Hi there.

Just wanted to introduce myself and say hi. My name is Liz and I am a stay at home mom to three girls ages 6, almost 3, and 3 months. I would really like to get down to my pre-husband weight again. Although I set my goal lower than that because in those days I was pretty muscular so I weighed more than I looked. I doubt I'll ever be that muscular again so I need to weigh less! Does that make sense?? Basically, I'd like to be a size 10-12 again! Plus I really want to be a good role model for my daughters. I don't want them to face the struggles with weight my husband and I have. Now a days there is a lot more nutritional information out there than our parents had to offer us. Anyways, I'm looking forward to getting to know you all and having support in this challenge.


  • acolley
    Good luck. Now is a good time to be a good role model. My daughters are teens and have seen me struggle all their lives. I re-dedicated myself to a healthy eating plan today! I have 2 months to a ski trip and 14 months to a possible 25th anniversary trip to Hawaii. I have many pounds to say goodbye to before then.

    Stay motivated and focused on your goal. That's the key!
  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    Just wanted to introduce myself and say hi. My name is Liz and I am a stay at home mom to three girls ages 6, almost 3, and 3 months. I would really like to get down to my pre-husband weight again. Although I set my goal lower than that because in those days I was pretty muscular so I weighed more than I looked. I doubt I'll ever be that muscular again so I need to weigh less! Does that make sense?? Basically, I'd like to be a size 10-12 again! Plus I really want to be a good role model for my daughters. I don't want them to face the struggles with weight my husband and I have. Now a days there is a lot more nutritional information out there than our parents had to offer us. Anyways, I'm looking forward to getting to know you all and having support in this challenge.

    That definitely makes sense and that is a good goal. I am new here as well and I am setting my goal lower than what I weighed at the point I was happiest because for 1 I do want to get beyond that but also I was almost completely muscle like you said. Being a good role model is definitely important, especially starting while they are so young! There definitely is a ton of information as well as support. I am here if you need anything-tips, ideas, etc. I am still learning but I have learned A LOT in the past two years considering I knew absolutely nothing previous to that besides living life and being active. Good luck with your goals, set your mind to it and you will definitely succeed. Just make sure you set realistic goals for yourself while considering everything that is going on in life, because that is one mistake I have often made which always set me back a bit.