ckee1862 Member


  • You could always pin it on the sides with safety pins and wear a short sleeve cardigan. Clothes are way to expensive not to repurpose lol.
    in Too funny! Comment by ckee1862 June 2014
  • If its like a long maxi skirt pull it up and make it a dress!
    in Too funny! Comment by ckee1862 June 2014
  • Walking is always recommended. I was up and walking as soon as possible. You feel better more normal.
  • RTD's are going to taste better than most powders but they come at a price. I am almost 6 months out and I rarely and I mean rarely feel hungry and I have to have external cues (hiccups) to tell me I am full.
  • I had major guilt leading up to surgery because I thought I was taking the easy way out and I have been proven wrong time and time again. There are times where I take one bite and get the hiccups (full indicator) and I'm like really WTH Im not satisfied. Physically I am but Mentally I'm not.
    in How sad Comment by ckee1862 June 2014
  • I was sleeved Dec 11 2013. I was cleared at 4 weeks for light treadmill and 6 weeks to slowly integrate other things in. I was only able to go to the gym for a week and a half. At 5 weeks post I got bronchitis and it has taken 6 MONTHS to fully recover. I just started TurboFire on Monday and it was the first time that I…
  • Its important to fix the inside first. Post op is very mentally challenging. You can't stress eat hell you can barely eat. Habits that you have pre-op are no longer viable options. One day you might be able to eat chicken breast and the next it leaves you heaving in the sink.
  • I 2nd weighing. I carry a small digital scale in my purse and I keep one on the counter in the kitchen as well.
  • I am super pumped, We are doing Run or Dye here in Houston in September. Way to Go on beating your times and pushing yourself!!!
    in uh oh... Comment by ckee1862 July 2013
  • Forcing yourself to see the problem is part of the solution. I don't like the way that I look in my picture but there is no way that I would run or hide from the camera the day that I took my son home from the hospital. I am tired of hiding and running and THAT is why I am here. I am here to take a stand and to make a…