Weekends Are Killing Me

I work so hard throughout the week (Mondays-Fridays afternoons) but when the weekend comes (Friday nights through Sunday evenings) my diets goes out the door. I do work out 4 days out the week but I do not have any motivation to do any on the weekends for some reason. The crazy part is that I am able to lose 1-2 pounds a week with this routine. I would like to do better on my calories intakes and try exercising more doing the weekend. I hope I can come up with some other strategies to get me going.


  • ComputerHabit
    I'm just getting over Girl Scout cookie season. Those boxes kept calling me on the weekends. Eat me and drink lots of milk too! MMMMMmmmm you know you want it. hhehehe.

    The cookies are gone and now the temptation. Still hard with kids and wife who are not on a diet. (Although I think diet is really how you live and not a short term thing.)

    Some of the things that I do to avoid the issues is to always have a ready supply of food that I can go to and avoid the temptation.

    My go to foods: (I do low carb high fat. aka Keto.)

    Jerky (make it myself)
    Cheese Sticks
    Jello and Diet Soda (if I need sweets) Of course sugar free.

    If you have easy food to pull out it helps. Heck I even keep cooked bacon in my pocket just in case. In a baggie, don't want to get attacked by dogs or something.

    Good Luck!
  • millesun
    millesun Posts: 209 Member
    Weekends do me in too! I've been enjoying myself a little too much. I've been working very hard during the week to burn "extra calories" to compensate for going over on the weekends...so far its worked. I've managed to lose 3lbs in the last 2 weeks. Good luck
  • neacail
    neacail Posts: 228 Member
    Weekends are brutal for me too . . . especially since hubby likes to start the weekend by cooking up bacon, eggs, and pancakes.

    The key to getting through the weekend for me is to keep myself busy and distracted (so I'm not thinking about the Vanilla Oreos that hubby has stuffed in the cupboard over the stove).

    My weekend exercise is house and yard-work. House work includes lugging 20 gallons of water up from the basement to change some water in my saltwater tank, cleaning reptile enclosures, piles of laundry, changing all of the bedding, sweeping and mopping floors, watering 60+ house-plants, grocery shopping . . . I barely sit down on the weekend, and the snow hasn't melted here yet so no yard work (beyond picking up after the dog) is even being done right now. One trip to a leisure centre with the kids (for skating or to splash around in the pool), is usually worked in.

    You don't need to go to the gym (or even get changed out of your pj's :wink: ) to get an effective workout in. And, you don't need to feel guilty, or as if you aren't truly committed, if you don't get weekend workouts in. I'd recommend that you take an inventory of your weekend activities to determine what kind of a workout that you're getting from them. :smile:
  • yph5992
    yph5992 Posts: 8 Member
    At 5 pm starts the weekend . I do have a good plan . I hope I can stick with it. We will see.:smile:
  • Linda7218
    This is the first time I used the message board and it is so nice to see your replies and realize I am not alone. Only 5 1/2 more hours before I start my weekend and already my husband wants to stop after work for a cocktail. I did some research and Lite Beer seems to be the best (for what I like to drink). I am going to try really hard this weekend to keep in mind my calorie in take.:ohwell: My oldest son and I have been doing Insanity workout 5 days a week and this weekend I will do Rocking Abs on Saturday. I am at a place that I only need to loose those last 5-6 pounds and it is HARD. They are just hanging on to my waist line!!:grumble: Let's all be strong and we can make it through this weekend!! Have fun and be safe. Linda
  • CoachChrisD
    CoachChrisD Posts: 207 Member
    the weekends would not be as bad if you kept working out as well on the wekends. you can still eat out but with modertion.
  • Baby_sway86
    Baby_sway86 Posts: 62 Member
    Weekends are so bad, I go to the gym but I drink n unhealthy breakfast, lunch and dinner.
    Hmm there is will power somewhere in me.
    Well I'll cheer you on, you can be healthy this weekend!
  • ComputerHabit
    This weekend. My wife and oldest are out for the weekend at a Girl Scout camping trip. Taking my 4 year old out. I've told her were going to "Party Down".

    That means a movie at Alamo Draft house and you can have whatever you want sweet heart.

    I will be partaking in a Giant Pretzel a Giant Beer, a meal of some sort and possibly some sort of sweets.

