Cutting out Chips, Soda, Chocolate..All Junk food!



  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    I guess no Pop-Tart Ice cream sammiches for you.
  • 37434958
    37434958 Posts: 457 Member
    I've gradually cut back over the years on junk food, but didn't really get rid of the cravings until recently. I did the BluePrint cleanse for 3 days in January and my cravings for junk food are almost completely gone. I haven't had a kettle chip or ice cream in months, and I've had one cheeseburger and a handful of fries since (these used to be something I'd eat daily). I still eat chocolate, but only dark chocolate and in much smaller amounts. Since the cleanse, most of the things I used to crave look unappealing. It's not for everyone, but it worked for me. I'm steadily losing weight because my habits are changing.

    Good luck!

    Thanks! And good work!
  • 37434958
    37434958 Posts: 457 Member
    I guess no Pop-Tart Ice cream sammiches for you.

    Never had a pop tart :P
  • jimgatewood
    jimgatewood Posts: 86 Member
    Seems to me the question is are you willing to make that commitment. If so, then just do it. If not, then I would think it's like the rest of your menu, portions.
  • cryswest57
    cryswest57 Posts: 141 Member
    My goal is to eat as "clean" as I can (although it won't be perfect) for the rest of this month until Easter (March 31). I don't plan to do this forever, but I want to try it out. I know from experience that when I do eat "junk" again to take it slowly in order not to gain it all back. This is what I did once before, and I didn't gain anything back.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    What others have said on here is true--you can still have these things in moderation for sure. That said, I am totally forsaking all of what you've mentioned as well as coffee, caffeine, meats, soy products and dairy too for the next 90 days and hopefully for the rest of my life. The only exception is chocolate. I am treating myself to the most awesome chocolate I've EVER eaten in over 50 years of being on this earth! It's called:

    100% Artisan Raw Organic Cacao Bliss Coconut Butter :bigsmile:

    I've always eaten the Artisan 100% raw coconut butter, but honey this stuff is fabulous and filling too!

    It's coconut butter made with raw organic cacao (which is chocolate) and not only is it super chocolately yumminess, but it's good for me too. I treat myself to 2 tablespoons per day or when I have a chocolate desire. This also helps bump up my NET cals and good fats too!
  • scjl132
    scjl132 Posts: 85 Member
    I've been debating throwing out the sugar, but, I don't want to (quite yet anyway). I know I feel better without the copious amounts I was eating but I do like that Reeses Peanut Butter Cup or Mountain Dew on a very regular basis. Kudo's to you for making the decision to eliminate the empty calories!!
  • femmefae
    femmefae Posts: 65 Member
    I cut out my vices (soda, french fries, chips, etc.) for Lent and I've been doing well with it despite being a college student in a dining hall full of temptation. Personally, I plan on eating junk food regardless of my lifestyle because it's all about moderation. That's it really.
  • odddrums
    odddrums Posts: 342 Member
    I'd second everyone who said just stop buying it and keeping it in your house. Having a pitcher of water in the fridge [or a filter pitcher if you prefer] helped me cut out soda because I would just drink that when I was thirsty. I also stopped buying alcohol because my roommates would end up finishing everything I'd bought before I had a chance to get some :P

    One thing to do is just buy more veggies and skip any chips, cookies, crackers and all that. I cut up portions of peppers and carrots on my off days and bag them up, then they're ready to go once I'm hungry and lazy. It takes getting used to but eventually you're full and it only gets easier.

    A last little perk or motivation tool is see how much you were spending on soda and junk by looking at past receipts from the grocery store, then taking that money and putting it into a jar, then at the end of the month see how much you've saved and spend that on something fun. This is an old trick I've seen a lot of smokers do to help motivate them to quit.

    There's no single thing that makes it easier, I've found it takes a number of things but once it becomes habit you never worry about it again. I haven't bought a bag of chips or a 12-pack of soda in years. I still have one when I go out now and then or if I feel like it, it just makes it more of a treat.

    Good luck!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    First step: Do not keep them in your house. Period. If you have family that loves them, too bad. They can get their own snacks when they go out. Harsh, I know, but just having them in the house means they're easy treats that you're used to eating. You'll still get cravings, at least I do, so when that happens I buy the smallest portion I can find. For example, I crave salty and crunchy things, like chips. So when that hits me, I go get a single serve bag at the gas station, and that usually does it. That way, I get something that shuts that craving up but I don't have a large bag in my house that I'll sit and eat on all day.

    Something that helped me cut down on soda was not having an in the house, then ordering tea whenever I'd eat out. I go for unsweet if I have my sweetner with me, otherwise, half sweet and half unsweet. Once I started doing that, I drastcly cut my soda intake so now, I will occasionally get one when I eat out, depending on where I'm at, but most of the soda I drink is on game nights and that's it.

