100+ lbs to lose support group



  • meljoh1
    meljoh1 Posts: 2
    Good morning ladies! I'm glad i found this group. it's hard to find people who understand the hardship of trying to lose weight. Today is my third day on my life changing mission. so far so good i do have to confess i'm very much a snacker at night as well as an emotional eater and i gave in last night. after fighting with my son for 2 hours to go to bed i finally had a few moments to my self and snacked on ketchup chips. i was so disappointed in myself. but i logged it and today is a new day. bonus of the day there are no more ketchup chips in the house! so no snacking tonight!!!! :happy:
  • phany76
    phany76 Posts: 9 Member
    What I've learned throughout the years is that if you snack on things that makes you feel guilty, "Don't Feel Guilty" I believe the guilty feeling that we get does some kind of chemical reaction in us and causes us to get depressed, and in my case give up, and so i start to think and say what's the point, hence my inconsistency problem. But what I've learned is if you snack on something you shouldn't, enjoy it, and do better next time, like you said each day is a new day. If we have this positive outlook i think we will be less inclined to eat what we shouldn't because it has less affect on us emotionally and we will not be drawn to emotional eating or inconsistency. That is my opinion i hope this helps.
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Hannah!! I KNOW all the hard work you've been putting in this week! I cannot WAIT to see what an awesome weigh in you have this week. Super excited for you! :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Kimmisatch - I assume you're talking about the rowing challenge that a few of us are doing? If not, ignore me. Or don't. lol My team is amazing. I am so proud of how hard they've been working every day!!! In six days, we've collectively burned over 45,000 calories! Isn't that incredible??? It's truly been motivational for me. Makes me WANT to do something every day. I want to keep it going for our team and hope that they feel as good about everything that we're doing as I do!
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    BTW, Welcome to all the new people!!! This group really is very supportive and a great way to make some new friends who understand the journey that you're on!

    Meljoh - I'm also a snacker. And you know, what I've found is that snacking isn't the devil! :-) You just have to make sure you have the right things to snack on. Replace the chips and candy with lower calories/higher fiber snacks. I've found that fruit is an awesome snack. You get that sweet boost, you feel like you're satisfying the urge, but it's good for you, too. And if you just can't give up your chips, or TOM's come to visit and you absolutely must have chocolate or you're going to explode, give in to the temptation. But just a LITTLE BIT. Get out three or four chips and put the rest away. Eat them VERY slowly. Enjoy the taste and the comfort that you get from it, but without the guilt of gorging yourself. Have a small piece of chocolate, but not an entire bag of snickers mini's.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    I've been buying 70% cocoa bars. Dark chocolate is very good for you. If I need something sweet after dinner I break off one square. It's less than 50calories and I really enjoy it more if I let it melt in my mouth. mmmmmmmmmmmm - chocolate anyone!?? I"ve also seen the new skinny cow dreamy clusters they just came out with - adding that to my list next week!

    Keep up the great work girls! Off to the ocean for a long weekend of camping. Hoping to get in some good hikes to balance out those toasted marsh mellows! :glasses:
  • PurpleCoookie
    ^me too. Its not too sweet for me like other chocolate and I "try" to eat it in moderation.

    This past week I been feeling tired lately and I really don't understand why. I'm slacking off in my workouts now....I don't like that. In my first week with this site I've been doing really well, now its a battle everyday to exercise.
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
  • hannahfayek
    I'm so ashamed of how much weight I've put on myself and how unhealthy I've become. I'm only 21 and I have well over 100 pounds to lose. I'd love some friends with a common goal!
  • PurpleCoookie
    I'll add you!! I feel the same way...I'm 20 and have so much work to do.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    Ah, but you should both be proud! Starting in your early twenties, you can make changes that will help you stay healthy for decades! Good job!

  • sbrown6
    sbrown6 Posts: 334 Member
    Today is my third day on my life changing mission. so far so good i do have to confess i'm very much a snacker at night as well as an emotional eater and i gave in last night. after fighting with my son for 2 hours to go to bed i finally had a few moments to my self and snacked on ketchup chips. i was so disappointed in myself. but i logged it and today is a new day. bonus of the day there are no more ketchup chips in the house! so no snacking tonight!!!! :happy:

    I love that you called it a "life changing mission"! That's really what it is. Completely changing the way you think about food. Honestly, after one month here, I no longer crave the crap. And if I do crave something I just choose a healthier version or compensate with more exercise. For me, it's just a series of decisions. I just have to ask myself what I want more - the snack or my weightloss goals.

