Weekends Are Killing Me



  • Bison008deleted
    It's a common problem for myself also. Just gotta keep your eye on the prize and know it's not over come Friday. Easier said but it can be done. Anyone please feel free to add me for daily support and encouragement. Cheers.
  • S0nsh1ne
    S0nsh1ne Posts: 218 Member
    I'm just getting over Girl Scout cookie season. Those boxes kept calling me on the weekends. Eat me and drink lots of milk too! MMMMMmmmm you know you want it. hhehehe.

    The cookies are gone and now the temptation. Still hard with kids and wife who are not on a diet. (Although I think diet is really how you live and not a short term thing.)

    Some of the things that I do to avoid the issues is to always have a ready supply of food that I can go to and avoid the temptation.

    My go to foods: (I do low carb high fat. aka Keto.)

    Jerky (make it myself)
    Cheese Sticks
    Jello and Diet Soda (if I need sweets) Of course sugar free.

    If you have easy food to pull out it helps. Heck I even keep cooked bacon in my pocket just in case. In a baggie, don't want to get attacked by dogs or something.

    Good Luck!

    cooked bacon in your pocket - hilarious
  • Linda7218
    How did everyone do this past wekend? I did have a few lite beers both Friday and Saturday night, made cupcakes for the kids yesterday (and I ate one not to mention licking off the beaters), I also ate things I shouldn't have BUT I did do my Rockin Body DVD with Shaun T both Saturday and Sunday. I gained 2 pds. Today I am back on track. We had more snow this morning. I am so looking forward for spring to finally arrive. Once I can get outside food won't be such a issue. Stay strong, warm weather is coming.....soon??
  • yph5992
    yph5992 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for the tip! I have to remember about banking some calories. I use to do that with Weight Watchers years ago. :wink:
  • Toomanytwinkies
    Toomanytwinkies Posts: 42 Member
    Last weekend was the first one in a long time I didn't do my usual binge. Brown cows and McDonalds are sooo my downfall! I also get the pleasure of watching my family stuff themselves with munchies on weekday evenings. Last night they had dill pickle chips. I stayed on track last weekend by sheer willpower...brutal! Hope I can keep this up though, I feel like the weekends wipe out all my efforts I make Monday to Friday :grumble:
  • His_Buttercup2015
    His_Buttercup2015 Posts: 114 Member
    I get treats that seem like splurges but aren't that bad. Turkey pepperoni, block cheese or laughing cow cheese wedges with crackers or fruit. When we go out to eat, I stick to grilled chicken or turkey if I can no bread or half the bread, no potatoes no pasta but my body packs pounds on with carbs. Drinks themselves can tank your diary. I limit myself to just one soda. Hey its the weekend you can have a little slack :) I don't like being told I can't have something even if I'm telling myself. It's more a mindset. Yes I could have this its ok, but is it worth the guilt I know I'll feel tomorrow?

    Everything is ok....in moderation.