100+ lbs to lose support group



  • stargazergrl82
    I'm about 10 pounds heavier than my friend (we're in the 310's)and she gets around 2000 calories to my 1730. It seems kinda crazy, no?
    But she said it might have to do with height since she's 6'0 and I'm only 5'7. Who knows?

    I'm okay with my 1700 but I wonder how it will be when I only get like 1400. Crazy! But I guess I'll know when I get there :smile:
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    Hello new people!! Welcome!!! :-)

    sbrown - I actually have the opposite problem. MFP gives me like 1900 cals for 2lbs loss per week. Granted, I'm about 100lbs heavier than you, but it's entirely too much. I've manually adjusted mine down to 1500, and even that is a challenge. I'm lucky if I can eat 1200 cals for the day.
    I try to keep my goal for calories in at 10% of my current weight. It will change as my weight loss increases. I am at 272 lbs and I COULD eat up to 2700 calories a day and still lose because I am eating a low carb lifestyle. I actually only eat around 2000 calories a day because I am not hungry and that is where my body just wants to stop.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Back from a great long weekend (Took our 2 daughters to a Taylor Swift concert). Sound like some good success going on and some super motivation to join some challenges. That's awesome!! I'm just finishing up one challenge where we tracked our total # of minutes exercised and traveled that many cyber miles to visit each of our locations! A dozen of us covered 4 countries and over 25,000 miles! It's a great way to push yourself towards your ultimate goal.

    Traveling and eating out was a bit rough over the weekend, but I had packed some healthy snacks and ordered smart. I am up a couple of lbs today due to the extra sodium and TOM arriving today, so I feel pretty good about being able to level that out in a day or so. I am 4lbs from reaching my 10lb goal for June. I'd LOVE to reach that by Friday or even by next Monday so I can have a huge strawberry daquiri on the 4th!! I guess I'd better shut my office door and get some sit-ups done ASAP!

    Have a great day losers!

    PS - I'm at 1200 cals a day. I'm sure height, current weight, age and activity have the most to do with it.

  • tlems
    tlems Posts: 104 Member
    Count me in! I am 36, have a long way to go and could use all of the support and information I can get. I am a mom to three girls, I work a desk job and I am in the TEAM weight loss program at Lifetime Fitness. We are on week 10 and i have lost 26lbs so far. It meets three nights a week and basically a trainer kicks your rump on a treadmill for an hour three times a week. I recently added weight training into my routine.

    I'm 5'8 and I try to keep my calories between 1400-1500 a day.

    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    Hi!! Is there room for me?
  • morganginga
    morganginga Posts: 33 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I am curious what your daily allowable calories are. Many of my MFP friends have open diaries and I see that most everyone is allowed more daily calories than I am and I am curious about it. I know it varies based on current weight, activity level, and how much you want to lose.

    I am allowed 1240 cals (not including any exercise cals). My current weight is 235, I'm 5'7" and 36 years old. I am sedentary (sit at a desk 8-9 hrs perday) and want to lose 2 lbs per week.

    Is that similar to anyone else here?

    Very close to me. Current weight is just shy of 206, I'm also 5'7" but at 31 years old. I work as a system administrator so I'm definitely in the sedentary lifestyle starting out. I originally put my target loss at 1.5lbs per week, but after hitting the 10lbs lost mark, MFP asked if I wanted to recalculate my goals (it recalculated to 2lbs per week). The total allowed calories per day MFP assigned me is 1200 cals (not including exercise cals). My calories per day didn't change when it recalculated my goal to 2lbs per week, little odd but I'm not gonna argue.

    I'm hoping to join in this group. I'm also participating in the 5lbs in July group, although I think I may need to adjust my goal weight for that one closer to starting (I may be too close the the original goal weight I picked for that group by the time I start July :-) ).

