

  • Ok I have done terrible lately....Thanks to papers, tests, TOM and now finals this week...But I did lose 2 lbs YAY!!! I've stuck with the 8 minutes in the morning for the last two weeks as well YAY me....But havent done so well with my walking (ahhh well it happens right)....Hopefully this week I can do better despite…
  • Well didn't do as terrible as I thought I would on sunday. Didn't gain any either which makes me very happy...I walked three miles again tonight and started my 8 minutes in the morning this morning to...Hopefully I can stick with it... Welcome to all the newbies...Congrats on all victories whether they be on or off the…
  • Is it depo????If so GET OFF IT...Thats all I can say...Its horrible for weight gain as well as depression...Once you go off of it you can expect to be out of whack for a year. My OBGYN about had a fit when he found out that my regular doctor put me on it..(didnt have the time or money to go see oth gyn so asked my family…
  • Hope everyone is having a good weekend!!!!Gonna be a bad calorie day today...Were have bbq chicken and lots of goodies plus cake and ice cream for daughter birthday...I'm not going to stress it too much as I've been under all week...SO heres to a cheat day in a big time way....Welcome Newbies, add me if you would…
  • Thanks for all your support you guys are great. I got up this morning and completed my 2 mile walk video so i'm feeling really good about the day...Hoping I can keep with it this weekend even though I have so much homework and that to get done....Congrats on all the loses and NSV you guys rock...Welcome to all newbies and…
  • Walked 3 miles today and it was great!!!! Hope everyone is doing well and keeping up on there goals...If not don't be to hard sometimes life just gets in the way and we need to relax...Welcome to any newbies...
  • Sorry my dear friends but I must rant...I did great over the holiday, even lost but went camping this past weekend and actually gained blah blah blah....I even swam everyday to help counteract the calories I knew I was eating...Guess that didn't work....I must admit that I'm in a big slump right now....I HATE…
  • Stick with it if it works. Can't believe that 1200 is all you get.. I've read studies that say the body needs at least 1200 calories a day to function. Congrats on the numbers and best of luck..
  • Ok so I did terrible this last week with signing in and keeping track of everyone but I blame TOM for part of it. I did however do a really good job of watching what I was eating and exercising. This holiday weekend was sooo very busy but fun. I'm going to need a vacation to recover from too many late nights lol...Going…
  • Ok I hate that...So sorry you went through this all I can say is that I would never ever suggest Depo to ANYONE not even my worst enemy. I was unaware of the increase for Breast Cancer thats quite frightening considering I already have it on both sides of the family including my mother at the age of 42. Blah to dumb…
  • That is me exactly...I only used the shot for the one time but it was horrible and took over a year to get out of my system...
  • I'm so in... Intro- I'm a 32 yr old single mother of two amazing children...I've always struggled with my weight and depression which is a double whamie...I've never been above 214 lbs but then I made the mistake of using the depo shot (Birth control) and escaluted to 258 I hated the way I felt, hated the way I looked and…
  • 8 Minutes in the Morning by Jorge Cruise...I've never followed the food portion of it just the exercise part and it works. You can usually find it in the book store or even your local library. Best of Luck and I know how you feel..
  • So very true it is a lifestyle change, I get so focused on losing the weight and seeing the numbers go down on my scale that I fail to realize and congradulate myself on the changes that I have made and steps I have accomplished...
  • True some day I do feel like a calorie counting robot...Those are usually the days I'm hungry all the time...[ quote] we have to splurge every now and then otherwise we arent truely living we are just calorie counting robots. you will find that you will stick with it better if you DO splurge every now and then good luck!…
  • Good idea but I'm afraid I'll totally blow it if I give myself days off....Six meals wow I do good with three and then a snack....
  • You're so very right, and I think thats a great way to look at it.....Thanks it makes me feel better about it...
  • Great ideas...I do try and do that and while my daughter loves doing this my son, who has a sensory processing disorder hates this. So it doesn't work as well as I would like... As for the ohter, yeah not significant other so no suck luck there..:wink:
  • I would but its not just me that would be walking, and I don't much like the idea of my kids and stroller getting all wet to...Thanks for the suggestion though..