100+ lbs to lose support group



  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Jen - I'd love to join the challenge with you.

    Awwww! Suzy, I thought you would've been up for it! I considered sending you a message, but figured if you wanted to do it, you'd have let me know. I'm sorry - we've got a full team now. But I think there's still one more team that's trying to fill up, if you're interested in joining! Check this thread:

  • aandasmommy
    aandasmommy Posts: 33 Member
    Me too!
  • kimmisatch
    kimmisatch Posts: 105
    Fair enough re the treat day. Especially if it's hard to control.
    I find it works for me. I keep within my calories etc, but am more relaxed.

    It's weigh day tomorrow .... dmm dmm dmmmmmm
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Happy July ! ! !
    What are you all doing for personal challenges this month? I'm in a group that is going to add 10% to our June calories burned. I'm also going to walk/job 40miles. I may add a biking challenge - not sure yet. I know I need to workout harder than I did in June. I did 30-60 minutes on the treadmill everyday but I think I should be getting outside and running more often and adding some strength training.

    Make some smart choices over the holiday weekend. I figured I would try to stop and think about MFP friends before eating every meal. Maybe that will help keep me accountable. It's going to be a challenge but I want to feel good about my weekend next Tuesday morning!!!

    Good luck everyone!!!
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Happy July ! ! !
    What are you all doing for personal challenges this month?

    I'm in a few challenges - an ongoing one that lasts until September, with reflection challenges each week. I'm a week ahead of the mini goal that I set for myself, so that's definitely a great feeling! I'm also in another group where we have daily challenges consisting of 2 tasks, like 10 glasses of water and 2 miles of activity or stay under your cals and send an encouraging note to your two teammates. But the girl that was running it has sort of disappeared. I volunteered to help her with the spreadsheet that monitors everyone's weigh ins and since then, she's like off the reservation. I dunno what's going on with that. And the last challenge that I'm doing just started today!!!! We're "rowing" around the world. It's not actually a rowing challenge. It's basically a 'let's see which team can burn x number of calories in the shortest amount of time" challenge. :-) I've got some AWESOME girls on my team and I can't wait for us to KICK BUTT!!! It's definitely inspiring me to work out harder and longer. Yesterday, and the day before, I spent a good 45-60 mins at the gym in preparation for this challenge. And boy!!! If there was any question in my mind before about the correlation between sweating my *kitten* off and dropping the lbs, I think that question has been answered. A total of 90 minutes in the gym over two days has resulted in a 3lb weight loss in the same two days.

    I'm SOOO looking forward to this long weekend. We have plans on Sunday, but NOTHING on Saturday or Monday. Which I definitely need. Been so busy lately! A couple days of recovery and relaxing will be fantastic. Thinking about buying the latest Sims3 expansion and spending some time on the computer. Maybe hit the pool on Monday. And probably test driving some used cars. It's going to be fantastic!! Happy Canada Day & Happy 4th of July to the Canadians and Americans in our midst!!! Hope you all have a fantabulous weekend!!!!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Love your challenges! Way to go Jen!

    I'm hoping to get moving more after work. I generally do my running at 5am since our evenings are so busy with the girls sports. With summer here I should be able to find some free time at night to sweat it out!

    Everyone is doing so great here. Love the support and motivation you all provide!!!
  • kimmisatch
    kimmisatch Posts: 105
    These challenges sound awesome!!!!!!!! Keep us posted how they are going :D

    OMG i went to combat for the first time in a few weeks - right now I can feel every muscle in my body LOL. I have been trying to rest my shoulder - but I may aswell have kept going as it just hurts the same as before I took my break. Frustrating. Am just going to suck it up and keep going and modify the left arm punching stuff.

    Also - weighed today, lost 1.6kg this week - WOOHOOOOOOOOOO.

    Oh AND i just bought a heart rate monitor - just have to wait for it now hehe.
  • healthyandlean
    I need too lose Over 100 pounds!! Hard to write it down!! Need friends and support!! HAVE NOT been doing too great on this!! MY fault get STRESSED I eat!! I know it will take ayear READY too do it!!
  • PurpleCoookie
    Nice loss, kimmisatch!! It was well worth it.

    I'm trying to save for HRM because I'm eyeballing my calories lost.