    Feel free to add me if you would like :)
  • emancipateurself
    emancipateurself Posts: 174 Member
    I'm in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • spicybaer79
    I'm so in...
    I'm a 32 yr old single mother of two amazing children...I've always struggled with my weight and depression which is a double whamie...I've never been above 214 lbs but then I made the mistake of using the depo shot (Birth control) and escaluted to 258 I hated the way I felt, hated the way I looked and in general hated my life....My regular OBGYN told me that was a big mistake that depo is horrible for women over 30, mess with their emotions and weight hard core. So here I am...Could use all the friends and encouragement that I can get.
    I started back in Jan but have only been serious about in the last two months...
    SW- 258
    CW- 248.5
    Feel free to add me and lets help each other.
  • rosemiller11
    rosemiller11 Posts: 224 Member
    Jen~ I would love to oin your challenge, but I have so many going on already that I am afraid I won't get anything accomplished but spinnin my wheels, so yeah... guess I will quit on that one. Good luck tho! Oh, and btw, totally know what you mean about hating Jillian. I do have to stop and rest about once through the workout, and I take quite a few 5 second breaks as well. I know it is gonna help though, so woohoo!

    Also, I have another problem.... the weightloss group I joined at work has a scales that weighed me 5 lbs heavier to begin with, but now since I weighed in today, it shows that I have lost 4.8 lbs total! In 1 week! Which is awesome, however, my scales weighed me 5lbs lighter to begin with, and now it only shows that I lost 3 lbs total the last week. Which should I believe? If I switch to the work scales... Well, what will I do when our 90 day challenge is up?

    Oh, and.... my last inspiration? Extreme makeover weight loss edition with Rachel! She looked AMAZING at 208lbs. Course, I wanna get far below that, but still, shows me that there is hope. :) I love Chris Powell! Wish I could get him to take me on, but I know I wouldn't qualify, so I just use the show for inspiration.
  • dontstopnow
    dontstopnow Posts: 152
    Hello Everyone,

    I am curious what your daily allowable calories are. Many of my MFP friends have open diaries and I see that most everyone is allowed more daily calories than I am and I am curious about it. I know it varies based on current weight, activity level, and how much you want to lose.

    I am allowed 1240 cals (not including any exercise cals). My current weight is 235, I'm 5'7" and 36 years old. I am sedentary (sit at a desk 8-9 hrs perday) and want to lose 2 lbs per week.

    Is that similar to anyone else here?

    5'9, 233, really close to turning 21 years old, set to lose 2 lbs a week and i'm allowed 1380 not including exercise cals. oh and i'm set on sedentary as well!
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    A happy scale victory today! After three days of basically going nuts (400-500 calories over my goal per day), I'm still weighing in at exactly where I was before the trip! So no ground lost, and a happy trip!

    MFP has me set for 1,600 calories a day. I was set for 1740 (or thereabouts), but it knocked me down after I lost 30 lbs. I'm 5'5", and 311 pounds, and I think I'm set at sedentary. I've been wicked sick the past week, so I haven't been working out. That doesn't seem to be affecting my loss at all, though I have been walking around more (no motorized cart in the store, walking to the pool, walking around in the desert checking out ghost towns, etc.).

    Loving all the new folks--you inspire me!

  • Ballybabe1
    Ballybabe1 Posts: 57
    Count me in too and feel free to add me as a friend. I need all the encouragement I can get and hopefully I can help you too.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    I have 102 pounds left to loose; had more, have lost it already.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I am curious what your daily allowable calories are. Many of my MFP friends have open diaries and I see that most everyone is allowed more daily calories than I am and I am curious about it. I know it varies based on current weight, activity level, and how much you want to lose.

    I am allowed 1240 cals (not including any exercise cals). My current weight is 235, I'm 5'7" and 36 years old. I am sedentary (sit at a desk 8-9 hrs perday) and want to lose 2 lbs per week.

    Is that similar to anyone else here?

    5'9, 233, really close to turning 21 years old, set to lose 2 lbs a week and i'm allowed 1380 not including exercise cals. oh and i'm set on sedentary as well!

