September Accountability & Weigh-in



  • bringbackthejoy
    bringbackthejoy Posts: 255 Member
    SW: 113.4
    Sept Goal weight: 112-115

    Start of Jan: 148 lbs
    Start of Feb: 139 lbs
    Start of March: 133
    Start of Apr-127.2
    Start of May: 122.6
    Start of June-115.0-GOAL
    start of July- average of 115 as I had a crazy 4th of July trip
    Start of august-115
    Start of sept 112
    Sept 4-112.2
    Sept 11-
    Sept 18-
    Sept 25-

    Struggles: just getting my head back in the game after the holiday
    Successes: I did log and work out but not to the level of which I know I need to maintain.
    Upcoming week plan: Stick to the trading plan and the food plan I have laid out.

    @rianneonamission the cleanse was just to shock my body of the excess' that were my vacation. I am back to being sensible again.
  • 2tall4thisworld
    2tall4thisworld Posts: 123 Member
    Height 5'10"

    HW- 183.1 lbs
    SW June- 180 lbs
    SW July-177.9 lbs
    SW August- 174.2 lbs

    September 1st- 168 lbs
    September 4th- 172 lbs
    September 8th-
    September 11th-
    September 15th-
    September 18th-
    September 25th-
    September 29th-

    Revised September Goal 164.0

    Ugh, I was dreading posting this...I really didn't want to admit to my over eating. 2 days turned into 5 days which turned into a whole week of over eating... I'm embarrassed. I feel like I let myself down, and I'm also embarrassed to share it with you all. I'd be lying if i said I didn't care what other people thought of me. I did have a non scale victory over the weekend. I climbed really well. And I am in some of the best climbing shape of my life. I was on a total high of feeling so strong after my climbing session, that I decided to celebrate again with a ton of food.... :neutral:

    I'm frustrated with myself. I was feeling good a couple of weeks ago, and it's like for some reason I decided to undo what I worked so hard for. Almost as if because I hit 167, I deserved to eat whatever I wanted. The reality is 167 was only half way to my long term goal. I think my ego go too inflated. I'm not sure whats up with me. I want to get it in check though. These weight spikes really make me feel out of control.
  • bringbackthejoy
    bringbackthejoy Posts: 255 Member
    @2tall4thisworld : Please don't beat yourself up. The mental part of this journey is the hardest. We have all been there. It's not about perfection. For me, it's a series of recoveries. Forgive yourself and be kind. Imagine what you would tell a friend in this predicament. Give yourself the same courtesy. You are doing so well!! Hugs from afar.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    @2tall4thisworld: Don't beat yourself up. You'll be fine. Once you switch back to a normal diet it will drop off. You'll probably find that a fair amount is water weight given that bad foods tend to be high in sodium. And follow what @bringbackthejoy has said in her post.

    @bringbackthejoy, I know what you mean about shocking your body after excesses.

    Welcome all you newbies! Seems that people are starting September off well!

    I was relatively good at the weekend, but it was my birthday on Monday and I ate too much, drank too much (cocktails), and as a result I weighed 170.6 yesterday morning. But I was good yesterday in terms of calories (not healthy options, but certainly under my calorie goal) and as a result I have managed to drop back to pre-holiday weight, so although only a small loss I am happy.

    PT tonight, hopefully a run on Thursday. Then Friday off prepping for a party at ours on Saturday. I'd best be good to make up for Saturday damage limitation...

    Height: 5'10"
    HW: 183lbs
    SW September: 169lbs (last August weigh in)
    Ultimate goal: Around 154lbs
    September goal: Sub 165lbs
    Body fat goal for September: Sub 26.7%

    26th April: 179.4lbs - Body fat: 29.6%
    31st May: 173lbs – Body fat: 28.2%
    28th June: 170.6lbs - Body fat 27.6%
    26th July: 168lbs - Body fat 26.9%
    2nd Aug: 166.8lbs - Body fat 26.8%
    9th Aug: 167.2lbs - Body fat 26.8%
    16th Aug: 169lbs - Body fat 27.2%
    23rd Aug: 168.6lbs - Body fat 27%
    31st Aug: 169lbs - Body fat 27.2%
    6th Sep: 168.6lbs - Body fat 27%
    13th Sep:
    20th Sep
    27th Sep

  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    My first weigh in of the month is disappointing, I'm 139.4lb today. I'm struggling so much with losing, I wish I didn't care what the scales say, but I do, it's not just that though, I am still unhappy with my below waist section. I guess I just need to persevere.

