

  • I've always had a passion for reading - probably why I became a librarian, and now a law librarian. I grew up around books, and my sisters and I went to the public library frequently. In college, I was also in the minority of loving the lit classes. Often, I built relations with my professors outside of class so we could…
  • Some dig the bulletproof coffee - coffee with butter (non-monsanto- organic/ghee etc.). Bulletproof coffee combines fresh brewed coffee with pastured grass fed butter (e.g. Kerry Gold) with MCT Oil (Medium Chain Tryglycerides, which is fancy for a fat that you use relatively quickly for energy and brain function). I know…
  • Wuthering Heights is one of my all-time favorites. You're right in describing it as beautiful, as eerie as it may be. Can you imagine - an already broody 10th grader discovering this book? That was me. I try to re-read it/most classics every 3-5 years, to see how my feelings grow for the story with my age. And I think I…
  • Ann Arbor
  • Finally! People that understand that reading food labels, and not all things that say are healthy, are healthy. I've eaten clean for awhile now, and my body feels best when I do - but that doesn't mean I don't have wing-night fight-night once in awhile. I stick to what I call the Laura Ingalls lifestyle - I don't buy…
  • Hello! I'm new to this group. I just finished law school, and am slowly adjusting to have time to not just have to read casebooks. I'm also a librarian, so you can imagine how hard it was for me to put my literary life on hold. Currently, I am reading the 'Atlantis Plague' for fluff adventure reading from the free lending…
  • Hello people :) I'm looking for new awesome friends that are committed to a healthy active lifestyle. I'm from Michigan, a librarian, fresh out of laws school, am married to a darling Canadian. And I pretty much have an interest in everything.
  • Ha - I was thinking about this same problem earlier today. Weight front and back squats - check - but the over head.... yeah *kitten* to grass isn't happening. Interesting enough, I can go lower on my snatches. Going to try all the advise on your thread here - thanks for posting.
  • So - I meant motivation for food logging. I am busy (fulltime law student and I work full time) - but I do work out 5-6 days a week. I used to belong to a box, but couldn't afford it any longer.
  • My sister gave me the best advise ever. I had a mental block to jump up on a 14" box with an additional 4 inches in plates. I negotiated the box for 45 minutes before I found the nerve to try and jump, but chickened out at the last moment. She reminded me that I played soccer my entire childhood/high school --- and that I…
  • Karincakes is absolutely right. The rope makes all the difference. I like Rogue's ultra speed or custom jump ropes. Getting a lighter weight will help in getting the rope around faster and/or stringing more DU's together. I'm still getting better at them - but using a different rope changed my perspective in everything -…