jellis1388 Member


  • Hi! I would love to keep this chat going. I also have emotional eating. I have been raw vegan since 8/1 (53 days) and my family is having NY strip steak tonight. I am finding myself having extreme anxiety over this. This is totally new for me. I’m anxious if I give in, will I get sick? If I give in, will I be able to stop?…
  • Hi everyone! I would LOVE to connect and be each others support. We have so much daily life stressors it can be hard and lonely following the “healthy” lifestyle. I will reach out to those who have already posted. Any others, Reach out to me and I will connect with you! :)
  • Hi VegjoyP! I love reading your post. Everything you eat is what I eat! I just introduced non raw back into my diet yesterday. I baked a bunch of veggies. It was sooo delicious but I did feel different eating it vs eating raw. I felt heavy and bloated. Today I had some homemade veggie soup I made and for dinner I had a…
  • Hi! I was just trying to clean out my system. It was a full body cleanse and each supplement targeted a different organ/part of your body. I do feel cleaner and healthier. My doctor did not prescribe it. I know I know I should have talked to her about it. I’ll be seeing her at the end of the month which I can’t wait for…
  • Hi Maggie! What an amazing story of transformation. You have to be so proud of yourself. Losing weight is not easy, especially when our brain fights us. So happy for you and blessed that you want to help inspire others! I am on a path to lose 100lbs. I started my journey 8/1 and down about 20lbs. I did a full body cleanse…
  • Thanks for the info! I appreciate your support. Yes, I am aware of the deficiencies and have been in contact with my doctor about this. I have done a lot of reading and research but it is always great to hear others knowledge. Because I am more strict about this diet right now due to a cleanse, I know when I am finished I…
  • Yes I can see that happening. I know I will go back to eat some non raw foods. But I plan on incorporating this eating more often throughout the week. But I am happy as vegan.
  • Hi!!! Would love to connect! Please reach out. For some reason I am not able to add anyone.
  • Hi! I have been raw vegan since 8/1/23 so still new to it. I am starting a 50 mile walk challenge this month for the American Heart Association. Fingers crossed I am able to do it. I bought a dog stroller so my 14 year old pup can also join me :). I would love to connect with other whole plant fooders. I really like this…
  • Hi welcome! Would love to connect and support each other!
  • Hi! Let’s connect and support each other!
  • Hello! Love to be friends! How do I add you?
  • Welcome! Feel free to send me a message
  • I would love to be added as well ... opening this up to all of you
  • Feel free to message me!
  • Don' have crohns but I do have celiacs. (Not the same I know but thought we could still kind of relate)
  • I always get compliments on my eyes and smile... and get told by females they want my two girls lol.
  • Me me meee! Please add. I would love to chat with people
  • Anyone is free to add me!! Would love to chat and connect with people.
  • Hi there! I'm Jen, 28 from NY and I would LOVE to have accountability partners. I've also wanted to maybe create some work out partners... where we just plan on working out at the same time to help have some more accountability. I'm looking to lose 60-80lbs. I lost 60lbs 2 years ago and i am back at it :) Please add me ...…
  • Hi all! Feel free to reach out to me if you want a new friend. I would love to support each other! (I would reach out to u but it keeps giving me an error message) Hope to hear from you soon!
  • Hey! Would love to add people but it gives me an error ...please reach out! Thanks
  • So I tried adding you... my screen keeps flashing or it gives me an "error" and stated it cannot process my request
  • I would love to add you but every time I attempt to the screen keeps blinking... the app had been doing this to me for days now! Please add me or send me a message ... would love to chat:)
  • Jen from Upstate NY! Would love more friends, please reach out
  • Good luck to all you ladies with PCOS. I have found it to be helpful to watch carbs and SUGARS! Even adding sugar substitutes can delay weight loss. Also, soy products have seem to be helpful for me. I find myself do well with soy based products and using soy flour. Corn/potato/rice startches can also delay weight loss.…
  • Victor:) not far at all! Congrats on your weight loss! I lost 60 lbs about 2 years ago and since then I have been through surgery, and life stresses.... and have gained it back. I am really hoping to start Monday and be serious this time. Now that summer is over... hopefully it will be easier. I need to cut back on the…
  • Hey all! I tried adding some of you but I keep getting a server error :(. Anyway, I'm just coming back onto this app and I would love to meet new friends as many of the ones I had before are inactive. My name is Jen, I'm 27 and from NY Would love to hear from you <3
  • Hey all! I am just starting to come back onto this app and I would love to meet some new friends. Please feel free to add me and send me a message! Look forward to hearing from you <3