    I'm in "lose 5lbs a month July challenge" and its helpful for me to stay motivated.
  • sbrown6
    sbrown6 Posts: 334 Member
    Just got my HRM yesterday. I got a Polar FT7 on craigslist. I think they retail for a little over $100. I got mine for $65 and she said it had only been used a couple of times. I'm really glad I bought it. My elliptical machine doesnt allow imput of height, age & weight so the estimate is not nearly as accurate as the HRM. I usually do 30 mins on the elliptical. My machine usually says about 300 cals burned. The MFP database says 480. THe HRM came in at 380. I am about to strap it on right now and give the Couch 25K a try.
  • JuniperT
    JuniperT Posts: 394 Member
    Count me in as well, I seem to have a hard time finding a support group like this as well. Feel free to add me :)
  • spicybaer79
    That is me exactly...I only used the shot for the one time but it was horrible and took over a year to get out of my system...
    I'm so in...
    I'm a 32 yr old single mother of two amazing children...I've always struggled with my weight and depression which is a double whamie...I've never been above 214 lbs but then I made the mistake of using the depo shot (Birth control) and escaluted to 258 I hated the way I felt, hated the way I looked and in general hated my life....My regular OBGYN told me that was a big mistake that depo is horrible for women over 30, mess with their emotions and weight hard core. So here I am...Could use all the friends and encouragement that I can get.
    I started back in Jan but have only been serious about in the last two months...
    SW- 258
    CW- 248.5
    Feel free to add me and lets help each other.

    I totally know what you mean. I used the Depo shot as well for about 6 months or 2 shots and my mom called it the Witch Shot but with a B. She said I was super cranky and I gained almost 30 lbs while on it, I also feel crappy and just down right icky. I've sense changed to the ring which is okay. I'm 32 with 4 kids so yea don't really need another one. Anyway, I'm at about 221 right now and have lost almost 10 lbs so far. I'm tired of being tired and to overweight to play with my kids. My oldest will be 12 in October and my youngest turned 4 in January. With me going to school and taking care of them I'm busy but spend a lot of time on my tushy on the computer since my schooling is all online. I want to be able to play with my kids not sit and watch!

    I'm changing how I eat, I'm drinking 12 glasses or water a day and I feel amazing!
  • Kinda79
    Kinda79 Posts: 239 Member
    Oh man I did 16 mins of Wii Boxing the other day and my back muscles, arms, shoulders and my neck muscles are so sore still. I felt much better after some yoga this morning to stretch out those tight muscles but man what a workout. I burned 235 calories according to my HRM in 16 mins. Not bad I'm thinking!
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    Depo is bad stuff. I was on it for 2.5 years and it is what triggered my PCOS to come out of dormancy and kick in full throttle. It has been linked to causing PCOS as well. It also causes all kinds of problems with fertility..
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Hi Everyone! So jealous of you girls with the heart rate monitors! I want one REAL BAD! Question with those - can you wear it in the water? Like while swimming? Just curious.

    My first challenge and the one that just started on Friday are going really well. My reflection challenge is awesome. I got real close to being the biggest loser this week, by lingading blew my 3.6lbs out of the water. Good for her though. Just makes me want to work harder this week!!! The "rowing" challenge is a lot of fun so far. We've got a group of all girls (some of whom post here, as well! :bigsmile: ) and we decided on Knotty Girls as our boat/team name. Yesterday, with 11 out of 15 ladies submitting their calories burned for the day, we had a total of 5602 calories, which equates to ~112 miles. Today, we've already surpassed that with 5904 cals and ~118 miles. And that's only half of the team!! I'm so proud of the girls on my team! They're all doing amazing!

    The second challenge I mentioned, where we have daily mini goals.........Eh. The girl running the thing was mia for like five days. I sent her an email and offered to help with the spreadsheet, since she was complaining that figuring out the %s would be hard to do. Being the nerdy math geek that I am, I told her she could use a formula and it would figure out the %s for her. I also offered to do it myself, if she would give me access to the spreadsheet, since I was thankful that she was putting this all together for us. So she gave me access and then she disappeared! I was asking for her input and no response. And then people were getting peeved because they had team members that they couldn't reach. So their team averages were being brought down, due to a lack of weight loss. But I maintained that it was her challenge and as soon as I heard back from her, we'd figure out what to do about the missing people. Consistently - no response. So, finally on Friday, I sent her a friend request and told her that I'd made a decision to eliminate the people who hadn't weighed from the team totals. It wasn't fair to the people that WERE weighing. And FINALLY she comes back to life. She accepts the request and shows up in the thread, acting all snotty about things. I feel like saying screw the whole thing. She's clearly not as invested in the challenge as some people are. And that's totally fine. I'm not judging her for that. Believe me! I understand that people have a lot of crap going on and hosting a challenge on MFP may not be her highest priority. But her lack of response to my messages and then the attitude that she had when she came back...Totally rubs me the wrong way. NOT TO MENTION that one of my TWO teammates is totally mia, as well. The whole thing has me a little irritated. So....I'm not going to drop it because I do feel it's important to stick to it and support my two teammates, but I'm not going to go out of my way to check the thread every day and make sure the spreadsheet is updated and be apologetic when she doesn't stick with it this week. Unnecessary stress. /rant :smile:

