kmca1803 Member


  • Thank you for your very informative post! Its looks really good. I will definitely have to investigate making this in the future when I'm not moving house so frequently.
  • Thank you! I'm interested in learning to make my own miso as you mentioned that you do, but just haven't been able to make the time to do it yet. Do you have a recipe or website that you learned from?
  • I'm learning how to prepare my own sashimi as I love it so much. My agedashi tofu in dashi broth is also pretty good!
  • This is a reply I have previously given elsewhere to a similar question that may help. The bowel urgency and cramps after fasting is probably just the gastrocolic reflex kicking in. Its quite common for some people doing extended fasting. It's a bit complex, but the very short explanation is basically your GI tract becomes…
  • I have incorporated extended fasting into my lifestyle with a bit of practice - usually Sunday night to Friday night. I only drink water, coffee, herbal teas and homemade broth - no sweeteners or cream, etc. I had to work up to 5 day fasts but it fits in well with my weekday schedule. I find it very free-ing in a lot of…
  • Most days I naturally incorporate some form of IF because I usually eat between 8:30-4:30, on days where I'm super hungry in the AM I'll have something earlier. What kind of IF have you found benefits you the most? 16:8?[/quote] I used to do 20:4 mostly because I sort of fell into it and it fit with my work hours…
  • If fat loss is a concern would some intermittent fasting fit into your lifestyle? PCOS and insulin resistance go together, intimately and the only way I could get my body to use it's own fat stores was to incorporate fasting into my keto/low carb WOE. Admittedly your health situation is more complex than mine, and there…
  • I just grab some water, and have some cheese and nuts. Its more about the fluids for me. As a previous poster mentioned its about not fainting when you leave!
  • Will you be driving there? Put a cooler in your car with whatever you want to eat and when you excuse yourself for a bathroom break just eat your food quickly in your car. I have made more than one quick protein shake, or scarfed down a little container of avocado and meat in this way over time. I assumed that my absence…
  • “The Advocate” (INFJ-T) - the rarest, apparently. Though I don't feel I can be compared to Nelson Mandela or Mother Teresa on many, many levels! I wonder if mood and state of mind when completing the test significantly influences the result. I've completed it in an annoyed and a relaxed mood, and while there were obvious…
  • I did notice that on her web page the faqs have quite a few spelling mistakes in them and some of the other sections have poor grammar and flow. I can definitely see how it might be hard to follow for some people. This alone would be a warning sign to me on any web site, as I would be more likely to subscribe to or join a…
  • I have fallen off the wagon for nearly a year now after years of keto health and benefits, and have reaped the expected rewards of that time to get to what is probably my highest weight ever. As a long time MFP lurker (810 MFP days and counting!)and extremely infrequent commenter, its now time to return to the welcoming…
  • These are pretty good. The site also has other good faux carb recipes.
  • Melbourne, Australia. Where are all my fellow Aussies? I've lived all over the world, but have never visited the USA which is heavily represented by all the fellow MFP people here. It's definitely high on my to do list though!
  • For me, it is totally worth it! I use a TBS of MCT oil, butter and an egg in my bulletproof coffee and it really does give me incredible energy and clarity for many hours. Coconut oil (while delicious) doesn't give me the same energy boost as MCT does. I can often not be hungry till mid or late afternoon after a cup of…
  • Moving Comfort Maia. Keeps the girls anchored in place!
  • 1 tbs MCT, 1 tbs unsalted butter, 1 egg yolk, sweetener of choice if desired and cinnamon sprinkled on top. Hot coffee milkshake! Nom nom nom......
  • These! Nuts and dairy stalls me out immediately and kicks me out of ketosis (I think I get an elevated insulin response to them). And Quest bars are the devil - the delicious, addictive devil! They are not very common and very, very expensive comparatively here in Aus so that helps, but if I bought a box I could eat 4 in a…
  • This! Our adaptability is a blessing and a curse. It feels great to achieve but I have to catch myself sometimes when I'm trying to manipulate this WOE to fit what I want, instead of what works. Having said that, dealing with the worst carb hangover ever and diarrhoea the next day often helps me catch myself. Soooo not…
  • I adore dairy foods, but they stall me out. My blood sugar rises on them (particularly cheese) and I drop out of ketosis quickly. I love cream too, but overeat it far too easily. I'm not a fan of the taste of the common keto milk substitutes so have just given them a miss. Definitely a YMMV thing though.
    in dairy Comment by kmca1803 October 2015
  • This has happened to me every.single.time that I have started low carb or keto. (Which has happened a few times over the years, have fallen off the wagon and been in situations where I couldn't eat as I wished.) It usually lasts a few weeks at the start when I'm really ketotic or if I'm HIIT training or doing really…
  • I didn't want to hijack the OP's original thread! I lurk on the forums and rarely comment anymore because its just not worth the arguments. I spend a lot of time at work arguing, educating and convincing people re: their health and I just can't do it any more after a long day, especially in my own time! Also, ultimately my…
  • I think we are so indoctrinated into the cult of eating at regular pre-assigned times that initially when we don't feel hunger any more we get worried! Until you are used to the way of eating that is low carb/keto and realise that its ok to listen to your body and eat when you're hungry and skip 'regular' mealtimes it can…
  • That low carb or keto is not actually a magic weight loss bullet. There is science behind it. You can't just gorge on fat, as you still need to have some sort of calorie deficit if fat loss is your aim. But that low carb and keto are the best ways to get there if done properly and consistently, and that the health benefits…
  • Eat lots of healthy grains and carbs to "fill you up".
  • Both. I got a dexa scan to get exact data on BMR, fat percentage and also because I was curious about my bone density. I also have a blood ketone meter that I used religiously morning and night for a period of time to assess how foods and other factors affect ketosis. I learned a lot, including the fact that just because…
  • Its not huge here in Australia, but is available online. I can get 6 bottles of readymade for $96! Sadly we trump even your costs here. Its the same with most low carb/keto/sugarfree foods that I see being discussed on the forums- it either is not available or is shipped in small quantities to a few select shops or…
  • Take the tablets. You're obviously suffering. They won't be forever, and you need to be functional. I have had hip bursitis (both sides) for about a month now and had to stop my HIIT, lifting and pretty much every other exercise I like to do. Last week, I had to get cortisone injections into both as the pain was too…