

  • i wish that was the case but i pulled out some summer clothes from last summer, at my lowest and it seems all the weight has gone to my legs as they are tight but my waist seems to be the same. i always gain first in my upper leg area/butt
  • i do weigh all my chicken and turkey to 6oz raw and try to measure everything out, the recipes i make i enter them all in with the bar code on the package. i pretty much make 4 meals on sunday night for dinner and i keep my breakfast and lunch the same, egg and slice of 45cal bread and fruit, lunch is greek yogurt or 1%…
  • i am always surprised at how my carbs and sugar are over and its always my fruit doing it, i just stop worrying about it since i keep my fruit servings to 2-3 a day
  • i have not really added anything back in that i was not all ready eating, i just started making dinners that had a lot more ingredients in them and was watching the portions. that way hubby and i could eat the same thing, was getting tired of making 2 dinners since he did not want my bland chicken and salad with cooked…
  • I joked with my self that my body was battling me and my food but i guess it really is.... seemed no amount of healthy eating, upping the workouts and adding fat burners that are proven to work was going to stop my body from gaining weight. well i guess its back to my 3 day cleanse and back on the limited mix of food and…
  • that happened with my dinner last night. i know we can't always find our foods or have an idea of the true cals but if you know you made good chooses on food and did not leave feeling soooo stuffed you were gonna be sick i would skip the log, eat a good dinner knowing you went over so don't over do dinner and start again…