

  • welcome , it is easier when you have people to talk to and we understand ,
  • I would love a copy too if it's no problem , e-mail address is teparr@ns.sympatico.ca Thanks ElsieMae
  • This site helps , keeps you on track ,I find , the people are the best because they are trying to loss too , we all have the same goal , a healther, better you . keep it on track is what I find helps ,
  • I always had a problem eating breakfest , but I find if I eat protein it helps , I try to eat 2 eggs and 2 slices turkey bacon , and a snack mid morning , not because I am hungry ,my doctor tells me to eat 3 meals and 2 snacks , so I find it helps , I am trying to stay away from bread , I could it a loaf a day ,
  • I have 4 , 3 on my right leg( dragonfly and 2 butterfilies) and 1 on the left (mickey mouse )I want another one but having trouble finding something that i really like , It will hit me some day ,
  • i think you should count it , if you are moving and busy isn"t that exercise , keep moving , you are using energy and it's all good . And if you enjoy it thats a bonus , they say you should find something that you like and do it , Keep moving , Have a Great Day
  • I know what you are going through , I was put on meds 25 yrs ago , and in 3 months I gain 87lbs , I never had a weight problem until then , only weighting 112lbs , I have been off the meds now for 3 yrs and it is still hard for me , I lost 50 lbs 2 yrs ago , and gained it back after lossing our mom , so i am back on the…
  • good question , I don"t know , I do know that when I am over my allowed calories ,when I exercise it brings my total down , I was always told you have to burn carlories to loose weight ,so I am really glad you asked the question , sorrry i am no help but thanks for bring the question up .,
  • I know what you mean , I lost 50lbs 2 yrs ago , then our mom passed and acouple months befor her our uncle , I was doing really well then when this happen I kinda forget about alot and started to eat and not exercise , but know I am ready to move forward , I want to feel better and have more energy , Our mom and uncle both…