Thanks for you tips I will look more into it
At a school
Great body :) arms are amazing
-10 Hahah
OMG! Yes all I want to do to eat
Thanks guys for all the replys and suggestions I am going to take the advice which most of you are all saying Thanks -chanel
Sweet Jesus you can COOK
Wow thank you, you really outdid yourself!! :) great ideas
Add me I'm 5"11
Family person :)
Thanks guys I feel much better and will take the advice Good luck to all of you also :)
Thank you of this
Great job love this!!
Going to add you we can be support buddies!! :)
Jackson Hurst from Drop Dead Diva
Agreed going to add you!!! Lets do it together!!
I would love to see the pics but its just a.? Mark box anyone knows how to fix this?
That's great it will stick with me too
Wow these are all such great words when I feel like I cant I will come back and read this and KNOW I can!!
Love your pic very beautiful!! And your eyebrows are to die for
Great legs!
10 :)
True numbers don't matter its how you feel about yourself
Do zumba its so much fun and you never feel like you are working out if u don't wanna go to a class you can get the zumda game or just look it up on youtube there are a lot of videos I would also say do things that are fun that don't really feel like working out like swimming (if its not cold out) or riding you're bike or…
That's the way to do it don't stop you got it
Well weights can give the scale give a higher number so I would just say just do cardio then when u get to a size you want then lean up and do the weights But just hang in there weight loss can be a b**ch and sometimes we don't understand our bodies but just stick to it you can do it!
Thanks for all the suggestions and advice it helped me a lot :)