

  • Being upset with your self is the worst you can do . as many has said dust your self off . Log it all so you can see it and wont repeat it . ANd most of all co-workers are the worst . Stick with your plan and start choosing better foods if you must order out .. dont beat your self up that just causes a downward motion ..…
  • well your in the right place .. seems like were all here for the right reason .. add me if you would like
  • thanks for the well wishes , To all that have asked I was over 400 pounds a few years ago . I had lost my mom to lung cancer and my sister to overian. My sister was my best friend so that really through me into depression . My oldest son and his wife (now my best friend) came to the resue . They asked me to move to GA and…
    in hello Comment by jetama1 January 2011
  • hahahahah they have , I could only wish to look like her thanks for that
    in hello Comment by jetama1 January 2011
  • the best thing I have found lately is using spagetti squash , I have eatten it as spaggetti and have made a pasta salad with it ( well my daughter in law did ) yummy. really easy to make and it stores well . matter of a fact i ate it in place of rice with my chili .. great way to trick your brain and its good
    in hello Comment by jetama1 January 2011
  • I say drink ....drink ... your Muscle are screaming for hydration