

  • I find that when I diet I have the opposite reaction. I'm hardly ever hungry, and I tend to eat too few calories. I signed up and started monitoring my caloric intake, and found that I was averaging only 1400 calories a day. I have upped my intake to a "healthy" 1800-1900 calories a day, at least on non-work days. I still…
  • I've only been doing it for 2 weeks so far, but I tend to just fill it in after I eat or exercise. I'm averaging less than 1500 calories/day so far, so it's working for me.
  • I just made up a bunch, ground turkey, salt, pepper, garlic powder, onions, and a splash of worcestershire sauce.
  • I drink whole milk, but usually not by itself. I use it mostly in coffee or cereal. Never understood why people are willing to pay the same for 2% milk as I do for whole milk (3.25%). If I want 2% milk, I can always water down the whole milk myself.
  • Like others have previously posted, try not to keep these items in the house. If you want to snack, then try fresh fruit or vegetables to munch on. I like to keep carrots, and apples available all the time. Nothing beats apple slices and peanut butter for a delicious quick snack. If you like flavor in your drinks you can…
  • I have tried this diet, and it does work. My mother sent it to me after my heart attack. The diet was designed to help heart patients lose weight before surgery, and is not recommended for any other reason. You will lose weight every time you use it, but it is not healthy for the long term. Slow and steady is best, as I am…
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