

  • OMG! That workout was amazing! It kicked my butt to the curb! I am hurting already.. I can't wait to see the results. 29 days to go! :D
  • Thanks for the info and support. I have heard the last few pounds are the hardest. I am hoping to be within 10 lb of my target by my 21st birthday on October 7th.
  • I am going to do it in my bedroom and put my laptop on my bed. LOL. It should work fine. I have been doing that with other workouts. And thanks for the support. :D
  • I'm not knocking it! I love my hula hoop!! :D Very fun.
  • Welcome! I am new too. My suggestion is not to restrict, restriction will not work. I have tried that too many times and failed every time. So if you like some of your snack foods, moderate so you know exactly how much you're eating. That way you get what you like, but you don't go over your calorie intake. :D
  • Great job. I have a little box of clothes that I can no longer fit into. I am only a few pounds lost seeing as I just started my weight loss 5 days ago, but I definitely want to be where you are. I think I can get them up to my hips, but no zipping or buttoning. LOL.