

  • 1. Tofu 2. Natto 3. Yogurt 4. Almond Milk 5. Mushrooms 6. Tomatoes 7. Natural Cheese 8. Muesli 9. Dark Chocolate 10. Avocados
  • Avocado salad 1 Avocado 1/2 Tofu 1 Tomato 2 Tbs. Mayonnaise 1 Tbs. Soy Sauce Some Wasabi or Mustard Just cut Avocado, Tofu, and Tomato, and mix everything. Enjoy!
  • Hi, I love Natto so much, and I have it almost every day. Sooo tasty and nutri tious! You can find the benefits, and recipes here. Most Japanese have Natto for breakfast, but I usually have it at night with a little soy sauce and Japanese mustard. I used to have potato chips when I…
    in Natto Comment by greomiffy July 2013
  • 1. Tofu 2. Natto 3. Mozuku and Mekabu (Japanese Seaweed) 4. Miso Soup 5. Mushroom (various kinds) 6. Tomato 7. Natural Cheese 8. Muesli with Chia and Flax 9. Dark Chocolate 10. Avocado Japanese foods are awesome! They will help you to eat healthy. Especially I recommend you Natto. :)
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