Night Shifts



  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Working right now! I'm a dispatcher. We sit...allll day. I'm jealous that you all get to run around!

    To keep myself full I drink tea. I usually bring string cheese, turkey pepperoni for some protein, chocolate vitatops if I need a chocolate fix, and fruit like grapes.

    It is tough to get the engergy to get up and excerise especially when working 10 or 12 hour shifts. Personally I go to bed when I get off shift and wake up early enough to get a jog in.

    I agree with the others... the toughest part is saying, "no thanks" to the cookies, brownies, chips, cakes, and other stuff that comes in!
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    Also currently working my night shift(3weeks of midnights, 3weeks of days and 2 weeks of second shifts and random second shifts thrown into the mix on nights and days).... Public utility emergency dispatch..... I will have to agree with everyone else, the key is pre planning what you want to eat while you are on shift and having something stashed away for when the junk comes out. They are constantly feeding us crap here, donughts, mcdonalds etc.... Learning to say no and not being pressured to just take a bite or just have one is the toughest thing but you can do it!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    I've been working nights (11pm-7am) for a little over 3 years now. i'm a hospital lab tech.. and for me, the biggest thing is keeping a schedule.. on my days/weekends off i tend to eat more. Also stick with the logging as someone else mentioned. i know a common question people ask is, How do I log my food when I'm going from one day to the next? What I do is start my day at midnight, and have my diary organized in 8 hour blocks, instead of the given breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Also keep up with the portioned out snacks, always a great idea!
    i've found that i have the most energy after i get up, so after work i go to bed, then get up some time before 3pm and work out first thing b/c otherwise I know I won't later.
    Saying no to the goodies is still a challenge for me sometimes, so I have to say working nights is kinda great b/c there are plenty of times during the day shift where there is cake, chips, and all that other fun stuff which I would partake in. Missing out on a lot of that can really help the weight loss journey haha!
  • chelsealjames
    chelsealjames Posts: 92 Member
    I've worked night shift, 10pm to 7:30 AM for 16 years now. 8 nights on then 6 off.
    My eating is all screwed up. I can tell you i used to raid everyones candy bowl at 3AM when I needed an energy burst. I've been eating every 2 hrs for the past 4 months, turkey,chicken,fish, and i haven't touched any candy bowl in that time. No desire. When you're full, you don't need or crave that sugar rush. Plus I'm good for 2 cups of coffee a night.

    thats what i'm trying to do, eat small meals every 2-3 hours. the last thing i want to do is get off work and go eat, then to bed! i figure if i eat around 5:30am, it may hold me over till i got to bed around 8:30
  • amkam96
    amkam96 Posts: 15
    Allie, I see that you have lost a lot of weight. I have been posting to find out how often people work out a week and what type of cardio and/or strength training. I have been on MFP for over a month and show minimal weight loss but have not been doing cardio. My husband on the other hand has been doing MFP and cardio sometimes and has lost 17lbs... I think MFP with no cardio is just maintaining my weight and I am not losing....How often are you doing cardio and for how long each day? a reply would be great...thanks
  • cbs1974
    cbs1974 Posts: 98 Member
    just to add im on nights and ive been over my cals once this week allready!!! :(

    its the 1st shift that buggers it up!

    i get up at say 11am on the monday and dont goto bed in this weeks case till 8am
    thats 21 hours of a body that needs fueling !!
    i do start from midnight as my next day !!
    its a pain in the *kitten*
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