    This is good advice. That said, I live in a house full of children and a hubby that loves these types of things and are all slim and trim and healthy. So for me, this isn't an option (getting rid of all of the junk), I have just had to and want to and must daily put on a stiff upper lip and say NO, thank you anyway! It's going to be like that for me anyways as I go to friends and family's homes and occasions, where these things are going to constantly be within hands reach. I've just made up my mind that these types of foods and drinks are what folk eat and drink and more power to them, but for me...they don't work nor help in my reaching my ultimate goal--not just of mere weight loss, but of self-control and living a more healthier anti-S.A.D. (Standard American Diet) for myself.

    I'm not judigng these foods nor the people that indulge in them. I'm judging myself. I've had many many MANY years indulging myself in these foods and the S.A.D. lifestyle and now it's time to say so long to that way of living and eating and Hello and welcome to a new lifestyle of organic fruits, veggies, Hemp Protein and when my body calls for them organic grains, seeds and nuts and perhaps sometime in the future some humanely raised and vegan fed meats, dairy, eggs and wild raised Salmon & Fish and poll caught and trolled tuna. So, Yay to you if you stop and yay to those who don't--everyone is different and must (or should) follow their spirit in what to eat, drink and how to live--judging themselves, instead of others. It's hard--but not impossible:wink:
  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member
    I lLOVE sweets, and other junk food, but have tried rela hard to just back way down. I don't drink regular Coke anymore. I am eating three reasonably meals with snacks in between, like apples, protein bars, oatmeal, carrot stick, small oranges, etc. Good luck. I still eat cake at family gatherings, just a smaller piece. I can still stick a sheet full of cookies in the oven, but share them with coworkers, instead of eating them all! I wish you all of the luck, strength, and courage in the world. It's tough, but the benefits are good.
  • laurencal
    laurencal Posts: 3 Member
    Frozen grapes are a great dessert alternative! I love ice cream and sugary cereals, so it's hard for me to completely cut those out. But I noticed when I snack on frozen grapes, I crave those bad foods less.
  • I did this for two weeks and fell hard when I allowed myself to have some. I think if you're going cold turkey, you gotta go for however long it takes for you to stop craving junk before you dip back in. Good luck!
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hello everyone!
    I really want to cut out Chips, soda's, chocolate, and everything called Junk! I wanted to ask if any of you have any advice or if any of you had success with this?? Thanks y'all! :heart:

    I forgot to add! ( Ill be eating some of what the above on saturday's but also in moderation. )

    I cannot eat moderate chocolate or chips, lol! Thats why I thought discipline will be good for me.

    I eat chips--organic blue potato chips--on my heavier exercise days. I eat lightly sweetened chocolate (I make it myself with unsweetened baker's chocolate and glucose instead of sucrose--don't ask why unless you want to be bored with bio-chem). I also eat that on my heavier exercise days. I need the extra calories on those days. When you eat more nourishing food, you are satisfied with a LOT less. I do not eat sucrose nor do I eat wheat (again, the bio-chemistry is important to me) and it leaves a lot more room in my diet for more nourishing fare. I find that the more well-nourished I am, the less I am inclined to binge on anything. But cutting out sucrose is important because sucrose (and specifically, the fructose portion of it) has an "anti-satiety" effect. Chocolate, as long as it is lightly glucose-sweetened, is non-addictive AND it is actually GOOD for you, believe it or not. It is one of the few food substances that actually helps your body to repair damaged DNA. Green tea has similar benefits. :smile:

    p.s. I can't think of a healthy substitute for soda. Best to just cut it out. The phosphoric acid that it contains is bad for the teeth and bones anyway. I drink a LOT of water with a squeeze of organic lemon in it (and because it is organic, you can throw the peel right in your glass of water where it takes up the d-limonine--which is good for knocking off stray bacteria and viruses in the body).
  • I really believe that moderation is the key. keep up the good work.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    No chocolate??? :sick: Can't live without it!! :bigsmile: Moderation. moderation. :happy:
  • 37434958
    37434958 Posts: 457 Member
    Lol Christianwife SO TRUE! <3
  • I am a coke a holic! I love my soda, especially in the morning, but I know how bad it is for me. So, instead of eliminating it all together, I cut back from 4 to 1 a day. Giving it up all together is only asking for failure. Best of luck!
  • taalcorn
    taalcorn Posts: 6
    Like others have previously posted, try not to keep these items in the house. If you want to snack, then try fresh fruit or vegetables to munch on. I like to keep carrots, and apples available all the time. Nothing beats apple slices and peanut butter for a delicious quick snack. If you like flavor in your drinks you can do what I did. I purchased several flavors of the MIO water flavors. They have 0 calories, and there is a lot of variety. For the purists out there, I know they have sucralose as a sweetener, but it is much better than all the sugar you get in soda. I was a junk food binger for years, and now I am trying to eat healthier.
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    I don't believe in cutting stuff like that out, maybe it's just me, but if I did that I would only end up bingeing on them later.
    My problem was I would eat those things in much larger quantities than their serving sizes. Now, I measure out or take out the serving size and allow myself to enjoy it.
    Moderation is key.