

  • I am have been working out regularly for the past 33 years. I am currently 56 years old, 5’10” and 135pds. I have used many methods of working out to keep in shape. When I get bored with one I will switch to something else. I went from working out in a gym to working out in my basement for 4 years after I had our first…
  • How did everyone do this past wekend? I did have a few lite beers both Friday and Saturday night, made cupcakes for the kids yesterday (and I ate one not to mention licking off the beaters), I also ate things I shouldn't have BUT I did do my Rockin Body DVD with Shaun T both Saturday and Sunday. I gained 2 pds. Today I am…
  • Did we start this? Is there a specific place I need to go? I'm new at this blogging. Thanks!!
  • This is the first time I used the message board and it is so nice to see your replies and realize I am not alone. Only 5 1/2 more hours before I start my weekend and already my husband wants to stop after work for a cocktail. I did some research and Lite Beer seems to be the best (for what I like to drink). I am going to…
  • i'll give it a try too.