Willow_Raine Member


  • I am considering the sleeve surgery. I go to a class on 9/8 and start the process at that point. I have a lot of concerns, but one thing I do know from personal experience is that I need to see something happen quickly or I won't be able to stick to it. I do have some bad habits, emotional eating for one, but I want to…
  • Hi! I'm not in Fort Collins, yet, but I will be as soon as I find work and a place to call home. I was there last week and I'm missing it like crazy.
  • I don't know why other tests weren't done. It may be because she didn't have any insurance, and no means to pay for it. =( I know she tried to stick to a certain diet, and when she would be in pain she would blame herself for not following the diet closely enough. Then she would try harder. I just can't imagine what she…
  • Thank you. I am sharing this in the hopes that it might save someone from the same fate my mother (and our family) endured. I know my mom would want her experience to bring about something good. No condolences necessary. It has taken a toll, but I am okay.
  • There are always things that need to be done in a household, like cooking meals, doing laundry, general cleaning and so on. As a way to 'take on more responsibility' in the household, you could start taking on the meal prep for 2 or 3 meals a week. Pick up what you need on your way home, make healthy meals, and see if this…
  • I don't know if this symptom is related to IBS or not, but does anyone else experience dramatic weight gains and losses on a day to day basis? I can gain, or lose, upwards of 10 pounds in the space of a few days. My calorie intake and my frequent bouts in the bathroom don't seem to have any bearing on it. I just seem to…
  • I totally agree that 'healthy eating' aggravated my symptoms. Lettuce and cabbage are big triggers for me. I did a dna test and found out that I'm super sensitive to the norovirus, which is often found on lettuce. It has to be washed very well before eating it, and even then it's iffy. I have recently started looking at my…
  • Adding 11.4 miles for the past week. Brings my total to:
  • I guess the 10 week challenge is over. =( That makes me sad. I enjoyed being part of such a great team. Being accountable to others was a good journey for me. Difficult at times, when I had to face my own demons and decide how to handle them (or ignore them). I've seen wild fluctuations in my weight, and as of today I have…
  • August 20, 2013 Shrinking Violets Weight: 298.4 Total pounds lost during 10 week challenge: 8
  • I was out of town for a few days. Can you guess which ones? lol 8/1 - 2.44 8/2 - 2.56 8/3 - 2.01 8/4 - .76 8/5 - 1.52 8/6 - 4.26 8/7 - 1.59 8/8 - 1.2 8/9 - 1.29 8/10 - 1.9 8/11 - .88 8/12 - .76 Total = 21.17
  • Shrinking Violets August 12, 2013 Happy to report, I expected a gain because I was away from home for 4 days, and instead... I have a loss. Yippie!!! 297.6
  • Right on target! 8/1-8/7 : 15.14 miles
  • Shrinking Violets August 5, 2013 299.8 UGH! I'm up again. I go backwards for a week or two and then I have a big drop. I don't get it, but at least I'm still on the losing side.
  • I wasn't counting my daily steps. Didn't figure they would add up to anything, but today I put on my pedometer and just did the things I normally do. Wow, those steps do add up, to over 18 miles for the month. So guess what? I made it to 50 after all! =)
  • I walked maybe 10 miles in June, so this is an improvement. =)
  • I'm in! I'm dog-sitting and I won't have a dog to walk after the first week of August, but my walking group starts up again mid-month. =)
  • Will aim for hitting 50 miles in August. Here's where I'm at this morning.
  • My scale loves me today. It says I've lost 5.2 pounds since my last weigh-in! Happy happy me!
  • Shrinking Violets July 29, 2013 Current Weight: 297.6 After 2 rough weeks, I'm down 5 pounds! :happy:
  • My excuses don't matter, only the results do. Sick or not... here's where I am and I don't think I'm going to hit 50 miles. :( I'm thinking of changing my goal to 40. That looks more doable.
  • Just take it easy and get better, varuca. My lovely niece shared her cold with me. How nice. It hit me last night. I'm determined not to let it get me down. Sorry about the weight gain on my end. Two weeks of being off-track wasn't good, but I'm getting back on track now.
  • Shrinking Violets July 22, 2013 302.8 Sorry team. Two rough weeks in a row. :frown:
  • FlaxMilk, hang in there! You need to focus first on getting your foot better. We all want you to be well, even if it means a temporary setback where the weight is concerned. Your health and well being is the most important thing. Numbers on the scale aren't the only way to make progress. As for me, I can't say I expect any…
  • I'm not getting in as much walking due to extreme heat and an injured foot.
  • I'm up a pound this week. Just a lot of stress dealing with my mom's birthday... the first one since she died in January. There are several factors, but when it comes right down to it, it is what it is and this the step I have to work from today. Better results next week!
  • shrinking violets July 15, 2013 300.8 too hot to work out.. other than swimming
  • I use the app "Water Your Body". I have 5 reminders a day to drink more water and keep me on track. You may also need more water than you think. This app will tell you exactly how much water will be the most beneficial for you. I didn't believe it when it said I needed almost 150 ounces per day, and it was hard to do in…
  • No judgments from this end. Hang in there.
  • Just checking in: Cumulative total for July 7, 2013 is 10.03 miles