    Now, as for the question above about boobs -- I breast fed 3 children so mine are KAPUT! I am sure that there are pectoral exercises you could do to strengthen the muscle underneath. I've decided not to worry about that for now but I am keeping the option open for a "lift" later. I think that would be a nice goft to myself for losing 100 lb.
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Hey all! Just wanted to share some wonderful!! news: my husband got a job!!!!! He was hired last night and starts on Monday, which happens to be his 30th birthday! He's going to be working for a business that does computer repairs and diagnostics, along with a consulting business that does installs for businesses. It's definitely going to be a change of pace for him, in terms of work. The last 7 or 8 years (prior to being laid off), he was working in factories. He did a lot of physical brute type work. This new job, he'll be doing something that he really enjoys doing - working with computers. I can't even express how excited I am that he's going to be working again. He was laid off since last May and it's definitely been a struggle. This job doesn't pay nearly as well as his old one, but it's about even with what he's been making on unemployment, but so much better because he'll actually be getting out of the house and WORKING! He also gets medical benefits and after 60 days, he will have the opportunity for a raise. I am so proud of him and so excited to see things start to turn around for him. YAY!!!!!
  • sbrown6
    sbrown6 Posts: 334 Member
    That is awesome news! Congrats!
  • PurpleCoookie
    Great news!!!
  • LMorrison1009
    LMorrison1009 Posts: 114 Member
    Mind if I join you guys here?? I started almost 2 weeks ago, have lost 3 pounds, so far. Slow steady progress, right? My official goal is to lose 100 pounds, because that will make me the smallest I've ever been in my adult life. I know that it is attainable, with hard work... To go beyond that seems a little scary to me. But I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    Hey all! Just wanted to share some wonderful!! news: my husband got a job!!!!! He was hired last night and starts on Monday, which happens to be his 30th birthday! He's going to be working for a business that does computer repairs and diagnostics, along with a consulting business that does installs for businesses. It's definitely going to be a change of pace for him, in terms of work. The last 7 or 8 years (prior to being laid off), he was working in factories. He did a lot of physical brute type work. This new job, he'll be doing something that he really enjoys doing - working with computers. I can't even express how excited I am that he's going to be working again. He was laid off since last May and it's definitely been a struggle. This job doesn't pay nearly as well as his old one, but it's about even with what he's been making on unemployment, but so much better because he'll actually be getting out of the house and WORKING! He also gets medical benefits and after 60 days, he will have the opportunity for a raise. I am so proud of him and so excited to see things start to turn around for him. YAY!!!!!

    That is wonderful--congratulations and tell him GOOD JOB!

  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    Hey all! Just wanted to share some wonderful!! news: my husband got a job!!!!! He was hired last night and starts on Monday, which happens to be his 30th birthday! He's going to be working for a business that does computer repairs and diagnostics, along with a consulting business that does installs for businesses. It's definitely going to be a change of pace for him, in terms of work. The last 7 or 8 years (prior to being laid off), he was working in factories. He did a lot of physical brute type work. This new job, he'll be doing something that he really enjoys doing - working with computers. I can't even express how excited I am that he's going to be working again. He was laid off since last May and it's definitely been a struggle. This job doesn't pay nearly as well as his old one, but it's about even with what he's been making on unemployment, but so much better because he'll actually be getting out of the house and WORKING! He also gets medical benefits and after 60 days, he will have the opportunity for a raise. I am so proud of him and so excited to see things start to turn around for him. YAY!!!!!
    That is awesome! I am so happy for him!

    My birthday was yesterday. We didn't have cake (I'm not much of a cake person and we had cake on the 26th for mine and my husband's birthday) but we did have ice cream last night (I'm an addict). I also went to zumba and I cooked spaghetti and garlic bread for dinner after zumba class. I am thirty years old now. People ask if I am having a hard time and I'm like, "um no, I've been mistaken for a teenager for the last ten years what makes turning 30 any different." I actually played a teenager in a play at my church in October and the people who didn't know me said that I was pretty good at acting for a kid. *shakes head*

    Anyways, welcome to all the new people! Feel free to add me to your friends list!
  • Imsojen
    Imsojen Posts: 192 Member
    Id like to join this group. I have 130-150 lbs to lose. I have been working on the new lifestyle for 2 months now and so far im down almost 30 lbs. Feels great but I need the support of more people that understand the incredibly difficult process of such a HUGE goal.

    My name is Jen (there sure are alot of us). I live in Oregon I have 2 sons, and although im rather young I have 2 amazing grandkiddos. I have been overweight since my first son was born when I was 15. Slowly but steadily got bigger and bigger. Im SOO over it. I am ready for the fight of my life so to speak. I will not give up, this is the new me. I am determined, I am strong, I am fierce. I will keep saying that til its all true...LOL
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    Mind if I join you guys here?? I started almost 2 weeks ago, have lost 3 pounds, so far. Slow steady progress, right? My official goal is to lose 100 pounds, because that will make me the smallest I've ever been in my adult life. I know that it is attainable, with hard work... To go beyond that seems a little scary to me. But I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

    Hey. welcome and glad to have you! Just jump in and share--we're all in this together!

  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    Id like to join this group. I have 130-150 lbs to lose. I have been working on the new lifestyle for 2 months now and so far im down almost 30 lbs. Feels great but I need the support of more people that understand the incredibly difficult process of such a HUGE goal.

    My name is Jen (there sure are alot of us). I live in Oregon I have 2 sons, and although im rather young I have 2 amazing grandkiddos. I have been overweight since my first son was born when I was 15. Slowly but steadily got bigger and bigger. Im SOO over it. I am ready for the fight of my life so to speak. I will not give up, this is the new me. I am determined, I am strong, I am fierce. I will keep saying that til its all true...LOL

    30 pounds in two months is fantastic--glad to have you, Jen!
