

  • I was thinking about starting this last week but I tried to find before and after pictures online but couldn't find any! Has anyone else managed to find before and pics? xxx
  • I GET LIKE THAT! If I have a cold breakfast then walk to work I feel like my stomach is empty and I'm starving by 10 or 11! I work at a desk where there are charity sweets on sale all the time so if I feel like that I end up buying them too. If I have a hot breakfast then I feel full until about 12 and I don't really want…
  • Maybe try cutting out gluten? It made a huge difference to me when nothing else was working! That way you can keep your dairy.
  • Jealous wish I was having a boob job!
  • That's horrible that you feel like that. I've done the same thing but minus an injury! Don't get so down on yourself it won't do you any good. Maybe try reducing your calorie intake from 1500 to 1400? Also I'm starting a 30 day shred tomorrow if you want to do with me :) xxx