

  • Are you drinking protein shakes?? Hi protein REALLY helps with those last pounds!
  • P.S. My 7 month goes to sleep at 7:30 and my other kids have to be in bed at 8:00 and are always asleep by 8:30 or 9:00...Remember, you are the Mom...you make the rules! After about a week of what I call "Sleep boot camp" they will be in a better routine. By 9pm every night, I have a quiet house...I don't always use it to…
  • Hello, I am a Mommy of 3 young children (age 4.5, 2.5, and 7 months) and work 24-36 hours per week (I'm a nurse) with a husband who works every third day for 24 hours (he's a firefighter). My daughter Lily (the baby) still wakes up once a night for a bottle, and my 2.5 year old, Emma, still comes in our bed every night. So…