    Im not similiar since im heavier; but thought it would give u perspective. Im 272, 5'10", sedentary, and im allowed 1570 calories a day. Im 26.
  • kimmisatch
    kimmisatch Posts: 105
    WOW hi to all the new people!

    Man my week is crazy, learning a brand new job you've done nothing like before (they hired me as a blank canvas to mould to how they want me to do it). My job until last Friday was all tax, and now it's all invioces and farm equipment lol. Learning is tiring, and you have moments of wondering if you made a mistake leaving the old job. I've been told it will get better though so am toughing it out.

    New job is really helping my good eating though - no shops near by to tempt me, there is a BP garage but I haven't been tempted and Marlow pies is down the road but im not really a pie person. Thank goodness hehehe. I have been really organised with my lunches and getting into a good routine.

    OMG tonight I discovered Fantastic sweet chilli and sour cream rice crackers - they are soooo good. My new favourite me thinks. A good snacky filler.

    Hope you are all having a good week. It's Wednesday night here so all downhill from here, phew. Am off to play some Wii now. Am going to combat again for the first time in about 3 or 4 weeks on Saturday, and then a cemetary tour on Saturday night (you get a free glass of goats blood (mulled wine) at the end hehe yus).

    By the way - the ad on the side here is for restaurant vouchers - burgers, donuts, steaks, sushi, brunch and ice cream. ARE THEY TRYING TO BE FUNNY? Lol all like 60 to 70% off!!!
  • tlems
    tlems Posts: 104 Member
    Just wondering, how do you break down your calories. How much at breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner, etc?
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Hello to all the new peeps!! This group just keeps on growing!! I'm lovin it! :-)

    I'm going to post this again, in case any of our newer friends are interested and/or in case anyone else missed it.

    We're looking for teammates to join us in an around the world "rowing" game. Here's how it works: the guy that is organizing the challenge calculated the number of calories that HE burns in rowing one mile. He will use that as a conversion. Every day, as a team, we total up how many calories we've burned - doing WHATEVER: walking, running, swimming, cleaning, cooking, etc - and then plug that into his spreadsheet. It will take the number of calories that we've burned and uses the conversion to see how many miles we've "rowed". Whichever team makes it to the finish line first is the winning team!

    Here is the post from the guy running the challenge/game:

    We have ten people on our team so far, and need five more. I will be team captain, which means I'll take care of totalling our calories burned and submitting them on the spreadsheet. All you will have to do is log your exercise! I think this could SO fun and motivating!! If anyone is interested in playing with us, please let me know. The game starts this Friday, July 1st, so we need to get the rest of our team together soon!!!
  • LASH3S
    LASH3S Posts: 170 Member
    Hello Group...

    Jen - Count me in.. this sounds like just the thing i need to get me started!!! NOthing wrong with a little friendly competition to get the metabolism roaring..;)

  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Hannah - You're in! Glad to have you!! :-)
  • Kinda79
    Kinda79 Posts: 239 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I am curious what your daily allowable calories are. Many of my MFP friends have open diaries and I see that most everyone is allowed more daily calories than I am and I am curious about it. I know it varies based on current weight, activity level, and how much you want to lose.

    I am allowed 1240 cals (not including any exercise cals). My current weight is 235, I'm 5'7" and 36 years old. I am sedentary (sit at a desk 8-9 hrs perday) and want to lose 2 lbs per week.

    Is that similar to anyone else here?

    Really! That seems low to me. I started at 231 I'm 5'2 and 32 years old. I at first chose the sedentary and lose 1.5 lbs per week but they set mine at 1640, I've since then change to light active since I exercise about 5 times a week now, kept the 1.5 lbs per week and they changed it to 1510. I can't imagine only eating 1200 cals a day even with exercise and I usually eat pretty good. Eventually I want to lose 2 lbs a week but I thought that might be to high a goal for me right now since I do sit at the computer a lot doing my school work and other office work.