spunkychelsea Member


  • Since it's upsetting you yes you should take a break. If it makes you feel better I gained the most in my pregnancy in 2nd tri. At 24 weeks I'd gained 20 according to my doctor and ended up my last weigh in gaining 31 lbs total. (My scale says 35 lbs but whatever). I was super super hungry 2nd tri and gave into most of my…
  • Had baby Monday. Was 162.4 that morning. Wednesday morning weight in 152.4. Thursday morning 151.6. I had two bags of iv fluids and two bags of pitocin (& an epidural for 1 hour). Had tons of amniotic fluid and a large placenta + 7lb baby but those fluids they give you can make you pack on water weight (see my ankles that…
  • Wow! Good luck today or tomorrow!
  • Thanks ladies! I'm ready anytime! Family comes in to help tomorrow. Good luck not binging or eating dessert every night whether you were good that day or not like I did!
  • I gained 22 lbs with my third. I had a 7 lb baby and lost 10 lbs from delivery. 2 weeks out I was only down another 5. Bummer. 6 months out I was down 32 lbs. I had thought I would lose more. With my first I gained 23 lbs (had a 7lb almost 8 lb baby) and lost it all in 8 days (but I was more overweight then vs 3rd kids I…
  • 5'3" starting weight on doctor's scale: 130 lbs 8 weeks: 130 12 weeks: 132 16 weeks: 138 20 weeks: 147 25 weeks: 150 28 weeks: 153 30 weeks: 153 32 weeks: 156 34 weeks: 158 36 weeks: 158 37 weeks: 160 38 weeks: 161 So far: 31 lbs Oh well on the 30 lbs or less. My home scale says I'm up 33 lbs. I would really like to have a…
  • Oh and I highly recommend an epidural with pitocin. The contractions were as bad at 1cm with pitocin as they were 7cm without drugs.
  • They let me go 11 days overdue. Then 10 Farhad overdue my blood pressure was a bit high, I had gestational diabetes and those numbers were going up too. There's something I looked at about how favorable induction could be. I was like a 1 out of 12 or 15 or something? Depends on dilation and stuff. I was pretty not ready…
  • Cervadil did nothing for me. I had 4 pills of it over 24 hours. Gave me contractions but didn't dilate me anymore. Then I got pitocin which was horrible. I walked the halls sobbing listening to the new babies cry. It took a 50 hour induction to get him out. I was worn out physically and emotionally. 2 hours into pushing…
  • 5'3" starting weight on doctor's scale: 130 lbs 8 weeks: 130 12 weeks: 132 16 weeks: 138 20 weeks: 147 25 weeks: 150 28 weeks: 153 30 weeks: 153 32 weeks: 156 34 weeks: 158 36 weeks: 158 So far: 28 lbs Hope I can stay close to 30 lbs! I should at least be good to be under 35. I didn't think it would slow down this much…
  • Emma - my first I didn't start getting stretch marks until 38+5, but he went 3 more weeks so there was plenty of damage. I'll be having mine a the hospital. But they're very easy going. My ob has had 3 medicated and 2 unmedicated kids of her own so I don't think I'll be pressured to do anything either way. I will need an…
  • OMG Emma! 11-12?! Holy crap, I know my one was 13 days late, but at least the others were earlier. BH are so obnoxious this time, I haven't had it this bad before. What're your numbers? I'll have 2 boys and 2 girls now. I put my girls in some of the blue and grey clothes from my son (and some brown). But my husband and I…
  • I'm 36 weeks tomorrow and still nesting like crazy. My house looks amazing. I went through all my baby girl clothes and am in the process of getting rid of most of them (not the sentimental ones). I'm having a boy and this is my 4th and final child so I'm making some room. I had 3 huge bins full! I still have to get car…
  • 5'3" starting weight on doctor's scale: 130 lbs 8 weeks: 130 12 weeks: 132 16 weeks: 138 20 weeks: 147 25 weeks: 150 28 weeks: 153 30 weeks: 153 32 weeks: 156 34 weeks: 158 So far: 28 lbs I need to stop stuffing my face but I'm super hungry and super active with all the nesting I'm doing. Even a 6lb (water) weight loss…
  • @FluttershySweetie Welcome! I can't imagine twins! You must be doing a great job cooking them. It's amazing you have an end date in sight. That's one thing I'm jealous of the csection mamas: they know how far they have to go. My first was 13 days overdue so I feel like there's never an end! 34+4 here. Dr apt yesterday was…
