

  • Interesting!! I did not know that, thank you! That makes sense then. Okay so any chance you have a Polar heart rate monitor :) and if so which size?? Thanks!
  • Thank you!! Have you ever measured your ribcage where the strap goes? I know it theory we're 34 inches because that's the bra size, but I'm actually 31 inches (there's NO way I'm a 32 bra size though!!) Thanks!
  • Thank you! Have you ever measured your ribcage, where the strap goes? I had the same experience with the M-XXL one. I didn't think I had a small ribcage, but maybe where the strap goes it is? I did wash it in the washing machine and would rinse it periodically after use but to be honest since I've ruled out battery issues…
  • I've heard of the gel! I'm gonna look into that...but yikes you're brave!! A safety pin? My luck would be I'd end up stabbing myself in the boob.
  • A couple people have suggested checking Vitamin D levels....I failed to mention that I am taking a prescription strength (50,000 iu per week for 3 months, then decreasing to OTC) Vitamin D supplement. The same hormonal blood test that helped me determine that I am estrogen dominant told me I was D deficient. Granted I live…
  • Wow, I had not expected the only response to come from a man, but I'm not picky!! :) Thank you so much for taking the time to respond and share your knowledge. I looked up that book and it looks like it could be really helpful, so I will be ordering it. I'll also look into passionflower and chamomile. Looking forward to…
  • Thank you everyone! I am intending NET calories, so for example today I have consumed 1500 and will plan to work out and burn about 300. Is that still too low?? I'm still struggling with weight gain and definitely not losing any. And trust me, if someone tells me I can eat MORE and lose weight, I am sooo game :). I just…
  • I'm turning 30 in a few weeks, can I still play?? ;) My 20's offered many lessons in the areas of taming bad habits- from binge drinking/eating, dorm food, late night meals to post-college graduation imspendingmydayssittingonmyassinanoffice weight gain to the metabolism dive that hits us all when we hit 25. So, I feel your…
  • I'm 5'2" and I think the BMI chart can kiss my rear. I am currently 145 and would be very happy with a fit and strong 130. As long as you're close to being in the range it suggests, I wouldn't get too caught up in the numbers. The BMI chart doesn't do a good enough job factoring in different body types, frames and muscle…