    SW 139.4
    GW 137 (for September)

    4/9/17 139.4lb

    Nothing disappointing about a flat week. After all, you haven't put on! What's up with your below waist section? My middle part (abdomen and back) is my problem area and I'm desperate to lose fat around there. It's hard though, so be kind to yourself as it will make the whole process easier!
  • RMC1995
    RMC1995 Posts: 67 Member
    Height 5'7"
    HW 150lbs
    GW 122lbs-124lbs
    September GW: 124lbs

    June Start: 144lbs
    June Finish: 141lbs
    July Start: 137lbs
    July Finish: 132lbs
    August Stater: 131 lbs
    August Finish: 128 lbs

    9/2: 127 lbs

    I'm a little confused because I thought I already posted this... but oh well! September is a big month for me - I have a ton of things going on at work, Sept. 30 is my 2 year anniversary and marks the 1 year count-down to my wedding! I just started my first year of Graduate School for my Masters in Public Health this month, and going to school part time while working full time is EXHAUSTING. My goal this month is to not lose my head - I need to continue eating healthy and re-start my workout program now that my knee is almost fully healed from an injury last month. I worry a bit about my food planning, since I will need to pack breakfast, lunch AND dinner for several days a week and pre-cook about 3 dinners a week to be micro-wave ready. That is very new to me, and I struggle a lot to get myself to eat microwaved foods. If anyone has recipes to recommend for this - I'd love to hear!

    I hope everyone is doing well - your stories continue to inspire me and fill me with determination to get *kitten* DONE. To everyone that slipped up at the end of this month and the beginning of this month - I'm in the same boat! Too many "cheat" meals/days! We've got this though - lets stay focused on the end goal!
  • KelseyRL
    KelseyRL Posts: 124 Member
    Height 5'10"

    HW- 186.4 lbs
    SW August- 177.4 lbs

    September 1st- 173.2 lbs
    September 6th- 175.4 lbs (all water weight)
    September 8th-
    September 12th-
    September 15th-
    September 19th-
    September 22th-
    September 26th-
    September 29th-

    September Goal- 169.9 lbs! (I'd be really happy to get out of the 170s)

    Happy September!

    I was supposed to check-in yesterday but the day got away from me. I’m up a little bit but we had a staff party on Sunday with a lot of beer and food so I’m not worried about it. It all fit within my weekly calorie goal and I got right back on track afterwards, so I just have to wait for the water weight to drop off.

    I’ve been trying to workout as much as I can. I’ve been aiming for HIIT twice a week and interval running (C210K) twice a week. Some weeks I don’t quite make all of them but I do my best. I work a lot of extra shifts this week so time will be tight. I might not be able to workout as much as I’d like, but I’ll do what I can.

    @mrssunshine78 – The only thing you can do is keep at it. Change will come with time but you can’t force it happen on your schedule. Keep making ‘green-light choices’ (that’s what they call positive choices at my nephew’s school) and you’ll get there when your body’s ready.

    @briannanagell08 – Great job on getting so close to your goal! You’re almost there!

    @bringbackthejoy – It’s always hard to get back into things after a holiday. You’ll get there though, just give it some time and keep logging!

    @2tall4thisworld – Like we said on your status comments, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. We’ve all been there and completely understand. You can’t change the past, just work on making the next decision and only worry about that one. Then worry only about the next one. It’s just a collection of individual decisions and you have to take them one and time. You’ll get there. You have all the time you need.

    @rianneanamission – Happy Birthday!! Indulging on your birthday is totally acceptable and encouraged really. It sounds like you’ve been good at indulging while keeping your goals in mind which is a huge win!

    @RMC1995 – Sounds like you’ve got a lot going on girl! Congrats on starting your masters! I hear you on the “pack all 3 meals and make them all microwavable”. It sucks but it can be done. I usually just made a big batch of something for supper one of the nights I was home and then took the leftovers for the rest of the days. For breakfast, oatmeal or overnight oats worked well, and for lunches I would try to bring snacky things, like raw veggies, cheese slices, farmers sausage, hard boiled eggs, yogurt cups, different fruit, crackers, dried fruits and nuts, stuff like that. Then I could just grab something out of my bag when I had a minute and eat whenever I had time/felt hungry. Some things I would have more around breakfast time, some more toward dinner, but I just made sure I had enough food that I always had something if I felt hungry or snacky. I would weigh all the things as I was packing them and just log them all under lunch and not worry about having to control portions or anything. I knew that everything I packed was accounted for and I could just pull out and eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted.

    Good luck this week girls! We got this!
  • Tryingtogetfitdeb
    Tryingtogetfitdeb Posts: 294 Member
    My first weigh in of the month is disappointing, I'm 139.4lb today. I'm struggling so much with losing, I wish I didn't care what the scales say, but I do, it's not just that though, I am still unhappy with my below waist section. I guess I just need to persevere.

    SW 139.4
    GW 137 (for September)

    4/9/17 139.4lb

    Nothing disappointing about a flat week. After all, you haven't put on! What's up with your below waist section? My middle part (abdomen and back) is my problem area and I'm desperate to lose fat around there. It's hard though, so be kind to yourself as it will make the whole process easier!

    My below waist area is where I carry my fat, it is starting to go, but I'm just impatient!!
  • Tryingtogetfitdeb
    Tryingtogetfitdeb Posts: 294 Member
    @2tall4thisworld my weight is up and down all of the time, I get to a good weight and then relax and it goes back on, I really struggle with it too. Please don't be embarrassed about gaining, by putting it 'on paper' so to speak at least you're admitting it and now you can move on.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Yes to the impatience. Same here. Why can't I be skinny already? Because I like food way too much...

    Thank you for the birthday wishes @KelseyRL!

    @RMC1995, one pot meals such as risottos, chunky soups and chilli con carne are good for microwaving. What I like about risotto is that it is so easy to vary with flavours.
  • marylouquinn1
    marylouquinn1 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! I never posted here, but decided that I need some accountability.
    age- 56
    HW- 198
    GW- 140
    CW- 150

    My goal for September is 147, (which is what I weighed on August 1)!! I lost 30 pounds in 2016, but have been gaining and losing the same 4 pounds since last August- anyway, I need to bust through this plateau, and get to goal.
  • RMC1995
    RMC1995 Posts: 67 Member
    @KelseyRL I like that idea a lot, and I've been following that basic plan. For lunch I have a microwave, but dinner not so much so I've been packing peanut butter sandwiches and fruit yogurt with pretzels or apples as snack for dinner and then bringing typically "dinner" foods for lunch. As soon as I am down to weight and have a bit more wiggle room with my calorie intake I want to switch to cheese or meat and cheese sandwiches - they are just so much more appealing! I've only tried Chinese stir fry, Cheeseburger Hamburger Helper and a sour cream and chive baked potato so far, but its going ok. I get annoyed that I am not too hungry at lunch though, and have to try and get myself to eat this bigger meal, when I know I'll be hungrier at dinner and only get cold food haha.

    @rianneonamission I love the ideas of chili and hearty soups as a meal. I worry a little bit about the sodium content in the soups though - I don't typically cook it myself when I have soup - I buy canned. Do you have any good soup recipes to recommend? I eat everything except seafood (so no shrimp, scallop, clam or lobster soups). Feel free to DM me!

    @marylouquinn1 welcome to the group!

    @glassofroses @mrssunshine78 I totally get you - I do so well when I weigh myself regularly - it is not even hard to watch what I am eating and how much I exercise because in the back of my mind I know I will be held accountable by the numbers later - so I moderate. As soon as I swear off the scale though, I find myself saying "Oh I'll indulge just TODAY" or "just THIS meal" for EVERYDAY and EVERY meal. I turn into a "please your self monster" and unsurprisingly gained like 15 pounds in a year because of that.
  • 2tall4thisworld
    2tall4thisworld Posts: 123 Member
    edited September 2017
    Thank you ladies for being so supportive during my down week! For the last few days I've been thinking about all of your replies, and it has really helped me push through! I even forgot my running shoes for the gym a couple days ago, and then pushed myself to run 2 miles outside once I got my shoes, which i neeeeever do.

    @bringbackthejoy I really liked what you said about a series of recoveries. That really helped put it in perspective. thank you!!! :)
    @rianneonamission i'm glad you had a happy birthday! You totally deserve it. Thank you for your kindness.
    @RMC1995 good luck with your start of school!! And congratulations on already being so close to your goal!
    @KelseyRL you have such a positive outlook. Whenever I read your posts, it helps me see the bigger picture in my own fitness goals and life. Thank you!!
    @mrssunshine78 you know my struggle! It's definitely I think more common with women. I think the random peaking and dips are highly attributed to our hormones, and cycle. Ughhhhh I'm trying to remember the general trend for me has been downward. And getting over these peaks usually means theres a valley up ahead!

    One of you said on my status, that we all just have one pound to lose. That also really stuck with me. I get overwhelmed by the magnitude of my goals instead of realizing the tiny victories that have already occurred.
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    The scale and I aren't currently on speaking terms because I don't need that negativity in my life. I mean we're all aware of the *kitten* backwards situation I'm in and I thought. I thought a large pizza from Pizza Hut (eaten completely by myself), fries, chicken wings, garlic bread, a slice of Bakewell tart, biscuits and stress Twixes would gain me some weight but I am in fact less than before I ate the pizza 4 days later. So I get on, I log and I forget about it.

    Thing is, if you're logging and weighing your food and being truthful about it you know you're going to lose weight. You don't need a scale for that. I was attempting to 'intuitively eat' like I wasn't a formerly obese person who loves food. Ha. Also my mum went into hospital and I ate several bags of Haribo. 100g Haribo. So I needed that accountability to turn around and say, stop shoving it in you womble. The joke is that weighing myself doesn't bother me in the slightest. I get more frustration out of it now that I'm trying to gain than I ever did trying to lose. Mostly I just throw my hands up like my doctors can see me in the universe and I'm like LOOK. THIS CANNOT BE NORMAL. :lol:

    My favourite soup, btw @RMC1995 , is one where I put two vegetable stock cubes (low sodium if that's what you like) into a saucepan, add whatever vegetables I like and boil it until they're mushy and whiz it. I like butternut squash, rutabaga (swede) and carrot with paprika. I just get one of each and a bag of carrots and try and fit them in to my pan. I am super level 1 basic. :lol:
  • Tryingtogetfitdeb
    Tryingtogetfitdeb Posts: 294 Member
    edited September 2017
  • Tryingtogetfitdeb
    Tryingtogetfitdeb Posts: 294 Member
    Good weigh in today. I feel like I deserve this loss, I have eaten pretty well and have exercised frequently. Please self do not stuff up this week!!!

    SW 139.4
    GW 137 (for September)

    4/9/17 139.4lb
    8/9/17 137.6

  • 2tall4thisworld
    2tall4thisworld Posts: 123 Member
    edited September 2017
    Height 5'10"

    HW- 183.1 lbs
    SW June- 180 lbs
    SW July-177.9 lbs
    SW August- 174.2 lbs

    September 1st- 168 lbs
    September 4th- 172 lbs
    September 8th- 169.1 lbs
    September 11th-
    September 15th-
    September 18th-
    September 25th-
    September 29th-

    Revised September Goal 164.0 (not sure if this is still reasonable, but I'm gonna keep it as my goal for now)

    Way to go @mrssunshine78 !! You DO deserve this loss. You've been working your butt off. I feel like we were struggling at the same time last week, and then we both turned it around at the same time. Thank you for motivating me!
    @glassofroses GAH I wish I knew more about what it takes to gain weight so that I could give you some helpful tips. You are already I'm assuming pretty toned because of all of your training. I wonder if there are some bars, or shakes you could also incorporate into your routine. I'm sure you've already tried everything though! I think taking a break from the scale is probably best in your situation.
    @GoldenEye_ welcome back! we missed you!

    I worked HARD to get that cheat week weight off. Feeling really happy about it. My body is finally leveling out from all of the sodium and sugar intake. I'm going to make a conscious effort to do my runs outside this weekend, when i don't have access to my company fitness center. Have a happy weekend everyone!!