  • @LisaTcan Diabetes runs rampant in my family too, but I'm the only one to get GD so far? My first pregnancy (@ 5'3") I started out 157 lbs I gained pretty slow and steadily after 20 weeks - up until then I had lost 6 lbs and then gained just that back (23 lbs total). So they told me it was family history + being…
  • 5'3" starting weight on doctor's scale: 130 lbs 8 weeks: 130 12 weeks: 132 16 weeks: 138 20 weeks: 147 25 weeks: 150 28 weeks: 153 30 weeks: 153 So far: 23 lbs I gained a ton in the middle, which is typical for me (baby #4). But still more than I would have liked. Luckily it's backed off a bit. (home scale this morning…
  • Definitely tracking more than I was before. I told my husband counting calories is old hat at this point but calories AND carbs? That's just annoying. With my 1st I just counted carbs and gained a fair amount so this time I'm trying to do both to keep the sugars and my weight under control. Good luck with the studying! I…
  • 30 weeks here. I do have gestational diabetes. Oh well. Sucks. Now I'm counting calories and carbs and it doesn't always matter. I made a crib skirt for the crib we stole from baby#3. Still have to make a new teething rail set (since baby#1 chewed it up and #2 helped later). We're going with a space theme for the little…
  • @amgreenwell I was so thrilled to have the baby shower done with because then I had all this cute stuff to organize and know what wad left to buy! So exciting! Hope you have a great time. :) As for me turns out I did not pass the 1 hr. I was 172 cutoff is 140 (online though my nurse said their lab is 130) so I'm probably…
  • I had my 28 week test today and my glucose test. I too hope no further testing will be needed. This was my 8th time taking the test (between 4 pregnancies). I hope to never do it again. I had gd with my first but not with my other two. I'm worried it's gender related for me (boy was +, girls - and this is a boy). She said…
  • Wow! This is pretty much me! Pregnant with #4, due April 16. Gained 20 lbs at 24 weeks. I'm now 28 weeks end according to my scale at home I'm up 24 lbs. Hoping to stay under 35 lbs total. I might be able to do it! Disappointed since I gained 22 and 23 lbs with my 1st & 3rd pregnancies (Bwahahaha 46 lbs with #2). But I'm…
  • I had the fitbit zip. It is a good gateway fitbit. My mom and I switched from that to the fitbit charge hr. I love it. I feel like it's more accurate than the zip. I don't mind wearing it and some I keep it on all the time I can't forget it in my pants like the zip. It has a watch clasp so it's less likely to come off…
  • Exciting! Congrats! What a great feeling. 41 week club is so hard! (My first was stubborn and with an induction came at 41+6, my second was slightly better at 40+6, thought I'd be pregnant forever!). My third was May 16th of this year so our babies aren't that far apart! Great job on the weight loss and being below pp!
  • You have been such an inspiration and I was hoping to see your halloween pic bigger! You look amazing! Congrats!
  • Congrats. We wanted our kids close together. Our first two are 18.5 months apart and our second and third are 16.5 months apart. Yours will obviously be closer. I had gestational diabetes with my first, which led me to have a huge increased risk of it happening again. I didn't have it with the second or third, so just…
  • You are a much more understanding and supportive person than I am. Most days I cannot be the happy one. I am most certainly not the fun parent. RIght now I'm just trying to get through the days. Some days the best part is not my kids' smiles because I am so overwhelmed and tired. I am trying to be more positive for both…
  • 5'2"/5'3" PP baby #3: 135 Day of Delivery: 157.0 (22 lb weight gain) Evening I came home from hospital: 148.8 1 month: 142.4 2 months: 138.8 3 months: 135.8 4 months: 130.8 5 months: 128.6 Weight loss has really slowed down. My goal weight was 125, but now that I'm approaching it I'm till not thrilled with how I look.…
  • I do the breastfeeding one in the food diary that says 1oz and it subtracts 500 calories. Now the previous poster says 400 for 3-6 months, eek! I'll lower mine once she starts solids.
  • Congrats on the new baby! I just wanted to say sorry about the tear. I had a 3rd degree the first time around and a 2nd the next two times. I'm glad to hear that you're going to be easy on yourself. That to me was one of the worst parts about having a baby. Sleepless nights are one thing but pain for a couple of weeks just…