

  • That's just brilliant - thanks for posting your story! It really does help to see others that are managing to do it! Have a lovely Christmas :)
  • Well we seem to have shrunk in group size one way or another! ;) Good on those who are still at it! Didn't weigh in this week as had my xmas party weekend so knew I had done bad, but I had a sneak peak tonight and I'm two off my target weight with two more weeks to check in before the end of the year - I'm hoping a couple…
  • I lost 4lbs - not sure how as I was way over calories = maybe that's the solution to a plateau? Where is everyone? ;) beethedreamer...........................181.4...............................................175.8..................................................165…
  • I have been hiding too - didn't lose ANY last week but lost two this Monday, better than nothing. The posts on here have slowed down - c'mon folks! Even with 4/5 weeks to go you could lose 10lbs for Christmas and still feel really good!!…
  • Wow! I love seeing all these pics, it is GOOD motivation!! Well done folks :)
  • It's Monday in the UK so I get to go first! Three lbs again - I'm more than halfway to my target now and on time. Happy days :) beethedreamer...........................181.4...............................................174.2..................................................165…
  • Hi Princess! I do a workout DVD (40-50 minutes) every other day, and also try and walk everywhere that's less than two miles away - pushing 50lbs of kids in a double buggy probably helps!! I do DVDs by Davina McCall (British TV presenter) which were recommended to me by a friend who is a personal trainer - one called…
  • I lost three lbs this week despite having been staying away with family and not working out much - was very pleasantly surprised! Is nice to have lost 10lbs since this started! Well done everyone - we are collectively losing a LOT!!!…
  • Am interested to know what incentives you give yourselves to keep going? As my long term goal is to lose 70lbs I decided I need to save to be able to replace my wardrobe, so I'm using a savings incentive per one pound lost. I have found it surprisingly easy as I'm not wasting money on fast food crap and snacks anymore (if…
  • The last few tables seem to have lost last week's progress, but I am fairly sure we all know exactly what we weigh now so will continue with it and update anyway! It just means I get to re-enter last weeks as well which reminds me I've lost 5lbs in two weeks! Am enjoying the progress/status updates and motivation from…
  • Is crockpot cooking any good then? Have been thinking about getting one and can't decide if it will sit on the shelf...
  • I'm late posting but did weigh in on time! (Can't figure out doing this on the phone app). I lost three pounds last week which was a big surprise as I had a major red day on the chart last week where I just gave in and attacked a box of chocolate biscuits. Seems from the scale the victory was all mine though - take that…
  • Helloooo there! I am totally new to the boards tonight and looking for a little inspiration!! I'll join the challenge! I have three kids under three and I've managed 32lbs so far since January, but in fits and starts. I tried for about six weeks in Jan/feb, stopped, then started again early Sept and know I'm in dangerous…
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