After 65 lb weight loss.. NOW being called fat?



  • degan2011
    degan2011 Posts: 316 Member


    You are doing an amazing thing for yourself and it shows!! you look fabulous!!! and YES it is worth it to keep going for YOU, not for or because of anyone else. and don't let them control you and how you feel about yourself.

    On a side note, I would work on a good comeback for those two (insert swear word of choice here). Head right back to that gym and keep going. You have every right to be there.
  • betsybug818
    Please, don't quit. You've gotten rid of so many pounds, that is in and of itself an accomplishment.

    I think there is a very sick reality in this country that when a person reaches a certain size due to morbid obesity, the comments (of any type) slow down or stop. People avoid all contact - even the sick insults.

    In some crazy way, people who make these comments to you (and posters above/below) who've lost so many pounds feel safe doing so because you've moved from obese to "fat", whereas before, they might never have commented. I'm not saying it's right or even fair, but they feel more comfortable to do it now than before.

    I'd go back - you're too strong not to retreat now! Besides, if they attempted to say it again, I'd answer them, "Yeah, I'm building my endurance so that the next time you make a crack, I won't get too winded when I kick your a**."
  • jessannprice
    jessannprice Posts: 183 Member
    You're doing amazing. You look great! You keep working out and don't let ignorant fools stop you.

    Don't try to understand other people's cruel nature. You don't want to be on their level. Being ugly on the inside is far worse than being overweight any day.

    Add me if you want. :)
  • BeantownSooner
    Maybe, just maybe they really wanted to know. Perhaps they can't do what you do and had some curiosity on how they can make themselves better as you have done. I know, that's probably a stretch. I've always answered these things as follows:

    "Well, I could only walk a (insert distance) mile (insert #) months ago before I lost (insert) lbs!" "Slowly but surely I'm improving day by day!"

    Most people will commend you on your progress and maybe your positive attitude will rub off on them, even a little bit.

    Keep up the good work and don't let others effect that.
  • bahls24
    bahls24 Posts: 32 Member
    First of all I would like to tell you are doing a wonderful job keep up the good work.For those people that said that to you they are jealous.They are scared of competition, and that you will be looking a whole lot better than they are.I have had this problem with my coworkers,sad to say.Please dont stop what your are doing you look great!!! Stay on track and disregard what anyone say about NEVER GIVE UP!! FITNESS IS A JOURNEY NOT A DESTINATION
  • Syriene
    Syriene Posts: 238
    I don't think those girls are happy with themselves to be picking on someone else. You have come so far, don't give up now. You look great and should be proud of your accomplishment.
  • AmoreCouture
    AmoreCouture Posts: 255 Member
    Don't let it hold you back, you will for sure regret it if you do. Just use it as motivation. You have lost a lot of weight and it really shows.
  • bammer4560
    You look great. Keep going and don't listen to any negative comments.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    You can't control what *kitten* flies out of assh0les .. but you can control how it makes you feel.

    You are doing AMAZING. Keep it up. Just remember, you are doing this for you!!!
  • Stinkerbelle84
    Hi I may be 25 yrs older than you but don' t let any of the skinny mini S for brains at the gym play with your mind , Its not worth it you have done amazing keep it up . My daughter is 25 we go to the gym together and she always tells me get in your zone and do your workout it does not matter what other people say I have 40 lbs more to go and I wont let a couple of bubble brains get me down unless they are both personal trainers they know nothing about me . So my advise to you is keep up the good work and make it fun !!! If you don't mind a Mom being your friend feel free to add me .:) Theresa

    This may possibly be the best response I have read in a long time ;)
  • mkusafr
    mkusafr Posts: 3 Member
    For ever mean comment heard, there are two positive ones not being said or heard. I have always looked up to woman who are larger than me working out at the gym. The courage and strong spirit they have! I know how HARD it is for me to take care of myself, to force myself to go to the gym, to try to stop smoking, to avoid emotionally eating, and how I beat myself up so much... and I don't get comments from others about my outward appearance. I so admire those who have a longer road under more outside scrutany and less support than me. You are an inspiration. You look happy in the after photo! Keep it going and continue to be an inspiration to me and others!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I'm sorry you had these experiences. It's a harsh world, and some people are *kitten*. There's nothing you can do about them. Believe it or not, if someone wants to tear you down, they're going to find a reason even if you're model-thin and a perfect ten. Just remind yourself that people like that are probably pretty miserable living in their own skin.

    You're doing great. Get back on track and back to feeling good.
  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    1-you are BEAUTIFUL! You have done amazingly well.
    2-you have EARNED the weight you have lost.
    3-easier said than done, but put the negative crap people say out of your mind. You deserve to be healthy and some ignorant twinkie at the gym can't take it away from you.

    Most people aren't so awful. I'm sorry you got dumped on so much. But please don't let it derail you.
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    I dont know what to do... I feel like its pointless to continue.

    Look at your pictures again. Does it really feel pointless to continue? You are doing wonderful things for your health, not just your appearance. Those girls at the gym, will always have negative attitudes, you won't always have the bigger body you are in. Why? Because you are working your *kitten* off (literally) to get in the best shape you can be in. For your confidence and for your health.

    It's hard to let it go, but hold on to those negative thoughts and you will eventually agree. Don't let people do that to you. Chin up, get back to moving. A 65lb loss is an incredible achievement, don't let anyone else make you think otherwise.
  • Jewelsfla
    Jewelsfla Posts: 41 Member
    You look amazing!

    ETA: I bet more people think positively about your image and beauty than the few idiots who say negative things. Remember, for every 1 person who makes a negative comment, there's probably 100 who would make a positive one.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    DON'T QUIT! I was in Costco one day and a fat lady asked when my baby was due! I was pissed! I found this site that same day.....:explode:
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    I feel like its pointless to continue.

    You are correct. It is pointless to continue, since it appears you're not doing this for yourself, for your health, and for your future. If you care what everyone else thinks about you more than the actual impact it has on you, then you should quit - it is all just a waste.

    That being said, you simply need to handle the comments differently. "Yes, I did want to pass out when I first started working out. Since then, I've lost 65 pounds and I'm not going to stop," and if they're not genuinely asking, tack something like this on: "What have you ever accomplished?" You can't really get upset at what kids say. They're kids. And if they're snotty kids, it could be a parenting problem. Still, you can't fix that and it's probably not their fault. For those who don't believe you or truly want to know, you could show them your before picture as well - keep it on your cell or in your pocket, whatever.

    But then, do whatever you want. I know how I feel now compared to a couple years back, and I couldn't care less what other people think of my weight. But that's just me.
  • PLoveElliott
    PLoveElliott Posts: 114 Member
    People can be mean....I know it is easier said than done, but try and stay focused on the progress that you have made. You look amazing and have come so far. Don't allow mean people to get in the way of what makes you feel good and your goals.
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    OMG, you look incredible! Those girls have there own insecurities to deal with and sometimes they push all that negative crap out into the world to make themselves feel better. You have to own your own story, not there's. Don't let that be your excuse to stop doing what has, up til now, worked for you! You deserve to be happy, you deserve to love yourself for all that you have accomplished ~ HAVE YOU REALLY LOOKED AT BEFORE AND AFTER? That is a huge difference! Go back to the gym, if you don't THEY win.
  • Rosa1213
    Rosa1213 Posts: 456 Member
    I cannot even articulate how awful these stories make me feel.

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't give up. You go back to the gym and work hard. You buy yourself a damn bathing suit.
    Feel proud of who you are and what you have accomplished, because you are a strong woman.