Hello, i am new

sammysam82 Posts: 8 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
My friend asked me to join this. I am a very Tired stay at home mom, with very very active very young kids, who do not take a nap. I babysit also. I don't work out!!!! I said it, I DON"T WORK OUT! I have tried many times. But I can't seem to get the kids to bed any earlier than 10 at night. I am up every morning WITH THE KIDS at 6 am. most of the time we are up earlier than that. I have had people say they get up before the kids to work out, but that would mean getting up at 4 am for me. Not something you can really do if you don't get to bed till 12 and when you still have a child who gets up every morning at 3 am.. I would go to bed earlier, but then I would never see my husband who is usually walking in the door around 10:30-11:30 at night. Then he gets up and leaves at 6:30 am. At night time I have NO energy left in me to work out. I am deader than dead exhausted!!!! So trying to think of maybe a way I can do this with the kids. In the spring and summer working out is easy with all the outdoor play an activities, but in the winter I usually gain about 10 to 13 pounds :( Any moms like me out there...please....be my Mommy friend:) Maybe we can do this together.... feeling LOST. I need to gain control over my life and my family.


  • traceytoo
    traceytoo Posts: 163
    we can all find time hun, and as for being tired once you start exercising and eating healthier you will find you have more energy - if you can't get to the gym there's loads you can do at home fitness dvds get the kids to do it with you, running up and down stairs, sit ups with the kdis on your tummy ... press ups with the same .. just be inventive and don't make excuses - I don't want to be harsh, but I've been there and done it, full time worker, single mum, household chores, family, friends I made all the excuses cos sometimes it does seem almost impossible - but ur juggling so much one more ball isn't going to make any difference ... you can do it .. good luck xx
  • lisaking869
    lisaking869 Posts: 43 Member
    You need to put your self first at least SOME of the time! Man, My kid is 15 and I make him go to bed at 9:30pm. Even when he was a baby I put him to bed by 9pm- so I could work out 9-10pm, take a shower and get to bed. Kids need at least 10 hours of sleep when they are young- and you need at least 7 if you hope to be in shape. This is my favorite quote of the moment "Fill your cup first, then nourish others from the overflow" Good Luck! You can do it!
  • sammysam82
    sammysam82 Posts: 8 Member
    Awwwww, my friend was right to join this. I think this is just what i need. Thank you :)
  • Hello,
    I am a Mommy of 3 young children (age 4.5, 2.5, and 7 months) and work 24-36 hours per week (I'm a nurse) with a husband who works every third day for 24 hours (he's a firefighter). My daughter Lily (the baby) still wakes up once a night for a bottle, and my 2.5 year old, Emma, still comes in our bed every night. So I get that you're tired! But it's so worth it! :) I started this calorie counter and just by eating within my calories and NOT exercising, I lost 4 pounds my 1st week and continue to lose about a pound a week. Exercising is DEFINATELY hard in the winter with kids, but here is what I do. I find FUN dancing work out videos, such as ZUMBA and silly things, that my 4.5 and 2.5 year olds can do with me. Even YOGA. They think it's so much fun to do it with me. Sometimes I get 10 minutes in, others I finish the whole video. At least it's something! Better than nothing!! You will find the more active you get, the less tired you will be...even on the same amount of sleep :) Good luck to you!!
  • P.S. My 7 month goes to sleep at 7:30 and my other kids have to be in bed at 8:00 and are always asleep by 8:30 or 9:00...Remember, you are the Mom...you make the rules! After about a week of what I call "Sleep boot camp" they will be in a better routine. By 9pm every night, I have a quiet house...I don't always use it to work out...usually I use it for ME TIME....which is SOOOO important for you sanity!!
  • sammysam82
    sammysam82 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank You.
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