kris628 Member


  • I don't have the EA active but is it anything i can do with Your shape on the xbox with kinect? I received it for Christmas and it is a total body moving work out video game?? I need the extra boost however me and the wii never saw eye to eye so we got rid of it and got the Kinect for the xbox so i dont need any thing to…
  • WW i don't feel is worth the money you pay for it. I did a 12 week program and i lost weight but put it back on just as fast. And this seems to be more people friendly. WW just started a new program and the food is more points and you didn't go up in points ! It is your choice but if you have just started this on here I…
  • Thanks for that I really needed that one today! You have a very good point on that!
  • Hey just keep with it don't give in yet! Are you mesuring yoru body as well as your weight? And remember water is our BEST FRIEND !!! lol keep drinking the water and working out and I am sure you body will get back on track some times we have to gain a few to lose alot of pounds. But you have it in you to lose it just keep…
  • Binghamton New York
  • Wonderful keep up the great work you will make your goal in no time!
  • try drinking two glasses of water before you eat about ten mins or so before it has been helping me i don't eat as much and i feel fuller. I to am also an emotional eater and when i get this way i grab to glasses of water before i go for any kind of food and before every meal i drink two glasses of water. Some one told me…
  • I to have the same problem with my legs being a size bigger then the rest of me. I find it hard to get rid of well the weight in my legs!! LOL You can add me as a friend if you like I to just started on this site. we can work on it together if you like! wish you the best of luck with it.
  • I want the same thing to be able to go and buy something that will look good on me and not something that will cover all of me. And when i shop with my friends i want to be able to shop in the same section for clothes not have to go to the bigger sizes! I understand you completly and I will help keep you motivated if you…