Anyone successful at losing those last stubborn pounds? If

Ropie11 Posts: 3 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss

I am new to this site, so forgive me if this topic has been discussed.

But, I have been trying for some time to lose about 7 pounds. I workout HARD, and trying to get my diet in check, but nothing I do seems to be working.

I am 5'4, and weigh 127 pounds, and 22 - 23 % bodyfat. I would love to get down to 120 pounds, but if thats not possible I want to lose some body fat AND inches!

I put my goals here to eat 1200 calories a day, does that sounds right for me to lose weight? I workout 6 days a week, doing both cardio and weight lifting.

I dont know if I am eating enough, or eating too much, if I should eat low carbs, low fat??? I am quite frustrated! :(

I would love some advice, suggestions from others who successfully lost those last pounds. Please let me know what worked for you, and if you have any suggestions for me?

Thank you very much! :)


  • Are you drinking protein shakes?? Hi protein REALLY helps with those last pounds!
  • thisischristine
    thisischristine Posts: 7 Member
    If low cal seems to have stalled for you, I would try low carb for a fortnight or so. It usually kicks things into gear.
  • I am having the same problem!
  • novatri
    novatri Posts: 262 Member
    They're all stubborn pounds.
  • Ropie11
    Ropie11 Posts: 3 Member
    Yes, I drink protein shakes, in fact a couple a day! I know I get enough protein in......

    So, if I was to try low carb, how low should I go? And, do I need to still count calories?
  • sunset19
    sunset19 Posts: 22 Member
    It really just takes a long time. I've been at this for 6 months or so? lost about 4-6 pounds (depending on the week). I still waver every week. However, I've been able to keep at that lower range for a few months now. I have 3-5 pounds to go. I aim to lose only 0.5 lbs per week. Otherwise you probably won't be able to keep it off.

    Another way to do it is: Figure out how much you need to eat/exercise to maintain your FUTURE goal weight (since it's not that far from where you are). Then try to attain that every day. Over time you will reach that goal weight, but it could take months! But then you'll be able to keep it off!!!! Hang in there! It will work!!
  • Ropie11
    Ropie11 Posts: 3 Member
    That is true, they are all stubborn pounds! But, the last ones, most stubborn for sure! ;)
  • chach918
    chach918 Posts: 80 Member
    Webmd site suggest you eat 1500 calories daily , as long as you burn 1000 calories a day.Not all gym exercising. They include walking , housework , driving and other activities . Good luck
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'm on my last 10 stubborn pounds and my personal trainer at the gym has suggested eating MORE and more protein. So I'm eating every 2-3 hours, getting lots of protein in, and eating at least 1500 calories a day. It seems like a lot, but for me if I don't eat enough, I don't have any energy for workouts and I don't lose. It sounds like from your workout schedule that you probably need to eat more to sustain it. Your body won't get rid of the fat if there's not enough going into it. I'm about to try and find some protein shakes to add in, I have protein powder at home to blend up for protein smoothies.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I did it by upping my calorie intake. My weight loss completely stalled when I was only eating 1200 cals. I needed to eat at least 1400 to lose and that is NOT including exercise calories. I TRY, (I don't always make it, but I try) to eat at least 50-75% of my exercise cals. I lost the last 10 stubborn pounds and am currently at 20% bf trying to lose a little more body fat without losing any body weight, very tricky. I have read that the closer you are to your goal weight and the lower your body fat, the more important it is to eat more calories because your body doesn't have that reserve fuel. This seemed to be true for me and most women I have talked to that have had success with those last few pounds. Good Luck! I hope this helps :-)
  • VERY interesting thank you! Would love to have you as a friend.
  • Specialkayrina
    Specialkayrina Posts: 242 Member
    same problem here. Stubborn last pounds...Argh!
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