

  • Still looking for some more support.... I think I am going to need as many people as possible to keep me on track and let me know when I begin to slip up......
  • Thank you all for the kind words and the motivation to keep going... I just have bad days sometimes where I feel that I am trying so hard and still feel as tho I am getting nowhere.... Slow and Steady is going to have to do it... The longer I stay at it, hopefully by this time next year I will be pleased with the last year…
  • Well it has now been more than only three weeks and there really is not much change. The only real difference I can see or feel is that my incline and speed on a treadmill has increased a lot. So at least I feel like I have slightly more stamina than before. No, I have not taken measurements but I think that is something…
  • Still pretty discouraged :cry: :mad: UGH
  • Great Job.... I am sure it wasn't easy to post those pictures, but you are looking better and better. Keep it up and I am sure you can get to where you want to be. Very inspiring..... :smile: