2tall4thisworld Member


  • Height 5'10" HW- 183.1 lbs SW June- 180 lbs SW July-177.9 lbs SW August- 174.2 lbs September 1st- 168 lbs September 4th- 172 lbs September 8th- 169.1 lbs September 11th- 169.8 lbs September 15th- 166.4 lbs September 18th- 165.6 lbs September 22nd- September 25th- September 29th- End of September goal weight 164 lbs Ended…
  • Height 5'10" HW- 183.1 lbs SW June- 180 lbs SW July-177.9 lbs SW August- 174.2 lbs September 1st- 168 lbs September 4th- 172 lbs September 8th- 169.1 lbs September 11th- 169.8 lbs September 15th- 166.4 lbs September 18th- September 25th- September 29th- End of September goal weight 164 lbs Hi everyone! I was really not…
  • Height 5'10" HW- 183.1 lbs SW June- 180 lbs SW July-177.9 lbs SW August- 174.2 lbs September 1st- 168 lbs September 4th- 172 lbs September 8th- 169.1 lbs September 11th- 169.8 lbs September 15th- September 18th- September 25th- September 29th- Well yesterday I was 167.8 haha and I thought surely today I was going to break…
  • @glassofroses that's right I remember now we talked about IBS and digestive issues. GAH :( I hope things start looking up for you. I have been thinking of you!! I am with you on nuts (ew) I've tried so hard to like them, but they just are not my thang.
  • @rishywest you go girl! Thank you for sharing! It seems like you have a great fitness and eating routine. I've been pescatarian for about 4 years now, and I just can't seem to eat enough plant based foods. I still end up gravitating towards more cheeses and breads to fill me up. Do you have any plant based tips? I've also…
  • Height 5'10" HW- 183.1 lbs SW June- 180 lbs SW July-177.9 lbs SW August- 174.2 lbs September 1st- 168 lbs September 4th- 172 lbs September 8th- 169.1 lbs September 11th- September 15th- September 18th- September 25th- September 29th- Revised September Goal 164.0 (not sure if this is still reasonable, but I'm gonna keep it…
  • @KetoZombies not gonna lie. I do want to be close-ish to 160 or at least in the low 160s by Halloween. This year I am co-hosting a massive adult halloween party at my friends house. I have no idea what I am going to be yet. I might dress up in a panda suit like @RMC1995 but I still want to be close to the 160 goal simply…
  • @KetoZombies you rock! what a great picture. I need to do that to better track my progress! @YessshJessshhhh same hereeeee. I used to struggle with disordered eating behaviors and thinking patterns. Trying to do this the healthy way is taking foreverrrr it feels like. But hopefully in the end, the pay off will be worth it…
  • Thank you ladies for being so supportive during my down week! For the last few days I've been thinking about all of your replies, and it has really helped me push through! I even forgot my running shoes for the gym a couple days ago, and then pushed myself to run 2 miles outside once I got my shoes, which i neeeeever do.…
  • Height 5'10" HW- 183.1 lbs SW June- 180 lbs SW July-177.9 lbs SW August- 174.2 lbs September 1st- 168 lbs September 4th- 172 lbs September 8th- September 11th- September 15th- September 18th- September 25th- September 29th- Revised September Goal 164.0 Ugh, I was dreading posting this...I really didn't want to admit to my…
  • @glassofroses thank you for the support!!! New goal for September is to get down into the 163 weight area. I hope it happens. Congrats on staying above 140!! And I'm really hoping you start feeling better, and that the practice manager is able to give you some answers! @KelseyRL girl congrats on your MASSIVE loss! That…
  • Height 5'10" HW- 183.1 lbs SW June- 180 lbs SW July-177.9 lbs SW August- 174.2 lbs September 1st- 168 lbs September 4th- September 8th- September 11th- September 15th- September 18th- September 25th- September 29th- September Goal- 163.5 lbs ! I can't believe it's September already! Well this month is going to come with a…
  • Height 5'10" HW- 183.1 lbs SW June- 180 lbs SW July-177.9 lbs August 4th- 174.2lbs August 7th- 174.2lbs August 11th- 173.1lbs August 14th- 172.6lbs August 18th- 169.5 lbs August 21st- 168.2 lbs August 25th- 167.8 lbs August 28th- 167.5 lbs August Goal 169.5 (achieved on 8/18) Wow!! @RMC1995 congrats to you for being so…
  • Height 5'10" HW- 183.1 lbs SW June- 180 lbs SW July-177.9 lbs August 4th- 174.2lbs August 7th- 174.2lbs August 11th- 173.1lbs August 14th- 172.6lbs August 18th- 169.5 lbs August 21st- 168.2 lbs August 25th- 167.8 lbs August 28th- August Goal 169.5 (achieved on 8/18) Just wanted to get my post in real quick! Proud of my…
  • @RMC1995 that is super impressive! Decreasing your mile time is not easy. Congrats on getting closer to your goal!! I guess my non scale victory this week would have to be just overall portion control, and making smart eating choices. We had a large banquet at work, and I only had potato salad and regular salad and one…
  • @WallyAmadeus i really like that saying. I've never heard it before. "i love this body because it holds my heart" powerful!
