

  • I'll play. I'm not aiming for a bikini for this summer, but I'll be very excited to feel comfortable in a bathing suit! My mini goal is 10 more pounds gone by Spring Break vacation to Arizona. Then I'll set my next goal for my anniversary in April. Baby steps... Good luck everyone. My weigh day is Tuesday, so I'll post…
  • Remember this feeling and when you have a bad day or week, pull out the memory and get happy again! Good luck!
    in "Skinny" Comment by acolley January 2010
  • Good luck. Now is a good time to be a good role model. My daughters are teens and have seen me struggle all their lives. I re-dedicated myself to a healthy eating plan today! I have 2 months to a ski trip and 14 months to a possible 25th anniversary trip to Hawaii. I have many pounds to say goodbye to before then. Stay…