    I got 1700 calories to spend and I'll be doing that and more. Yay for the weekends.
  • keely1998
    keely1998 Posts: 148 Member
    i just put something on my board today about the weekends being so heard 4 me 2, i up 4 any sugestions 2 :)
  • jlrae84
    jlrae84 Posts: 3
    Absolutely kill me as well - always something on birthdays weddings visitors so always booze and meals out - any weekend survival tips?
  • sjacks14
    sjacks14 Posts: 68 Member
    Yes, the weekends are rough for me too! It's the beer, wine, and cocktails that kill it for me. I hadn't been working out on the weekends but started up last weekend. So, my plan is to get a good workout in on Saturday and Sunday mornings and *try* to watch those drinks!
  • NightMagic5
    NightMagic5 Posts: 111 Member
    Weekends are,"Bad News" for me. I'm going to change my weigh-in days to Friday. That way, if I slip up, I have the rest of the week to really watch myself. I seem to be fine during the week.
  • Davis911
    Davis911 Posts: 15 Member
    Getting out the house helps me. I also got back into my old hobby of cycling so I'm usually on the road by 7 or 8, ride for 2 to 4 hours, then back home to spend the rest of time with family and get the weekend chores completed.

    It's basically my ME time but I don't go sit on the couch.

    I also monitor my food more closely on the weekend...
  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member
    Me too,it's horrible!! I need HELP!! ... it's like "Yay it's Friday" which is a signal to eat every bad thing possible in sight!

    For me I lose weight during the week, then by Monday I'm up 5 lbs! then fight all week to get it back down.
  • skinnydreams19
    skinnydreams19 Posts: 282 Member
    Yup, yup, yup - the carbs and sweets and nuts and chocolate cry out for me all the louder when I'm chilling at home. I need to reign it in this weekend and not have a repeat of last week's 4000 calorie days!!!
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    I may have been binging a little hard lately, but I don't let it damper me too much. I feel like it's just my body telling me I need to up my normal daily values during the week so I don't feel deprived by the end.
  • rumplesnat
    rumplesnat Posts: 372
    Weekends were always a nightmare for me, too. I worked out M-F and tracked all of my food during the week, but gave myself the freedom from exercise and tracking food over the weekend. I finally started doing just 30 minutes of exercise on Saturday and Sunday and tracking my food, too. The extra activity give me extra calories to eat, plus I bank several hundred exercise calories during the week for the weekend as well. This is working out SO much better for me and I'm not feeling guilty come Sunday night/Monday morning. The extra bit of effort it takes to exercise is nothing compared to the guilt I'd feel being out of control. Best wishes!!!
  • MeanSophieCat
    MeanSophieCat Posts: 200 Member
    I'm not able to keep to the lower cals I do during the week so I just try to stay really active. We'll be going out to lunch tomorrow but I'm spending two hours in the morning pushing the kids around a roller rink while skating. At least 30 minutes of running in the afternoon and generally just out and about or housework. I don't always do perfect but I try to keep busy enough so that I don't do damage.

    Good luck this weekend - I'll be white knuckling it with you :)
  • stella1314
    stella1314 Posts: 66 Member
    same here...i work so hard keeping my calories under goal...and then...and then....and then....
    friday night
    but eating our is so important, and i dont want to feel deprived....
    so i eat, and then monday and tuesday i am strickt!!!

    i will never stop enjoing my life!!!
    so i will loose weight slower, so what????
  • addiepray80
    addiepray80 Posts: 46 Member

    If you have easy food to pull out it helps. Heck I even keep cooked bacon in my pocket just in case. In a baggie, don't want to get attacked by dogs or something.

    LOL! I love this! He's right though, having healthy snacks READILY available makes it easier. I try to always cut up lots of veggies and have tons of fruit in the house. I also, frankly, just don't buy the stuff I really really want to eat, but know that I will regret (like ice cream!) However, I DID buy Girl Scout cookies and I DID throughly enjoy them; even still have one box in the freezer believe it or not! Usually when the temptations are in my house I SERIOUSLY struggle on the weekend.

    As far as drinks go, because MAN beers add up fast! I tend to drink either wine or a mixer with Diet Coke or tonic; and if I'm going out to eat, I always review the menu options first and preferably check out the nutritional content if available so I can make an informed decision. If I'm going to be eating a 1200 calorie meal and there is something else available that's probably just as yummy for 700; I would MUCH rather know that ahead of time!