  • @glassofroses your goals totally make sense to me! Eventually I hope to get to that point, when I've lost all the body fat that I want, then hopefully I can really start working on getting defined and toning up. You look great to me! Your entire journey has definitely been motivating for me. BTW cute boots!…
  • @glassofroses i love the Weeknd!
  • Height 5'10" HW- 183.1 lbs SW June- 180 lbs SW July-177.9 lbs August 4th- 174.2lbs August 7th- 174.2lbs August 11th- 173.1lbs August 14th- 172.6lbs August 18th- 169.5 lbs August 21st- 168.2 lbs August 25th- August 28th- August Goal 169.5 (achieved on 8/18) Happy Monday Ladies! And for those of us in the U.S. Happy Solar…
  • Height 5'10" HW- 183.1 lbs SW June- 180 lbs SW July-177.9 lbs August 4th- 174.2lbs August 7th- 174.2lbs August 11th- 173.1lbs August 14th- 172.6lbs August 18th- 169.5 lbs August 21st- August 25th- August 28th- August Goal 169.5 (achieved on 8/18) New August goal is 169 lbs Trying to be realistic with my goals since my mom…
  • @JeepHair77 I love the Black Eyed Peas! You're mix is AWESOME! Thanks for sharing!! @jesspen91 I'm going to definitely have to check out your playlist. I'm always looking for new music or else my runs get boring too! @Jhillian STEP UP soundtrack and the movies give me life! Yasss to "take your shirt off!"
  • I agree with @Bordergirl14. Remind yourself what you CAN do, and don't necessarily focus on the number on the scale. I would also suggest positive affirmations (that don't all necessarily have to do with your body). 1. I am smart. 2. I am focused 3. I am a hard worker 4. I am a generous person 5. I am funny 6. I have a…
  • Height 5'10" HW- 183.1 lbs SW June- 180 lbs SW July-177.9 lbs August 4th- 174.2lbs August 7th- 174.2lbs August 11th- 173.1lbs August 14th- 172.6lbs August 18th- August 21st- August 25th- August 28th- New August Goal 169.5 (instead of 168.5) This weekend was busy busy busy! I had one day of really good food, but luckily I…
  • @HarvestSue2 What a great question! And congratulations on all of the hard work you've put in. It can be really tough to not see results on the scale for a long time like that. Don't lose hope. I'm sure there are other non scale victories you may not be able to see, but you can feel! Do you find that you have more energy?…
  • Height 5'10" HW- 183.1 lbs SW June- 180 lbs SW July-177.9 lbs August 4th- 174.2lbs August 7th- 174.2lbs August 11th- 173.1lbs August 14th- August 18th- August 21st- August 25th- August 28th- August Goal: 168.5 lbs! After over a week at the same weight, I'm happy to finally see some change!! Glad to know my increased cardio…
  • Hi All! Hope you are enjoying your week thus far. I just wanted to drop my brief NSV in this discussion while I'm thinking of it. Im in a competitive climbing league right now. And last night was week 2 of our competition. I had to compete in 7 individual routes. I was able to complete 5 of them. And get halfway up…
  • Height 5'10" HW- 183.1 lbs SW June- 180 lbs SW July-177.9 lbs August 4th- 174.2lbs August 7th- 174.2lbs August 11th- August 14th- August 18th- August 21st- August 25th- August 28th- August Goal: 168.5 lbs! Like many of you, i too had quite the free eating weekend! LOL I'm just happy I was able to maintain. I had a great…
  • Height 5'10" HW- 183.1 lbs SW June- 180 lbs SW July-177.9 lbs August 4th- 174.2lbs August 7th- August 11th- August 14th- August 18th- August 21st- August 25th- August 28th- August Goal: 168.5 lbs! Hello! So glad to be joining you all in the August discussion! I actually had to trim my weigh in history so it wasn't too long…
  • @evergreenlake thank you!! That means a lot to know other people are reading/following my progress :) excellent work getting in that protein! I hope you feel better soon. See you over at the August forum!! :)
  • Height 5'10" June 5th- 180. lbs June 9th-181.5 lbs June 12th-183.0 lbs June 16th-181.0 lbs June 19th-181.0 lbs June 23rd-179.2 lbs June 26th-177.7 lbs June 30th-179.0 lbs July 3rd-177.9 lbs July 7th- 181.2 lbs July 10th-178.6 lbs July 14th-176.6 lbs July 17th-176.8 lbs July 21st-174.2 lbs July 24th-173.1 lbs July…