Intermittent fasting - 30 pounds lost



  • annaskiski
    annaskiski Posts: 1,212 Member
    Most people doing IF consider zero-cal sweetener to be fine. Also diet sodas....
  • PennWalker
    PennWalker Posts: 554 Member
    acmorris77 wrote: »
    In February, My doctor told me I had high triglycerides and needed to be on medicine unless something changed. Losing weight was one of the things I needed to do in order to get my levels in line. She gave me the list of foods to avoid such as red meat, fried foods, and processed carbohydrates. Also, she told me that she recommends intermittent fasting as part of my daily eating habits and gave me an 8 hour window to eat every day. She said that the longer your body fasts (within reason) the longer it stays in fat burning mode. The Triglycerides live in the fat and will therefore be reduced.

    So, I took the advice, started cutting back on red meat and processed foods and only eat within 7-8 hours. I usually eat from 11am to 6 at this point. Obviously, you have to stay within your calorie goal and can't eat 10,000 calories during your eating window. It's still calories in and calories out. But, IF has definitely played a role in me losing 30 lbs. since March 1st. I used to eat breakfast even when I wasn't hungry and be starving 2 hours later. Now, I eat breakfast/lunch around 11 and I'm not hungry until dinner. I have not been too strict with my foods meaning that I still drink wine, eat carbs, etc., but make sure my calories are at a WEEKLY deficit and follow my IF window. If I go over on the weekends, I just eat a bit lighter 2 days during the week. I haven't felt hungry or deprived at all and lost a good amount of weight and I attribute this to IF.

    I realize that there are extreme ways to use IF such as 5 normal days and 2 very low calorie days, but that's not what I've done here. Every BODY is different, this may not help others, but if you're not a breakfast person, or a dinner person, trying to shorten the window of when you eat each day can be beneficial.

    My triglycerides are normal now and I'm feeling great!

    That's really helpful. Thanks for sharing this.
  • The_Original_Beauty
    The_Original_Beauty Posts: 162 Member
    I would love some 16:8 friends
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,094 Member
    I would love some 16:8 friends

    I am happy to be one of your 16:8 friends. Feel free to add me!
  • BeautifullyB
    BeautifullyB Posts: 41 Member
    Bump for later.
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    So after reading this thread and a couple articles today, I'm not really seeing any down side. Is there anyone out there who this hasn't worked for?

    Also, with the starting losses, were you previously on a calorie restricted diet?
  • SavedByGrace26356
    SavedByGrace26356 Posts: 544 Member
    I'm doing One Meal A Day. I began IF at 16:8, then 20:4, and now I eat one meal a day somewhere in a four hour period. I began eating this way on August 18th and have lost 11 pounds with very minimal hunger. I follow Dr. Jason Fung on Utube and the Diet Doctor website. I've also read his book "The Obesity Code" and I'm looking forward to his new book that's coming out in October called "The Complete Guide To Fasting". There are many variations to the fasting plans he recommends and it took a while to find a plan that works for me. I will follow a fasting plan not only until I reach my weight loss goal but for the rest of my life.
  • SavedByGrace26356
    SavedByGrace26356 Posts: 544 Member
    Can someone please explain 18:6? Or how to find out? I have never heard of IF until this post. Thanks!

    Google Dr. Jason Fung or go to the Diet Doctor website.
  • SavedByGrace26356
    SavedByGrace26356 Posts: 544 Member
    annaskiski wrote: »
    There's some good info on IF here:
    Its about 12 pages, but well worth the read through.

    There's different kinds of IF.
    Most people do 16:8, which means, fast for 16 hours, eat for 8. Sleeping is fasting, so essentially many people skip breakfast and just eat lunch. (I personally eat lunch at 11, then dinner at 6) At least one poster above preferred to skip dinner, and eat breakfast instead. Its whatever works for you. This type of fasting is called "Lean Gains", you can google the Lean Gains website for info. Many body builders use this plan to 'shred'.

    There are other types of IF, 5:2 for example, which means people fast for two days (well, they eat up to 500 calories) and then eat TDEE for 5.

    There are others, such as EatStopEat and the Warrior Diet. All are versions of IF.

    There's at least two groups that I know of on here:

    I think the first group is a little more active.

    Just a note: you still need to calorie count. IF is a way to control your appetite (for most people it suppresses the appetite.) You get to eat two big meals instead for 3 tiny ones.

    Its not magic, CICO still applies....

    Intensive Dietary Management is Dr. Jason Fung's website. He has a lot of videos on UTube. I follow a lot of his suggestions.
  • SavedByGrace26356
    SavedByGrace26356 Posts: 544 Member
    blukitten wrote: »
    Great post- I just started IF and am doing the same as OP- I eat breakfast/lunch around 11 or 12 ish- I wait until I am actually hungry. I lost 6lbs so far and actually love it. I struggled for a long time to get the scale moving in the right direction again but this seems to have helped.