    Today, I kicked major *kitten* in my workout. Stuck it to the treadmill, rode the bike, did some minor weight training and then hit the pool for an hour. It was awesome. My arms feel like jello. But I'm super proud of myself for pushing that hard. I think MFP overestimates the calories that I burned, but that's okay. I know that I worked hard and I also know that tomorrow, when I step on the scale, it's going to show!

    Hope you all have a fantastic weekend! My husband & I are going to visit my parents for a BBQ tomorrow. Should be a fun time. Probably going to have a repeat of today's workout when we get back tomorrow night. Watch the fireworks from the pool...? Yeah, I think that'll be fun! :-)
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    WOW, there are a lot of us. we are a "rare" breed... but yet there are so many. food is my true addiction, and i feel i will be in recovery for life.... :-) so nice to see that we are not alone.

    PS. YOU CAN DO THIS.... one small step at a time!!!!
  • deborahmorris
    deborahmorris Posts: 177 Member
    You can count me in too :smile:

    I am always looking for support in my journey....we can all do this :flowerforyou:
  • seriousaboutlife
    seriousaboutlife Posts: 177 Member
    Hey all! Happy to have found this group! I'm Naomi. I have been heavy my whole life. We lived in a house where the deep fryer never got cold enough to put away in the cupboard. Wow... that sounds way more terrible when I type it out. lol We grew up on cream gravy with noodles, chocolate, chips, pizza pops... and pretty much any other junk that could be bought in bulk.

    After my dh and I had been married for 5 years, we decided that it was time to start a family. At the time I was 319 lbs. I told him that he should not allow me to get pregnant until I had lost at least 50 lbs. That's where my journey started. It wasn't long, and I had hit the 50 lb lost mark, and got pregnant (hit 60 lbs lost before started gaining baby weight). Thankfully... my mother gave me good pregnancy genetics, and I only gained 18 lbs with my pregnancy (and I ate pretty much anything I wanted).

    K... I need to make the rest short... or I could go on FOREVER!!!! lol point form.. here I come:

    Feb 2002, son born
    Nov, 2003 son suffers 12 hour grand mal seizure, has a severe neurological delay, 7 months pregnant with daughter
    Jan 2004 daughter born
    Feb 2004 son diagnosed with leukemia
    May 2004 son diagnosed with epilepsy
    Jan 2005 to Sep 2005, I lose 80 lbs!!!!!
    Sep 2005, sons leukemia comes back
    Sep 2005 to Dec 2005, I gain 50 of that 80 lbs back.
    Sep 2006, son diagnosed with autism
    Nov 2007 son finishes treatments for leukemia. 3.5 years NO CHEMO!!!
    Dec 2009 son has SUCCESSFUL brain surgery to remove the area of the brain that has damage. 1.5 years NO SEIZURES!!

    Phew... got that all out there. So, basically... I'm a stress eater. Btw... did I say that I'm a stress eater? lol

    Glad to be here though!!!
  • jus_me77
    jus_me77 Posts: 47
    Hi everyone. I have almost 150 pounds to lose. I would love to be apart of the group and have some support and motivation as give it. I hope you all have a great 4th weekend!
  • Tonilynn70
    Tonilynn70 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi all,

    I would like to join... My name is Toni. I will be 41 next week. I have an almost 3 year old son (yes, I started late!!!) I was a skinny kid, but I was shy. My parents moved to another town when I was 11 and that is when I started gaining weight. I remember we moved when I was 17 to New Mexico and my mom made my younger sister and me join Nutrasystem and I weighed over 250 lbs. I got under 200 was never over 218 until now... I live in Florida and jobs are scarce... I am a full time student (all online) and for some reason while I study, I need to eat. As of this morning, I was 227. It makes me embarrassed to write that, but I need to lose the weight.

    My aunt has diabetes, my mother had it. My father's side has heart issues... I had gestational diabetes while I was pregnant.. first and foremost, I need to do it for my health. Next, to keep up with that little man who doesn't sit still EVER!!! And lastly, I met the most wonderful man in the world last year, and we are getting married next June. I would love to be able to not have to buy a plus sized wedding dress.

    I want to be a runner, to kayak, to take my son to the beach and not be in jeans. :-)

    Hope you all have a great weekend!!!!
