Personally, I think you look amazing! Please remember that while those people are unbelievably rude, you are strong. If you were to challenge one of those girls to a see-who-can-workout-the-hardest duel you'd win. Oh, and you win at life because you are making positive changes.

    Keep at it. Do it for you. You've got this!
  • martinmax
    martinmax Posts: 32 Member
    stop complain and start losing weight again , so you can prove them wrong . Those girls should be your motivation not a reason to complain here .

    Move your *kitten* now and loose another 60lbs :)