    I have PCOS and hypothyroid so getting the scale to move in the right direction has been challenging for me but with IF I haven't changed the way I eat - this is a process for me and one I am not currently spending too much time on focusing on- I am mindful of what I eat but not restrictive which has really helped me I think.

    I started IF from reading about it on MFP - one of my friends started doing it so I researched it- thought- hey I eat this way on the weekends usually anyway (weekends I am notorious for only eating one large meal during the day)- I should do this during the week too, and it works! I have found it makes it easier for me to stay under my macros as well without much effort cause the way I naturally eat isn't that bad- and with eating just two meals- its easier to stick to under my calories. I go off of it sometimes like tonight I will be indulging in an alcoholic beverage or two or three - lol- outside my eating times but that's ok to do for me once in a while.

    So glad to have finally found something that is working- now I can work on other things too like exercising more- which I need to do!

    I have Hashimoto's disease and this is the only program that is working for me and I've tried them all.
  • SavedByGrace26356
    SavedByGrace26356 Posts: 544 Member
    JC1459 wrote: »
    Hey there! Congrats on your weight loss and better health.
    I began IF on May 28th 2016
    One thing that helped me to understand IF was a book called The Obesity Code - I read it, was desperate to lose weight and thought to give it a try. It has changed my life!!

    I eat 2 meals per day within 8 hr window - NO SNACKS BETWEEN MEALS - NO processed foods at all - NO SUGAR rice flour breads cookies cakes etc
    I do a 24 hr fast 2 days per week and also 16 hour daily fasts.

    I also restrict my calories, eat healthy and log my food daily. I have lost 37 pounds in 12 weeks without feeling hungry, tired, cravings or bored with my food choices. Once I reach my weight loss goal of 75 pounds I will continue with IF not to lose weight but to stay healthy.

    Intermittent Fasting was the answer for me in so many ways.

    FYI - I am a 56 year old post menopausal woman who is fighting to take back her life!! :smile:

    Thank you for your post. I've been following Dr Jason Fung for several weeks now and just read the 'Obesity Code'. What an amazing doctor. He has really explained IF in a way that works in any persons schedule. I am 66, have Hashimoto's and could not lose weight after the first few pounds of water weight. I began IF on 8/18/16 and I am finally losing weight with very little hunger and much more energy. I too will be following this way of eating after I've reached my weight goal. Good luck on your journey!
  • Krislynell
    Krislynell Posts: 38 Member
    I'm thinking of trying IF by skipping breakfast. My problem is that I take pills that i need to have food with, when I wake up @6am. If I eat something less than 50 calories, or maybe slowly move them back to lunch maybe that would work. Anyone have advice?
  • CorneliusPhoton
    CorneliusPhoton Posts: 965 Member
    What's more important for your medications - to be taken at 6am or with food? Or both? There is probably a good reason that you should take them with food -- sometimes they irritate your stomach if it's empty.

    If it's breakfast that you want to skip and it doesn't matter what time you take your pills, then take your pills with lunch. If you're not sure, ask your doctor.
  • acmorris77
    acmorris77 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm now down 40 as of today!
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    I just started IF on Sunday. I stared with 18:6. I'm on day 3. I'll see how it goes. It has cut my appetite. I may feel a little hunger but it subsides quickly and I get past it. It's been really interesting reading about IF. I have seen people mention it on other posts in the past but I never really paid much attention to it.

    I want to try because it may help with those couple of times a month that my hormonal eating urges get out of control. We'll see.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    acmorris77 wrote: »
    I'm now down 40 as of today!

    How long did it take? Is this a result of IF?
  • acmorris77
    acmorris77 Posts: 80 Member
    @leejoyce31 It took about 7 months. I dropped weight quickly at first and then slowed down. The thing that is so different is that you don't feel like you're dieting because you're never really starved and cravings are reduced. I did start this eating schedule at the advice of my doctor to lower my triglycerides and weight just started coming off.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    acmorris77 wrote: »
    @leejoyce31 It took about 7 months. I dropped weight quickly at first and then slowed down. The thing that is so different is that you don't feel like you're dieting because you're never really starved and cravings are reduced. I did start this eating schedule at the advice of my doctor to lower my triglycerides and weight just started coming off.

  • joetee1971
    joetee1971 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks so much for posting. Just started IF as well :) Read a couple of books and I hear that there is a good documentary on the BBC that I will check out. It has only been a few days for me but each day has been a little different, which I think is fine. Each day is simply different, so the eating window may change a little each day but I just keep telling myself that the hunger comes in WAVES and I give myself a little time to drink some water and busy myself but if I feel nauseous or faint I eat something small like a small handful of almonds and wait a bit to see how I feel. As long as I stay around my calorie goal for the day, I consider it a success! For me I want this to be different than anything I have tried before and a lifestyle, so it has to be flexible. :)
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