Don't do it! lol
Wow, you've done so well! I sometimes get the same way. Especially when I've been really good lol. Good luck on the last 11 lbs!
I'm a vegetarian, but if you watch the documentary Food, Inc you probably won't eat anything bad from McDonald's or other fast food restaurants. You avoid feeling guilty by avoiding the bad food because it's fattening AND sick to put inside your body. I hope this did more good than bad...if you haven't watched it and don't…
If it's cooked at all, I count it. If it's raw, I don't. Here's why: Your body uses as many calories (or more) to digest most raw fruits and veggies as the foods contain. So if I eat a salad, I only count the dressing (which, for me, is calorie-and-carb-free). Also, I love to snack on frozen Organic mango (YUMMY), and…
Mix cardio with some resistance training and/or calisthenics and core work. If you've got the time, try 10-minute workouts (you can view them on Netflix instantly from your computer, Wii, etc.,)...they're great for target toning, and you can to 10 minutes' worth or 50 minutes' worth, it's up to you. Step on a treadmill (or…
I don't. I stick to my daily goal (or try to) whether I go to the gym/exercise or not. To me, if I replace my calories burned, I'm not burning off fat; I'm only burning off calories I just consumed instead of calories I have stored in the form of fat. I've never heard you're supposed to eat the calories you burn off…
Switching up cardio and resistance between a stationary bike and an elliptical machine...they're both great for cardio, and you can up the resistance to help tone and build muscle (NOT BULK UP, though) while working off the fat with cardio. Listen to music, bring your phone, watch TV...and the gym isn't boring at all!