

  • who cares how much it costs as long as it works!!! How much running are you doing now? I alternate between the treadmill for running and the elliptical....mostly 45 mins but goal is 60mins....
  • I just googled gazelle, its a glider/elliptical...I did my elliptical today 50mins, 560 calories burned, 97 carbs was a tough workout....will alternate between running on treadmill and elliptical 5-6 days a week 50-60mins.....Thanks for the ambition that I needed, this winter has been a tough one and its hard…
  • what is a gazelle?
  • you look awesome! congratulations...Keep up the good work....Let me ask, how much cardio and strength training did you do to look so great...what did your workout schedule consist of?
  • Allie, I see that you have lost a lot of weight. I have been posting to find out how often people work out a week and what type of cardio and/or strength training. I have been on MFP for over a month and show minimal weight loss but have not been doing cardio. My husband on the other hand has been doing MFP and cardio…
  • How much cardio or strenth training or both are most people doing on MFP? and are you NOT eating your calories from working out?
  • You must be a resident or attending? Yes, they all make a stop by our floor because they know we have those great overnight snacks...When they start the day rotation and cannot fit into any of their dressup clothes, they all wonder why!
  • oh yes I forgot to say that a zip lock bag of cut up fresh veggies are always good...For some reason, I am always looking for a crunch at night, probably because everyone else is eating those yummy chips!!!!! Also, when I am tired, especially when I come home in the morning, I crave carbs like you wouldn't beleive, and…
  • Hi, what kinds of snacks do you bring in for the overnight shifts?
  • I would still do what your body is used to, but just make sure its light, yogurt, salad with light dressing, fruit and lots of water. Take a look around at what other people are eating at 1-2am, full meals!!! ..Half the time, I am so busy that I leave in the morning with my yogurt still in my bag.. I also will not weight…
  • I just finished my 3 12's, had a glass of wine last night, slept pretty well and now trying to get my energy to work out...On cup #3 of coffee....Are we all RN's?
  • I know exactly what you mean! 12 hr overnights are hard especially when your workmates bring in all kinds of food to snack on all night long ( chips, cake, ice cream) you name it and they bring it in...I would recommend to eat a healthy but satisfying dinner before you go to work, I usually have a salad with balsamic…
  • Just a ?, I am trying to figure out if most women on MFP are doing cardio 4-5 x's a week? I have just looked back at workouts and showing that ONLY if I do cardio during the week along with MFP will I show a lose. If no cardio is done, than I am only maintaining. My husband on the other hand does not work out conistently…
  • You look awesome, is everyones success with including several days/week of cardio and strength training?
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