corsayre8 Member


  • yes, that is part of what makes the 16:8 so easy to follow.
  • It's been around for many years already, well over a decade. I would hope people who need to stay anonymous would know not to publish any personally identifiable information.
  • @Angela937 Fetlife is a good resource for finding events near your location. Look for munches or other educational workshops. Meet people in the community. Finds someone you respect and ask if they will mentor you. No, not someone who makes your girly parts wet. Preferably someone of the same sex if you are hetero,…
  • Not my experience at all. It has actually lead to much more regularity. I eat from 1:00pm - 9:00pm. Wake up in the am and have a BM. Never before, in fact I used to deal with constipation while at a calorie deficit do to the constant small amounts of food moving through my body. The larger amount in a small period seems to…
  • Sauna at our gym forbids street clothing, but requires bathing suit or towel. I couldn't imagine wanting to be in the sauna with clothes on. Yuck!
  • I just started 16:8 IF and ran for the first time fasted yesterday. I was surprised at how well it went. Longest run intervals yet. My work schedule is really going to dictate whether I work out fasted or fed. During work week (mon - thurs) it will have to be after work, so that will be fed. But on weekend I will be able…
  • So after reading this thread and a couple articles today, I'm not really seeing any down side. Is there anyone out there who this hasn't worked for? Also, with the starting losses, were you previously on a calorie restricted diet?
  • Anyone interested, just come on over to the group page and add your information to the registration thread to be assigned to a team.
  • Just to add, make sure you calibrate your Fitbit. I'm tall, so when I first got mine it was over estimating steps. When I did a treadmill test and updated the length of my stride, things became more accurate. My actual losses are always very close to what my reports indicate I should have lost.
  • Above is a link to the group. Request to join, and once your request has been added, there is a thread titled "September Registration." Add you name, current weight and desired weigh in day and you will be assigned to a team. Good…
  • I do not plan cheat meals. I do, however, have days that I go over. These are generally days where I have social functions planned. On these days I try to do two things 1) get in a good workout in the morning and 2) make the best decisions I can while out enjoying time with friends and family. To me there is a significant…
  • There are to many factors to give an accurate response, (tho I'm not really sure that is what you are looking for). But say you still have your deficit set to lose 2 pounds a week, or -1000 a day. Your average bottle of wine is +/- 625 calories. 625x2=1250. 1250-1000=250. 250/3500= 0.0714. So hypothetically drinking two…
  • You are just a special butterfly and the laws of thermodynamics do not apply to you.
  • And This cake is to die for. Not low cal, but I don't think anyone I have made it for didn't love it.
  • I don't log Crystal Light - yeah, I know it isn't good for me. But combined with my Takeya thermos that keeps ice all day, my water consumption has quadrupled. Figure the health benefit of being well hydrated outweigh the negatives.
  • What I'm getting out of this post is that based on your heigh, current weight and activity level, you are trying to lose to much weight per week. At your size and what appears to be a low level of activity, your TDEE may very well be around 1800-1900 calories. Subtract -1000 a day and that is why you are getting those low…
  • That should have said modify "as" follows, I was not trying to cuss. Haha!
  • For all you pumpkin spice lovers out there... You must try this recipe, but for best results update *kitten* follows - 1) *most important* make your own purée from fresh pumpkin. Trust me, canned just gives you a boring, flat flavor. 2) add some broth to your onions mixture,…
  • Did my alter ego write this? I also started in April. With an initial goal of 100 pounds. And am down 58 pounds. Just starting to feel the first true wave of frustration as the losses slow. But also struggling with end of summer choices. Feeling like I'm missing out on activities with friends. Stressing how to maintain my…
  • Huge accomplishment!
  • Have you tried logging your activity?
  • Love my Alta as well, and have found it to be surprisingly accurate. Even without a heart rate monitor. When I look back over my weekly reports and compare it with my losses, they are very consistent.
  • My biggest issue with alcohol is I end up eating more. My deficit level doesn't allow me a lot of extra calories. So the issue I run into is that I eat my regular calories to meet energy needs. Then I drink extra calories with from the alcohol. The alcohol makes me hungry and reduces my will power, which in turn leads to…
  • I get in the scale every day or two. But I only track my weekly weigh in. That is the number I use as my base, and as long as that number trends downward, I'm happy. The rest I chalk up to daily fluctuations. As for the person who said don't weigh - I lost about 35 pounds before I noticed a change in my clothing.
  • I don't. Life is better when you focus on your own journey.
  • I only got my fit but recently, so the numbers I'm going to provide are estimates based off my iPhone calculation. When I first started MFP, (this go around anyhow), my iPhone had me at an avg of under 3000 steps on workdays. So I started walking at both my 15 minute breaks and my 30 minute lunch. This was enough so that…